Friday, April 22, 2011

My Weekend Blogiversary

Kittens, holy crap. Sunday is the fifth blogiversary of Dorothy Surrenders. Five. Freaking. Years. My baby’s old enough to go to kindergarten. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it still boggles my mind that this thing I started on a whim five years is still here, and that you’re all here. Together we’ve made a happy little corner of the internet where we can talk about TV like a beloved family member and drool (respectfully) over talented women in tank tops. And, during those hive years, my have we grown. I’ve gone from having a wee blog to blogging for AfterEllen to becoming a Twittering fool and now even being a Tumblesbian. None of this has been good for my sleep patterns. But I also wouldn’t change it for anything.

In years past I’ve celebrated with milestone with a around-the-world roll call, unsolicited FAQ, The StraHOTski and ruminations on anonymity. But this year, I think I’ll give back. Yes, I’m giving you a gift on my blog birthday. See, I can’t do anything right.

We haven’t done a giveaway in a while, so let’s just see how it goes. But everyone loves free stuff, right? So, I have one copy of “Black Swan” on Blu-ray to give away. This is your chance to relive all the batshit ballerina breakdowns and hallucinatory girl-on-girl make-out sessions in beautiful hi-def in the comfort of your own home. It is a two-disc set with tons of special features and a digital copy included. And, again, this is the Blu-ray, so you’ll need a Bly-ray player or computer that plays Blu-ray of PS3 that plays Blu-ray – you get what I’m saying here. But I will happily send it to wherever in the world.

If you want to enter, leave a comment with 1) your email (feel free to spell it out if you’re worried about spam), 2) your state/country (what, I’m curious) and 3) if you really want to indulge my curiosity, how long you’ve been reading (any old timers in the five-year club?).

I’ll pick a winner at random next Friday, so feel free to enter until midnight Thursday night. I know it’s not much, and I wish I could send you all one. But this is just my little way of saying thanks for being interested in the random things that rattle through my head on a daily basis. I read all of your comments and tweets and emails and while I can’t get back to all of you as I’d like to, I appreciate them more than you’ll ever truly know. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Even if you don’t want to enter the contest, please feel free to still tell me where you’re from and how long you’ve been reading. I’d love to know.

UPDATE: The contest is now closed. Thanks for participating and the very, very kind blogiversary wishes. Y’all are the best.


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Laurye_Mal said...

Happy Blogiversary Ms. D!

I've been following you for the past 4 yeah I came for the tank tops and the general amount of hotness but then I stayed for the insighful writing, the humor and of course the tank tops and the general hotness factor ;) Don't know how many of your followers can say that but you were one of the reasons (the other AfterEllen community) that brought together me and my gf (3 yrs and counting.. so Thank you!

L from Italy

kesse said...

My email ad is (it's zero seven)and I'm from the Philippines. I will not lie, I just discovered your blog last year. (I feel sorry for myself about that)But I'm back tracking. I spend my breaks at work either reading your blog or Glee fanfics. lol. Anyway, happy 5th birthday to your blog! :]

LiteraryVice432 said...


I hail from New Mexico which is kind of its own country in a lot of ways.

I've been following you on and off since spring of 2007 when I took a Queer Blogging (this is an actual class at my school) but I started following you daily in the summer of 2008.

LiteraryVice432 said...

I already wished you a Happy Blogiversary on twitter but I will say it again (albeit late and in a separate comment)!!

Happy Blogivesary Ms. Snarker!! Your wonderful wit makes the world a little awesome-r every day.

Vaguelybackward said...

Happy blogiversary!!

My name is Hallie, and though I usually hail from Minnesota or Massachusetts depending on the time of year, I'm currently in Denmark studying. I've been following for I believe three years now? and you can find me at sleepsymphony (at) gmail (dot) com.

Love you, and here's to another 5 years :)

EverClear said...

Maltese (nationality not the dog breed) here. I came for the tank tops, I stayed for Tina Fey. Email address is Stay awesome!

no-one said...

Yay for 5 years. My email is
I'm Australian.
I stumbled across this blog about 3 years ago.

Josiesomething said...

Happy blogiversary!

Let me think.. Don't remember how I found your blog, but it was some time last summer and I've kept checking back ever since.

