There are several reasons for this, but mostly it’s that I am an intensely private person. I was a very shy child, grew into pretty shy teenager and have spent my adult life – through chosen profession and personal work – trying to overcome the inclination. But, believe me, it’s hardwired. Still simple aversion to the spotlight isn’t the only reason. I think when you don’t know what the author looks like, it make you focus more on the words. Now, this could be good or bad depending on the quality of the words. But visuals are so powerful, they make it easy to project personality and prejudge. And finally, I stay anonymous because everyone loves a mystery. Using one’s imagination is hot.
But, in the interest of further disclosure, here are five true things about me that you may (though more than likely may not) have known:
1. I am Asian-American (but then, I’ve mentioned that before).
2. I have long hair. No, really long. OK, not Crystal Gayle long, but long.
3. I wear at least four pieces of jewelry every day: Three earrings and a silver ring I’ve had since high school.
4. I never wear dresses. The last time was to a friend’s wedding – we are no longer close.
5. I have pointy ears. Not Spock pointy, just friendly woodland elf pointy.
So there you have it – a little more about me, your humble host. As always, these kinds of milestones make me stop and reflect. I’ve spent the same amount of time writing this blog as I did in college. Man, you’d think I’d get a diploma or at the very least a bronzed beer bong or something. But, in all seriousness, it still boggles my little mind to think that what started as a whim four years ago has grown into this. I am continually and eternally thankful that you come back day after day and share your stories and humor and disagreements and joy with me. So, thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for emailing. Thank you for following me on Twitter. Four more years? We’ll see. But it has been my great pleasure to have you along with me for the last four.
happy blogiversary! totally enjoy reading your blog, please keep enjoying writing it!
Happy Birthday to you Ms. Snarker!! Keep up the great work. I can't start my day without coming by your page. You are like my delicious internet coffee. Sure I could go without it some mornings, but why? :-)
Thank you from the bottom of my lil lezzie heart <3
Ok...what I meant to say was...
Happy blogiversary to you Ms. Snarker!! Keep up the great work. I can't start my day without coming by your page. You are like my delicious internet coffee. Sure I could go without it some mornings, but why? :-)
Thank you from the bottom of my lil lezzie heart <3
Happy blogiversary! I don't believe I have ever commented on your blog but I want to thank you for posting it every day. Reading it has become a ritual I follow before starting my work day. Speaking for myself, it makes the workplace a much happier place.
Thank you again
Just like CAB and G Funk, reading your blog is part of my morning ritual. So thank you for making this night owl a little less of an angry person in the morning ;)
Happy blogiversary! And many mooooore!
Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for writing to and for us everyday. You are Amazing!!! I hope you never go weary of being Ms. Snarker.
Can you at least put up a picture of the elf ears? But seriously folks, congratulations and many, many happy returns, cause now that I've found this site, I'm addicted.
Well well, Ms. Snarker, happy blogiversary. More than just a little impressive, I must say, and you certainly have put more of your time and effort into this than I EVER put into college.
Congratulations, and if you're around for another four years, then so am I.
happy Bl-irthday! Here's to m-our years of blogging...cheers!
Happy blogiversary!
4 years on posting in spite of defeats, in spite of sadness, in spite of tiredness, in spite of everything... thats a lot even if you are not a cat ;)
As Norma Desmond said before if you are around for another 4 years so am i.
Happy Blogiversary! :D I was so thrilled to find out your blogiversary is tomorrow as it coincides with my one-year celebration. Cheers to delightfully queer blogettes and their way with words. :D
I've been really busy drooling over Yvonne Strahovski myself for the last week or so, watching Chuck once again.
And that's really bad for my exams next week...
Anyway, Happy blogiversary!
I only stumbled upon your blog this year, but I've since returned on a daily basis as well as telling all my friends about it, too. Here's to another great year!
Also, I don't care what you look like, the Crystal Gayle reference alone guarantees I would love you no matter what.
i agree with the others...your blog is definitely one of the best parts of my day. this is the second page (the first being my email) that i visit as soon as i log onto the internet.
so, happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary Dorothy!
As for the tid bits...yeah, mystery is good. And I can make you up in my head :)
I reckon you're a hot librarian and you wear glasses...how about that!
Happy Blogiversary!
Unfortunately I discovered the blog only a year ago, but I very much enjoy reading it since. And I am happy, that you enjoy writing it, too, it makes reading the blog even better ^^
Urgh! It totally suks that we might not get a chance to see you, but youre soooo right about the mystery factor. It's terrible because there's always that feeling of ??? but soo so so right. Love you Snarker and I promise that I will continue to read your blog in four years as religiously as I do now.
Congrats! I visit your blog on a daily basis and follow you on twitter. Keep on writing and we'll keep on reading! Thanks so much!
Happy blogiversary \(^_^)/. Your blog is the first thing I read after coming home from work. that is, unless I get the chance to start early with my favourite reading at the office. I read the funny parts aloud to my partner, so we can both enjoy. As so many have stated: please keep writing, we'll keep reading.
