So one night I let my curiosity get the better of me and Googled her name. Which led me to YouTube. Which led me to “Mistresses.” Which led me to another sleepless night. I had heard about the BBC show before. I knew about its lesbian storyline. And I had even gathered it was pretty hot. Yet I had resisted. I don't know, the whole mistress thing sounded a little, um, trashy. But then I learned that Anna was part of its lesbian storyline and this, well, this I had to see. Curiosity is a very, very good thing. Anna Torv + a thumb ring + her real accent* = God bless The Internets. Happy weekend, all.
p.s. I know she is Rupert Murdoch's niece. But it's on his ex-wife's side. So you can't blame a gal for who her relatives marry.
p.p.s. Shelley Conn is, obviously, lovely too. Plenty of weekends, plenty of crushes.
p.p.p.s. Well, damn. Anna married her co-star over the weekend, and not the lesbian one. Sigh. But you can hear what I am hoping is really her real accent here, too. [*Will you forgive me, not only?]
Shelley Conn is *my* weekend crush - there's something so adorable about her. Have you seen Nina's Heavenly Delights? It's light and fluffy but has two absolutely gorgeous leads (Conn and Laura Fraser) who look lovely together.
"I'll stop the world and melt with you." What a great line in that song.
she has a bit of shirley Manson too...don't know what...
She kind of looks like a young Cate Blanchette, no?
Hot Hot Hot. Thanks Dotty!
Oooooo, Anna Torv! *swoon!*
I've had a crush on her since I saw my first episode of 'Fringe' with my roommate, and she and I argued over whose future wife she was (I won, lol).
But I'm a kiwi living in the US, so I can feel her pain about being from downunder yet surrounded by people with silly american accents ;)
All joking aside however, the woman can work a suit, and there's a screaming case of 'tomboy' about her.
Okay...you ALMOST caused me to get sucked into the abyss known as youtubing...but I stopped after only 3 videos!
Sensibility is damn sexy. Agent Dunham on Fringe reminds me a bit of Scully on The X-Files. Just smart and sexy and carrying a gun.
I haven't watched the Mistresses clip yet, but I'm snowed in today so I'll get to it :D
Dorothy Snarker, Goddess Bless YOU!
Nice! with four ****
ok five :)
Damn Netflix! They don't have Mistresses! I hadn't heard of it til now so I guess I've got a long afternoon of Youtube in front of me, eh?
true...but if you said Shelley Conn (great neice of Merle Oberon) well, yeaaaaaah...
I don't know who are these women but... hummmm.
I love Nouvelle Vague's version of 'Melt With You'. It's a perfect French (new wave) twist.
Anyway, back to the money. Anna Torv. Anna Torv. Anna Torv.
I remember watching Mistresses with my Mum on so many nights thinking 'G-d, I'm so glad she doesn't know what I'm thinking right now.' Since then, she knows what I'm thinking. And that's one reason on top of the zillion others, why I can't wait for series two. Bring. It. On.
I love me a bit of Sarah Parish too. I miss Cutting It. :(
British dramas are on the up. (Y)
Damn you, Ms. Snarker! You have added yet one more awesome and unattainable lady to my consciousness!!
She does certainly have a certain appeal, doesn't she? *Very* much like Ms. Blanchett, who I adore of course. A kind of gravitas and intelligence but a natural beauty and here I am waxing poetic......Damn, damn damn! LOL
*sigh* She's got "it" alright....
she's yummy.
Oh dear, Ms S. I'm afraid that is most definitely NOT her true accent (unless she's been living in London for five years taking elocution lessons from Kylie Minogue...). If you want to hear the accent of the land of her birth, go here:
this has nothing to do with your weekend crush but i found this website and wanted to pass it along--support gay and lesbian business! =D http://homomark.com
p.s. i totally <3 this blog. totally! ;D
erm... she just look like an uglier version of Cate Blanchett.
I have been crushing on Anna Torv since I started watching Fringe who *cough* which I am totally obsessed with. Her voice is sexy whether its her Aussie or American accent!
I'm going to pretend that she didn't get married because that is just dissapointing on so many levels :( It could have been a girl at least..especially after this weeks hot episode and finding out about her role on Mistresses. Though I do hope everything works out for her ..or I'm always available which is much better ^.^
And p.s. she really does look good in a suit! ...or kissing girls...either way she is increadibly beautiful!
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