Friday, June 28, 2024

My Weekend Crush

Please, like I was going to let Pride month slip away without celebrating my new bestie/acting savant Sarah Paulson. Not only did I see her in her limited run in the Broadway show “Appropriate” during my trip to New York earlier this month, I got to meet Sarah Paulson after her limited run in the Broadway show “Appropriate” during my trip to New York earlier this month. Which is also Pride month. Yes, yes, she was amazing! brilliant! magnetic! on stage and lovely and kind outside at stage door. Truly, that whole night was a little Pride miracle. As we finish off the month, it's a memory I know I will be reminiscing about for many, many Prides to come. Happy last weekend of Pride, all. Make it memorable.


Helena said...

Can't help but feeling a little bit jealous:) Have a lovely weekend Dorothy.

Shasta said...

Oooooh what a treat!!

Carmen San Diego said...

How awesome
Have a great pride weekend DS