Thursday, July 13, 2023

Gender Fuck Thursday: Every Body

This may be the most appropriate Gender Fuck Thursday post ever, in the truest sense ever. The filmmakers behind the RBG and Pauli Murray documentaries are back again. This time they turn their lenses toward the lives of intersex people, who by their very existence explode our society’s neatly defined gender binaries. We live in a nation where an entire political party is at war with the concept of different gender expression and identity, and intersex people are right there along those frontlines.

Funny how all the right-wing panic about gender affirming care for minors completely ignores the plight of those born intersex. Somehow, when it comes to making life-altering decisions about a minor’s health care that reinforces the existing gender binary it’s completely OK to do without their permission. But if it’s gender affirming care contrary to the existing binaries with the full agreement and consent of the minor in question, it is not OK. Got it, got it. Funny how that works.

The doc is making the theater rounds and then hopefully will be coming to a streamer near you soon. I hope it helps to reinforce the idea that gender is always more complex than our preconceived binary concepts of biology, and nature has proven that out in an infinite number of small and momentous ways since the beginning of time.

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