Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Will You Go to Prom with Me?

Well, remember when I bemoaned out lack of options for stories that center lesbians and queer women? Like, lesbian period dramas are great and all but how many can we watch? The good news is this year seems to trying its best, despite the inclimate circumstances, to buck that trend. We have so far been served up: a psychological thriller, a ghostly love story, a historical romance, a holiday rom-com and now a star-studded Broadway musical. I’m sure I’m missing something, and already that’s some not unimpressive variety. So no matter if “The Prom” is first season of “Glee”-great, or “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again”-heinous, it’s an option. And the more we find on the menu, the more chances we’ll land on something we truly like. Guess we’ll find out if “The Prom” is one of those things this Friday on Netflix.


Osiris said...

Looks like a real clunker. When is L Word Generation Q returning ? Thats all the content I need.

Carmen San Diego said...

I’m pretty over high school stories but I’m still gonna be watching it

Anonymous said...

Um, Meryl Streep. Not a clunker!