I could say so much about how the “Wonder Woman” film made me feel. Proud. Fierce. Joyous. Powerful. Excited. Important. Many have written many other wonderful things about the film (I suggest you give my friend Heather Hogan’s review a read if you want a more verbose take filled with eloquence and enthusiasm). And many others have marveled at the record-breaking impact of the film and its historic box office. Yes, I know, we had to endure Steve. Yes, of course, I would have happily watched 2.5 hours of Amazons training on the beach. But mostly I just want to say, quite simply, that the movie made me feel like this.
Yep, that’s it. Go see it, kittens. Maybe again and again. Have a wondrous Monday, all.
Why did it make you feel proud, joyous, fierce, etc. It's a damned movie with a hot leading actress. What's your point?
It was great! I love how she crossed no-man's land to save the village people. That's what true courage is. Fighting for those who can't fight for themselves.
Even Steve wasn't so bad. He
Omg I loved the movie! And I really liked this new Wonder Woman. I love how at certain points Steve or someone would try to quiet her down and get her to stop talking but she was like NUH UH WHAT I HAVE TO SAY MATTERS.
Also, hot amazons, soooooo...
I loved it! I loved it! I loved it! The no man's land seen made me go "woooo" in the theater.
I wanna see it again this week (or next, to help with the 2nd week box office)
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