Well, apparently, counting their money. Suze estimates the couple has a net worth of about $25 million. The author, TV host and motivational speaker said in the interview that she is frustrated that she can’t marry her partner and angered by the country’s unjust inheritance laws for gays and lesbians.
“It's killing me that upon my death, K.T. is going to lose 50 percent of everything I have to estate taxes. Or vice versa.”
I don’t know why, but this news surprised me. I guess because she is so ubiquitous, I never really considered Suze’s sexuality. Mostly I just wanted to change the channel every time she came on for shame of not having my own personal finances in order. But, now that I look at her carefully, Suze certainly has the hair for it. And, what appears to be a leather fetish. With her net worth and global domination, Suze is now the epitome of the power dyke.
Seriously? She didn't register on your gay-dar? She has the uber power dyke thing going on and I think I was even having a conversation not too long ago asking when Susie Orman was going to finally come out?!
About time, sister. About time.
I have to admit that I always wondered about her. Partly the hair, partly the unique fashion sense, and also the fact that the personal photos in one of her books (I forget which one) did not include any men...
She has a heterosexist view of virginity, though.
You have a fantastic blog. Thank you.
I totally agree with what June said about this being a heterosexist view of virginity. I would hope, though, that her comment was made in jest; it could have been intended as a joke.
I never had Suze in my gaydar! I don't know why.
I never would have thought. Regardless, I am proud of her to come out. I have always respected her work. I too, am so shameful of my finances being in order I changed the channel...it depressed me. I am Young, Fab, and Broke!
Somehow, she never registered a blip on my gaydar, and I had Rosie, Ellen, and Melissa pegged from long ago....
No matter...always happy to count a smart, successful woman as one of our own. I'm glad she had the guts to come out, and I hope she's not getting too much sh*t for it. I wrote her a thank you on her web site.
It's so important to have positive role models for young people who realize they are gay and feel very alone and depressed about it. Realizing you're gay makes you feel disconnected from the world you know - straight family and straight friends.
i saw her on Oprah last week and my gaydar went "beep beep." But i'm ashamed to say before Rosie came out, I had friends telling me she was a big gaymo, and I was like, "no way!!!" and I used to watch jer do stand up in the 80's in a tux.
I must say that I am shocked not that Susie Orman is Gay but rather that all the comments made by Gay women sound like comments I expect straight men & women to say. Her haircut and her style of dress are dead giveaways? Pha-leeze! I am a straight woman and I like, respect Susie for her financial sense. She has made a major contribution to the growth and development of women's Finacial quotient and money management, and accumulation of wealth. I never looked at her thinking or questioning her sexual orientation. And why is it important? Is it?
Well, I suppose I understand. I am Black and it's always irritating when a Black person skirts around the issue like Tiger Woods. It just makes you think, "What's that all about?" Still it is not a license for us to get in the mud with the mudslingers. What I'm really trying to say is, we minorities have to stop perpetuating the very crap that the majority instigates. Such stereotypes having to do with hairstyles,dress etc are limiting and devisive. For every woman who wears her hair like Susie, how many are Gay? Come on. And as for her fashion style, I love it. She's jazzy for the most part on her good days. Although today I watched her on TV and I wasn't feeling her look but hey, she's entitled to dress in a manner that makes her feel good.
She has made/is making millions and I'm stll working on acquiring mine. I listen to Susie Orman, and I am applying her advice and implementing her principles because she has a track record of success regarding what she advises others about.
So can we stop the small talk about silly things that really reflect the "catty" mentality that is often attributted to women and move forward with subjects like "Have you been following Susie's 8 Steps to wealth? And how is it working for you?"
Hit me back on that one and I'll be happy to further engage in a dialog with you.
I can see why Dorothys Surrender posted.. they are a slow pay,,, they need Susie Orman,,, Broke but happy
If she was that good of a financial planner, she'd open a charitable trust, gift money to it, get an income tax deduction for the gift, reduce her estate taxable estate, and the trust could buy life insurance to cover her partner, leveraging her money upon her death....and a charity of her choice would get a handsome remainder and immediate liquidity from credit against it. But...she ought to know that.
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