Greetings from Belgium

Kristi said...

Happy blogiversary! I think I've been reading for about 4 years...I know I wasn't here for the very beginning, but somewhere between 4 and 5 years. Love the writing! And I live in Massachusetts.

tlsintx said...

Happiness to you Ms. Snarker! Thank you for your beautiful, rich, hilarious writing and the gorgeous photos and for the chance to win!
You don't know how glad I am you're here.

Yes, I'm from Texas, hence my reliance on you for sanity itself.
Here from the beginning and spreading the word every chance I get. :)

AshleyFryer said...

Just for your interest, I've been reading almost daily for two years, and I am in sunny London.

You, Postsecret and Girls With Slingshots are the only bloggers in my bookmark toolbar thingy whatsit. I love Dororthy Surrenders!

Happy birthday Ms Snarker!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm german, have been reading your blog for 3 years, I think.


Charly said...

I've been reading your Blog since 4 years now :) You even - kind of - inspired me to have a blog myself which is growing, getting bigger and bigger and making me happier every day. Despite the sleep deprivation. ;)
Happy Blogiversary to you!
And greets from sunny Berlin.

Shula said...

Happy blogiversary! I'm in the US by way of the UK and have been following your blog for about 4 years. Tank top Tuesdays make my week better :) Congratulations on 5 wonderful years.

Sommer said...

I have been reading your blog for 2 years. I reside in Melbourne, Australia.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading, oh for about 3 years? i'm bad at remembering things. (I'm in the US btw)
I even read the blogs about actresses or things that I'm not particurlaly interested in because I think you're a thoughtful person and I generally agree with you. On a few occasions I've even become abit misty-eyed.Happy Blogiversary!

I've been writing whatever comes to mind since I was a kid but I wish I could sound off as elonquently as you. You're my morning coffee :)

bee tee vee ess eighty seven at yahoo(big buffy fan)

Kait B. Roe said...

Almost 5 years Dorothy. I've been reading almost the whole time. I have to read your blog. Have to since I live in Portland, ME and while we are a pretty happy crew of lesbians out here, there just isn't any better way to get the skinny on beautiful tank topped women. So, Happy Blogiversary. And Hell yeah I would love the Blu-Ray.

Anonymous said...

I'm from England, 19 years old, and I've been reading...well for under a year, because it was only about this time last year I realised I was gay. Maybe reading for about 9 months.


Becks said...

Congrats! And well done!

I've been trying to remember when and how I discovered you, but I'm not sure. A year ago maybe? Knowing myself, I'm guessing it was during my exams either spring last year, or Christmas the year before. Anyway; I'm glad I did, and I don't think anyone has influenced my schedule more than you have. You made me watch 30 rock, Glee, a whole bunch of movies, Academy Awards... And thank you for that! I may not have a social life anymore, but at least I have you, and that's all I need to get me through the cold Norwegian winter. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.

Oh, and my e-mail; wobbyen(at)hotmail(dot)com

Melanie Wagner said...

happy blogiversary :) as you can see, we are thankful for you.
from USA
I think I've been dedicated to your blog on the daily for about 1 and a half years now?

Cheers. xx.

patricia said...

I don´t have a blue ray equipment (but I´ve never participated at none of your "contest" before) so.. even! My english can tell that I´m brazilian and I´m pretty sure I´m following your clever and catchy comments since your baby was born [time flies when we were having fun!!]. This little corner ensures me the right to be what I am [big step for the humanity as well]. So, happy birthday! and stay as long as possible.. I´ll follow!
(spam from you ok... from thirth parts, *not* ok!)

surfix67 said...

Hy Mrs.Snarker I think I've started following you about two or three years ago, first I started with Afterellen and then I found you and here we are everyday. Now I even need more time cause you're on twitter and on tumblr too. It's worth it anyway. I'm on the other, other side of the ocean in fact I'm in Italy, Tuscany to be precise. My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

I`m swedish and I`ve been reading your blog daily for i think 4 to 4,5 years now.therese verdin at

Selenyx said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

I have been enjoying the awesomeness of this blog (and your twitter and afterellen) for the last three years, hopefully many more to come!
I am from Germany, but discovered your blog while in China (go figure).
Cheers to you!

