Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Swim Fans

I’ve been so caught up in my own blah blah blah that it wasn’t until THIS WEEK that I finally watched the “Nyad” trailer and, damn, if I’m not extra excited to see this movie now. Not that I wasn’t excited when they announced that Annette Benning would be playing Diana Nyad and Jodie Foster would co-star as her longtime best friend, training partner and expedition coach Bonnie Stoll. But to see them together looking like two older sporty dykes? A grateful lesbian nation salutes you.

I’ve read a couple reviews, all glowing. I was happy to hear that it appears their queerness is acknowledged which, I mean I have eyes, I can see that just by looking at them. I mean the wrap-around sports glasses and sports bra quotient alone is like I stumbled onto the Lido deck of an Olivia Cruise. But this isn’t a romance, but about a longtime friendship and partnership. If you can think of the last lesbian movie without a romance, well, it might take you a while.

The other thing I was heartened to hear is the movie doesn’t make Diana out to be a saint. Her recent anti-trans advocacy around trans atheletes has been very unwelcome to hear, to say the least. But her flaws, of which there are apparently many, aren’t shied away from in the film from what I’ve read so far. And that’s good. The best biopics make their subjects humans, not just heroes.

And then, of course, there’s Jodie Foster in a sports bra. Like, look at her abs. Look at her arms. She is 60! Anyway, there’s a reason she was my first ever Weekend Crush. Still got it, Jodie. Still got it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

60 isn't old