Happy Anniversary, Ms. Snarker!
Four years! Has it really been so long? And I've been reading since (more or less) three years now - each and every day, and I enjoyed every new post of yours immensely.
I love your writing, your wit, your wisdom and I hope all three will be part of my daily life for the next four years, too.
This being said, here are two things I'd like to say:
Make the "5 things you may or may not know about me" a tradition - post 5 more next year! It would really be something to look forward to!
Even though I love the mystery of Ms. Snarker myself, I hope you are still committed to your promise from two years ago:
Q: When will you post a picture of yourself?
A: When Jodie Foster tells a reporter: “Hell yeah, I’m gay. And I fucking love it … Also, Dorothy Surrenders is my favorite blog!”
... because, you know, it could happen ...
All the best, Ms. Snarker!
Your so welcome!!
I feel something different than other people's
comments but somehow let me read them all
and respond again.
nobody wants to stay long,
so you need to know the details details
that you never pay attention at all.
because sometimes symbolism and
simplified communication make things
very difficult and miscommunication
that lead into chaos.
exactly how I feel through all the times.
Happy Birthday... how exciting, the blog is almost old enough for school!
let me talk about your blog birthday,
which sounds great!
I love to come,
happy blog birthday ds!
always great thanks for your labor and entertain
sometimes cap off posting, emotionally bother
posting, artistic lovely one with ladies, ladies~
but in general,
kind of makes me feel having a friend~
like daily communicate, although it's not
direct, and actually nobody knows even me
and I guess you, what we're talking about.
just talk.
I mean you're surely know what you're posting
but I mean we assume understand each other
which is maybe not true.
but I like to talk. :)
anyway thanks,
it's kind of surprise that you're asian ameri,
I found out another art blog that I like to come
over, I thought the person could be western person, but on a posting there is actual name of
the blogger mentioned on real book.
so, kind of fooled me, very shock!
but good thing is that I did respond politely,
and very generally leaved comment.
so I could avoid very embarrassing situation.
thank you! have a great day!
yay! congratulations, and thanks for all the photos of hot women. in addition to often insightful words and wit, the boobs are what keep me coming back. :)
Now I know some key things about you that make me weak in the knees. I imagine you with elfin ears in a tank top, i-phone in hand, spreading warmth & wit to your besotted fans. Keep it up Snarker!
Thank you from Denmark.
I came across your blog when I first came out to my family. I am from a small town in Montana and didn't have anywhere to go or anyone to turn to for help. Your blog truly and totally helped me with my sexual identity and made me feel comfortable knowing there are other lesbians out there. Not just me. :) This is the first page I hit in the morning, and cannot start my day without you. Thank you for your wit, humor and very sexy pictures of ladies! (but seriously, get some Megan Mullally action going on)
Happy blogiversary Ms. Snarker!!
Reading your blog always makes me smile. You're so funny! Keep posting.
Your spanish fan
I truly love this blog and your writing! It's a daily stop for me! -Kathleen
I really don´t care if you never post a picture of yourself. It´s your choice and I respect it, because I do like privacy myself. Your blog/words is/are "refined" (not rude, or crude or vulgar). And your sarcasm is just enchanting as your Vulcan heritage! Live long and prosper!!!
Happy blogiversary! I found your blog about two and a half years ago, and ever since then it's been my favorite. Thank you for sharing your smarts, your humor, and your delicious taste in women with us day after day. And thank you for sharing those little tidbits about yourself. It's fun to learn a little fact about you from time to time.
oooo - elfin is sexy! Maybe you should shoot for PhD timeframe ;)
Happy blogiversary! I read all your posts, though seldom do I comment. Reading your blog has become part of my evening ritual (I'm from the southern hemisphere). Just after dinner I click to your page for my daily dose of wit and wisdom, and let's face it, hot chicks in tank tops. I promise to keep reading so long as you keep writing.
Much love and well wishes.
From your Australian fan
happy blogiversary. shouldn't it be blogaversary? anyway, why don't you post an artistic portrait of yourself? it could be all picasso-like...could be fun! :D
Great job on 4 years strong! You honestly have the best blog I've ever seen.
Happy Anniversary, Ms. Snarker & blog. And, for pleasure's sake, many happy more!
You light up my life...you give me hope...to carry on...
Love visiting you every day! Happy Anniversary.
congrats! happy 4th!
happy blogiversary!! You are one of the high points of my day. Thank you for all of your hard work and sharing your sense of humor and of beauty. Blog on! :)
Congratulations! Thanks for the fun, the interesting thoughts and the tank tops. Oh, and Naked Lady Monday. I love Naked Lady Monday!
Happy 4th, Ms. Snarker! You are part of my post-work unwinding process. I am totally on board with the privacy and mystery concepts, and know that putting so much of yourself out there through your writing can probably feel emotionally risky at times. But as one of your dedicated servants, I say thank you for the daily entertainment!
