Thursday, December 07, 2023

Vacation Vixen: Natasha Lyonne

Honestly, it’s hard to think of another actress who could pull off this cover look. But Natasha, well, she can do anything because she is Natasha freaking Lyonne. Her career has been the remarkable one where she has been able to pull herself back from the stereotypical early protégée turned cautionary tale cycle, and come back even stronger. Basically, she is the female Robert Downey Jr., except without the waking up in a strange kid’s bed extremes and also there’s nothing extraordinary about men failing upward. That’s just their normal career trajectory. Anyway, damn I love me some Natasha Lyonne.


Carmen San Diego said...

National treasure Natasha Lyonne.

Anonymous said...

She is SO in a glass closet. She and Fred Armisen are 100000000000% in a very obvious lavender marriage together. I cringe every time I see some online twit-head call her "the most lesbian heterosexual ever" because uh, kids, is your gaydar broken? Or do they think everyone in 2023 is still ultra-vocally out? LOL.

This cover reminds me of one suggestive one with Joan Jett that I remember a male writer sardonically commenting was her way of saying "See this, boys? This is all you're ever gonna get to see." He was right, haha.

Anonymous said...

*"do they still think", not "is still".