MfG (Mit freundlichen Grüßen = with friendly greetings)

Unknown said...

Reading from Arkansas.

Here's to five years and many more! I ran across your blog two years ago when I was looking up pictures of Sara Ramirez and she led me straight to you. I've been reading ever since.

szilvie said...

I read your blog for 2 years, love the women and esp. your writing. To be honest being here makes me happy or sometimes fall in love, so congrats for the 5 years of blogging, from the netherlands

jesswantsitall said...

5 years, time for a party! ;-)

I'm from The Netherlands and I've been reading here for about a year and a half and on since 3 years I think.

I love reading what you have to say about hot females and hot shows ;-)

Thanks for being so awesome, both here and on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

5 awesome years, and many more! :)
My email is chakramchaser @ hotmail . com. I live in Canada- a really lame, medium-sized mostly straight city in Canada. So your blog is like a little gay refuge. :P I've been reading for a little over two years, since I stumbled over it in some of my tentative I'm-only-just-coming-out Internet searches.
Congratulations on an amazing 5 years! You probably know this, but your blog isn't just about respectful drooling. You do a lot of good, thank you for being honest and out and hilarious :)

Hollie L. Miller said...

Hi there! I've been reading for about two years now. I'm from the upstate NY area. I think I stumbled upon your blog through other queer blogs. I've also spread your recaps of Rizzoli & Isles as they are something I look forward to returning as much as the shows return.

CAB's Adventures said...

Happy Anniversary!
Let's see I think I've been reading for 4 years and currently I reside in Switerland but call CT my home

Anonymous said...


I LOOOOVE batshit crazy ballerinas. Sadly, I am a newbie to your blog - and don't know how I have gotten through the past 5 years without it!!

I'm from the great city of Chicago!

folkpants said...

Howdy Ms. Snarker,

I'm in South Carolina and I've been reading your blog for at least three years. I always enjoy your opinions and photos. Keep up the good work. Get that kindergartner on into middle school and eventually a good state school.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I discovered your blog in early 2010 along with a bunch of other lezzy sites (THANK GOD) as I solidified my gay identity.

Canada represent!

Rock on, lady!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! i've been following, from the US, for about 4 years now. Love that you can make me swoon, laugh, cry, rave, and rant all within the same post and of course throughout the course of the week. Thanks for everything you do.


Anonymous said...

Reading about 3 years. From England. You got me hooked on Brandi Carlile and other good music and films/dvds. Love reading your blog/tweets and now tumbler daily :-)

pantsyzilla said...

Dang, five years? That is quite the accomplishment! Congrats!

I'm not entirely sure how long I've been following this blog. At least three years, if not four. It's been one of those fixtures in my life where it feels like it's always been there.

My email is bluemonkeyhair (at) gmail (dot) com, and I live in the US (Seattle, WA).

Alicia M said...

1) toanythingtaboo(at)
2) USA (Rhode Island, specifically)
3) A bit over 4 years, I think.

Happy Blogiversary! You have made these past 4 years very enjoyable for me with your snark and Tina Fey posts.


katie said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I'm from Massachusetts and I have been a reader for five years, when I was a freshman in college and set up my RSS reader. It feels so long ago!

My email address is ceruleanbug at gmail

Cgquack said...

Happy Blogiversary! I think it's been 3 years or so since I first discovered the wonders of this blog. 3 years of bliss and tank tops. From Maine I wish you a happy 5 years and many more.

Right and e-mail is

Civa said...

Happy blogiversary :P

I've only been following your fantastic blog for the last year and a bit, but I've trawled through your entire backlog of posts ♥

I'm Irish :] & ginger to boot!

You have fantastic taste in tank-topped women :D

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

I'm currently living in Mass, but I found your blog 5 years ago when I was living in southern Utah and have read you now from Maryland, South Korea, a second stint in Utah and a mountaintop in Pennsylvania. Checking in on your blog has been one of the few constants during these crazy years, cause you never fail to help the crazy be more bearable. Thank you : )


haley said...

Following for about two years, Ohioan, currently studying at OSU, and your blog is on my mac's "Top Places" tab, right between Facebook and Google. Don't ever change. :)

Coolfyah said...

