Those unfamiliar with the Canadian series will get a chance to see it from the beginning when SyFy starts airing it early next year. But those of us who are already hooked (and those of us outside of Canada who are watching along through methods we will not mention) know it’s one of TV’s most delightful new addictions. Supernatural craziness, mythological baddies and one very appealing Dr. Hotpants. What more could a gal want? In fact, I love this show so much I’m going to start writing SnapCaps (short, snappy recaps with an accompanying SnapGraph) each week for the rest of the season. You can catch up today on AfterEllen (should post in a bit) with a “Story So Far” SnapCap. And then starting next week expect fresh, feisty “Lost Girl” SnapCaps every Tuesday. I cannot wait. Bring it, Anna. Happy weekend, all.
dear canada, the entire cast of "lost girl" plus shay mitchell has made me forgive you for celine dion. we're cool, canada, we're ok now.
snapcaps..... seriously? Its like you heard me!! (:) O Canada! UR doin it rite! a worthy weekend crush, but alas my heart belongs to hotpants.
I love this show. Bo is a sex positive Post-Buffy badass icon.It will be interesting to see what the writers do with the relationship between Bo and Lauren.Bo has chosen Dyson, so I hope Lauren wont be pining away this season.I'd like to see her get her own lovethang-- the way Xander did in Buffy.
As I'm writing this, I'm watching the current episodes of Lost Girl.
Cheers everyone, have a great weekend!!
ps.DS great recaps for R&I.
Ooooooooh yeah. \o/ Big up from Belgium !
"It’s like Mary Louise Parker had a younger sister who was raised by the world’s most polite Canadian biker gang." LOL Forever!! Perfect descriptive sentence is perfect.
for those of us who are already hooked (and those of us outside of Canada who are watching along through methods we will not mention)...could we mention it here??? i was able to find/watch the 1st ep of season 2 but have had zero luck with the 2nd ep. help!!!!
To anon above, 'free project tv'. I hope this is alright Ms. Snarker.
yay! a show how finally about a bisexual girl! *cheers* can't wait till it comes to the us on sufy! or mayb ill try and find it online! ;p not to mention she is soo hot! yum :p it's good to see that people are taking notice of bisexuality, and not just to question or mock it. as a bi femme, this gives me so much hope!
Oopslie. It's "project free tv". Just wanted to make sure you could find it. Some of us Canadians know about it too.
Yes for the Being Erica shoutout!
THANK YOU!!! nooking in & watching it as i type!!!
It is currently airing in the UK on Syfy and I planned on watching it but the promos put me off just by being so focused on sex and not plot so I didn't bother. I know she's a Succubus and all but still...
The too much sex thing is also what put me off watching True Blood after the first episode (that and the accents... Seriously bad).
Call me a prude if you want but I just don't think TV shows need to be so full of sex.
I will leave comment here cus your today's
blog behave weird way,
it delayed too much and reloaded again and
again, i feel that you have so many postings,
is it possible slow down the loading time.
I never heard reading blog take time to loading.
it's not a movie. so weird.
this is what i want to say, today!
ps: i suddenly realized yesterday, i didn't say this
for long, right?, so let me say now,
love you DS, thanks for the posting
(someday you might posted my fave..)
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