Given recent revelation about my penchant for no-nonsense
blondes with guns, it’s only natural that my obsession would culminate with a nice, steamy slow dance to the tune of Agent Sarah Walker. Stoic, yet caring. Kick-ass, yet conscientious. Sweet, yet steely. She is the reason I
finally gave in to the allure of “Chuck” and found myself forever converted to the Nerd Herd. I won’t lie, it also helps that Yvonne Strahovski is quite possibly the dictionary definition of a hottie. And if you think she is good when she is portraying an undercover American CIA agent, for the love of all that is good please listen to her as she unleashes her native Australia accent. Oh, and did I mention while hearing her Australian accent you can also see Yvonne in hotpants and a bikini? Yeah, you’re going to want to click play immediately.
That “Chuck” is on the bubble for renewal or cancellation is one of those great injustices of television. A show this fun and smart, action-packed and laugh-heavy deserves to fight on for another season. Plus any show that keeps The StraHOTski coming into my living room every week is a very, very good thing. So, please, won’t you join me on Monday in watching the
season finale with your Subway footlong. Save Chuck, TV gods. Happy weekend, all.
I guess I'll have to make myself eat Subway on Monday along with everyone else. Only for you, Chuck.
Losing Pushing Daisies was bad enough, but if Chuck goes too I'll be very sad.
I was just watching chuck and wishing that I could hear her accent...and seriously realized this was up just then...um...my brain is no longer functioning, so, uh, damn
oh, i wholeheartedly agree with you on this one ;)
As usual, excellent pick. I must admit, I was worshiping at the Temple of Strahovski before you, and I'm certainly glad you finally came around. That poor little show needs all the help it can get. All the shows I like seem to get canceled... maybe if I start pretending to hate it? I'll still drool over Strahovski, I'll just pretend to not like it. ;)
As every native says about our ex-pats - god she sounds so american... but i know she sounds a lot more aussie than you are all used to hearing. And she's hot - that never hurts. Thank you Miss Snarker.
Brilliant pick!(as always)
Somehow I have a feeling that NBC heads have already made their decision on the upcoming fall season and are just waiting for the May date to announce it. Nevertheless, I'm being hopeful that they've made a wise decision by renewing Chuck.
Help! video doesn't show up in explorer. Anyone know what I can do?
Love the show and LOVE Yvonne
Now that you're finally on the Chuck ship (and what a great ship this one is!), you're only missing the Otalia boat. We're waiting patiently for you!x)
Thank you for that video. Yvonne in a bikini top and those little shorts? *dies*
What's with the bathrobe though?! ;)
no thanks
Dang...I'm having a hard time reconciling the accent with the package since I only know her from Chuck. Now it's like I know TWO blond hotties!
She's so breathtakingly smoking, that I almost didn't giggle when she said "doo-doo"!
Chuck was just renewed for a third season. Oh, and if you think Yvonne is hot in pictures and on the show, it's nothing compared to being around her in person. She's so hot I can barely speak at times.
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