Who needs some good gay news only this week? I sure do. How about the long-awaited – at least by me – return of “The Old Guard.” Five years after the Charlize Theron action film debuted, the immortal gang is all back for more labrys-swinging ass kickery. To which I say, damn, took you long enough. Now, if you recall the 2020 original, it was Action Charlize at the peak of her game (and with a peak alternative lifestyle haircut). She returns with an even gayer haircut (hello, a wolf cut/mullet, come on) for the sequel and I cannot wait. Like make July 2 get here now. Immediately, if not sooner.
“Old Guard 2” has comic series creator Greg Rucka return with the screenplay and has director-producer Victoria Mahoney step in for the amazing Gina Prince-Bythewood as director. Mahoney is the first female director on a Star Wars film after serving as second unit director on 2019’s “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.” For good measure, she was also the first Black woman director in the Star Wars franchise history too. Also joining the cast for the sequel is none other than The Bride herself, Uma Thurman. Action Uma and Action Charlize? Seriously, is it July 2 yet?
I am also excited for the sequel to give us more of Charlize’s Andy and her ex-teammate/girlfriend/ride-or-can’t-die Quynh, played by Veronica Ngô. I feel like after being chained underwater for 500 years these two would have a lot to process. I hope not only with battle axes. Though, just as a reminder, this is how Charlize looks wielding one.
The Gif that keeps on giving
FINALLY!!! This is glorious news!
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