Monday, August 05, 2024

Music Monday: Hotties for Harris

Yes, I am fully coconut pilled. But then you know I’ve been on Team President Straight Bette Porter since, well, wayyy back. And here we are, at a singular moment when the momentum, excitement and unadulterated joy is all on our side. Just think, a month ago it felt inevitable that America’s worst inclinations – toward a horrifying christo-fascist future – would win. But now, the fight has returned among those of us who still believe we can build that more perfect union for all of us. What a difference a little hope makes. And what a difference a joyful warrior like Vice President Kamala Harris makes. I expect Megan Thee Stallion to be the first of an endless stream of rap, pop and every other genre superstars showing up at rallies to lend their voices. We have history on our side – and all the hot girlies. Hotties for Harris, indeed. Happy Monday, kittens.


Helena said...

When you make that x for our girl Kamala on 5 November , I will be with you in spirit Dorothy. Have a lovely week.

Helena said...

When you make that x for Ms Harris on 5 November, I will be with you in spirit Dorothy. Have a lovely week.