I blame the smart girl factor. Now, I have no idea if Emma is, indeed, a smart girl like her Harry Potter character Hermione Granger. But she plays one so convincingly, I’m going to go with yes. You see, I have a weakness for smart girls. They make my knees wobble and my tongue tie. Thank God she isn’t wearing any Tina Fey glasses, because then all hope would be lost. Lord, she is young. I must now go wash my brain out with soap.
I must do the same... and I agree 100% with you on Tina Fey.
You know she's legal in the UK right? You could just move there & it'd all be legal (you could even get married cos that's legal too now!) ;)
I'm sorry to to have to contribute to this, but Emma Watson is actually pretty brilliant. She aced her A levels and gave one of the most brilliant speeches ever at Oxford a couple of months ago. Oh. And she plays field hockey, tennis, rounders, and netball.
Hmm...conflicting messages here...on the one hand you have field hockey and tennis, but on the other hand there's netball...
Netball girls are so straight, but we all know about the tennis and hockey girls, right?
Oh well, I guess at that age people experiment. Another reason to give her a few years..
Forgive my yankee ignorance, but what is netball and rounders?
I was thinking netball was basketball, until the next post said they were all straight. Basketball girls are anything but straight here in the US. :-)
Netball is like the shittiest sport ever created...imagine basketball except if you are holding the ball you are not allowed to move. Yep. That's the rule. You get to swivle on the spot but no running with the ball or anything, it's all about passing it but otherwise pretty similar to bball.
Rounders is similar to baseball in that you hit a ball with a bat & run round bases to get points but since I don't understand baseball at all, there are probably millions of differences, but they look similar games anyway...
I am so there with smartness (and sportyness) being very, very attractive. Dammit Emma, for being so well-rounded! She will be a total babe/hunk magnet when she matures (physically) - as if she weren't already. anyways.
Hey, netball is pretty cool! It's still the main team sport for UK school girls.
Emma is very very young, but very very cute!!
And she loooves that damn cat
Rachel: She's gay...
Heck: As a tennis player.
Imagine Me & You
Years ago, THE ADVOCATE ran a story about a brave young straight Boy Scout who was fighting to reverse the heterosexist policies of BSA. He, too, was 16. But he looked at least 24 in the photo; the shadows fell across his angular face in a way that almost looked like the beginnings of a two-day beard, and those big, brown soulful eyes ...
I was severely taken to task by saying to a mom-friend, "pretty hot for a 16-year old" ... and she had a point, I guess. But I always wondered if the photo was doctored to sell more copies and make the magazine more money.
And I have to wonder if the same is true for Emma.
Don't find out; if the possibility is still out there, it's a nice rationalization against looking at a teenager and thinking ...
... "HOT."
Yup.That girl has brains, for real. That's why for quite a while she thought of not signing on for the final 2 Harry Potter pics. She's due to start University this fall.
What speech did she give at Oxford, heather anne?
oh i am so there with you ... bad Late ... bad, bad Late
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