Friday, September 13, 2019

My Weekend Crush

Full Disclosure: I’m not sure I love Lucy Liu as a blonde. But I totally love Lucy Liu as Joan Watson.

For seven seasons Lucy played a gender-swapped Watson to Johnny Lee Miller/Ex-Mr. Angelina Jolie’s Sherlock Holmes. I’ve always enjoyed the series as a thoughtful crime procedural. “Elementary” wasn’t as gory as “CSI” or as scary as “Criminal Minds” or as silly as “Bones.” But it was smart and never as predictable as your average bag’em and tag’em shows.

I will miss her now that the show has ended. I will miss her and her suit game a lot. A lot a lot.

Part of what I loved was the dynamic between Lucy and Johnny. As Watson and Sherlock they just played well off of one another. And despite Sherlock’s aversion to emotions/on-the-spectrum behavior, you felt the genuine care and respect flowing both ways.

Plus, it was nice to see an accomplished Asian-American woman on television in a show that has nothing to do with her being a huge nerd, a math whiz or a tiger lady. I mean, sure, Joan was a surgeon - which is sorta nerdy. But, you know, mostly just brilliant. So thanks for seven seasons of Joan Watson. May there be so much more Lucy in all of our futures. Happy weekend, all.


Carmen SanDiego said...

Yes to everything you said. I’ll miss the suits most of all
Have a great weekend, DS

AK said...

Luv Lucy!