Four Years!! My how time flies when you're having good snark! I discovered you when you first posted those wonderful L Word previews, and have been a delighted reader/follower ever since. Also, I'm happy that you're writing more for "AE" and expanding your body of work to include interviews. So, congratulations and thank-you!
Happy blogiversary, Miss Snarker! :o)
Every single time I go online the first things I check are my e-mail and your blog. Your blog comes before Facebook to me. That's some power right there. ;o)
- GG
This blog is part of my morning ritual as well. I don't think I've ever commented before, but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed every second. Thank you for all the drool-worthy photos, the occasional well-deserved indignation, and the general awesomeness. Kudos!
I get caught up about once a week on your blog on my home computer so that I can salivate over all the gorgeous women without my coworkers wondering what the heck I'm looking at! I love your writing and sense of humor, too!
Happy blogiversary. I sincerely look forward to many more years of unashamed perving on pictures of hot women.
I mean, you do other good stuff but...yes, the women.
You get me.
CONGRATS Ms. Snarker!! Happy 4 years and counting. I LOVE,LOVE LOVE your Blog. Funny, witty, well written, intelligent and full of thought provoking and drool-worthy content! Bless You! You have played a key part in my "Bi" realization!
P.s. thanks & Kudos for the 5 little known things about you. I agree w/ power of Mystery and can empathize with the shy thing.I still find saying how I really feel online w/ a tad of anonymity - still hoping for a peek at the elfin ears ;0)
Be Well, sweetfire
I've been reading your blog ever since I came out, and that was over 3 years ago. Thank you for the all the words of wisdom, and pictures of glory.
hey, ds, lots of comments, :)
I was thinking about yesterday,
you said you wanna run for four years more?
I'm positive cus I like to come day by day,
but what I thought, what about a little polish
like a place that more like one step further maybe?
I do like to know what do you feel and think about
pop culture in a pink lady's view point,
but like other site that has lots of resources,
and also something critical view, issues,
& have some two or three writers who has different
part that can cover.
not like boring, never want to come,
some people comment that they came here
when they came out,
if you google, I don't know about now, but
there are less positive and informative sites
about pink ladies culture that I thought
something wrong.
I think this idea is depends on how much time
you can invest for the work cus, when it starts
grow it's hard to make it small, it just...
just my idea :)
nice weekend~ eeeee whooooo~~~~~!
i ate delicious pizza that's why i'm happy now!
Awww!! Congrats! It's one of the few sites I look forward to reading every day!
That cake from the second blogiversarry looks really yummy now I want some :-(
Happy blogiversary, and many more ... I hope!
i forgot to say this,
good morning DS!
I'm positive about your running some
form of media?
it doesn't mean personally something for me.
how i feel since i came over this place,
and through time,
it's like you draw your own line toward some point
(I think all we're getting old)
and me draw my own line toward same point
(I'm of course getting old)
but, the lines are parallel, will go through enterally
without touch each other.
and about other excuse,
why it's four years!
yes, before I say anything,
things make me very difficult through time,
in real life cus of evils.
and what I did all was just daily visit a blog
that I like and generally use of internet,
but what happened to me in real life is kind
of psychotic. which is never forgivable.
I observed that whoever face that kind of thing
they all hate and express anger.
so my huge anger inside somewhere is
very common thing.
the point is that if you guide well with little help
you'll save time, but if you tackled forever times
whoever you're, even you're totally american,
it's very difficult to follow the way.
one day I was looking for an office, I had the address and I know where it is, but in real road
I was confusing and asked people around,
a woman told me the direction that was opposite
where I want to go, but I did cus I trust,
so walked sometime, doubt came up my mind,
I asked another woman who was passing by me,
she said, you got a right person! and
takes out her iphone in her pocket!
we know that machine is very right when is about
dealing information like that.
she showed me how to get there, it took just a second and laugh and went her way,
of course I blessed her, and I found it just few min
walk. It's just like that simple.
awesome awesome awesome! 3 cheers!
Happy blogday aniversary :)
Only the best for you. Good luck in the future.
Happy blogiversary! Hi from Vladivostok, Russia, it really nice blog! Thank you!
Thanks for writing this fantastic blog and for the mad PhotoShop skillz.
I was going to make a below the Ecuador joke, but let's just say that South American girls enjoy this blog a LOT. No really, thanks.
I make sure to visit every few days to catch up on things. This blog is many kinds of wonderful! Please, keep it up, from the insightful commentary to the pictures of lovely ladies, to that sense of welcome and community you always inspire. :)
Congrats, congrats, congrats!
Thanks for being a living guru of lesbian pop culture, I wish for this coming year the best.Please don't you ever ever stop posting!
¡Saludos desde México!
Happy, happy blogiversary!
I've been reading you since that very first year. I second what others have said -- having such a relentlessly awesome source of gay gal news and pictures and words and happiness has helped a lot in making me as comfortable in my skin as I am. You bring more joy in more ways than you know.
I've been reading you in Northern Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand...and soon back to Scotland again. This blog is one of my constants, no matter where I am. Thank you for it.
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