Hearty Congratulations!
Your (not so) tiny corner of the internet is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your brilliant linguistic skills with us.

Let's see, I'm a St. Lucian living in DC.
I have been visiting this site daily since 2008.

Here's to 50 more years!!
Or whenever you take a break to get some sleep.

Anonymous said...

My e-mail is expiredsanityAThotmailDOTcom, I'm from western Canada and I think I have been reading for at least 3 years. Happy 5th Blogiversary! As long as you keep writing I'll keep reading.

KP said...

Happy blog birthday from DC! I've been following since 2008 (oh god, that was a long time ago, huh? I keep thinking 2008 was last week or so).

I don't have blu-ray capacity, so if my name comes up, roll again?

cee cee said...

Well, "happy new year", Ms.Snarker!
'Been w/ you from the get-go, and will be, for as long as you (can) write and I (can) read. I have absolutely zero interest in winning "The Black Swan" (hated the film!), but don't you owe me/us a new body part?! Seriously, I thought that that was the deal-- each year, another piece of you revealed. 'Love your thumb, but your devoted readers crave more!!
All the best to you, always, an many, many thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary Ms. Snarker!
I've been reading your blog everyday for the last 2 or 3 years, not really sure when it all started but it has been a great ride!
Here's to another 5 interesting years!

Neta from Tel-Aviv, Israel

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary dear Dorothy!
I´ve been following the blog for two or three years.I think.
I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cheers! and lots of love for you!

Anonymous said...

2 1/2 to 3 years i've been following. You always have the best pics! And you make me laugh-which i adore. It seems I go back and forth between L.A. and Salt Lake City, which is jarring but somehow keeps me grounded.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

I'm a 22 year old college senior from North Carolina and I've been reading you faithfully nearly every day for the last 3 years. You have made my college experience so much more delightful I can't even tell you. You and your fellow ladies at Afterellen held my hand as I tiptoed out the closet and have been living it up and hugging me with your legs in friendship ever since! ;-) Words cannot express my gratitude, but here they are anyway:

Thank you.

QWERTY said...

kthomasak at

I've been reading you for three years up here in Alaska USA ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy fifth! I'm a 23-year old in State College, PA. I've been coming back for about a year, and your writing always lights up my day. Thanks for sharing your time and talent.

erinjaws said...

erin.d.sharkey (at)
I am here in the Buffalo, NY.
I have definitely been reading for at least 3 years (maybe more?).

Your blog is one of my favorites, because when I am thinking about something or someone, you seem to be thinking about it or them as well. I go to your blog to help me think about what I am often already thinking about. Your wit and clarity are refreshing.


sara Lotz said...

Wow! Congrats!

I have been following along for a little over two years now. I live in sunny San Diego, CA.
My email is sara.lotz (at) gmail (dot) com

And thank you for all the hot ladies every day.

Genie said...

Happy BlogBirthday!

My email is I've been following your blog for around three years now. I'm a displaced "gaysian" from New York who currently spends the majority of her time wandering around Oregon. Your snarky blog makes the lesbi-net a much more amusing place to surf around in :)

Summer said...

Happy Blogoversary! I've been reading for about the last 4 years. I check your blog every morning as soon as I get to work, and read while I drink my coffee and eat my oatmeal. Cuz that's how I roll.

Looking forward to more!
xoxo, Summer
Seattle, WA

parrish said...

From the US, been reading for about 3 years. Email is This is by far my fav blog! Congrats on the 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Hungary:) Thanks for the last 3 years:)Have a wonderful springtime:)))Betty

phairhead said...

Yr a genius, Dorothy Snarker!

New comer to yr blog, reading, laughing & loving over it for almost a month by way of chilly upstate NY

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!

My email is I just recently started reading your blog (within the last 6 months) & I love it so much it has been incorporated into my morning news rundown.

I'm originally from Colorado but currently attend university in NYC.

Cherilla said...

Hi Ms. Snarker!

I'm coming up on 3 years of reading your delightful blog.

Thank you for continuing to provide a lovely oasis of Lady Awesomeness on the internet.

Always looking forward to what you write!

Much Love,

Cherilla said...

Oh! and I'm from San Francisco, CA.


dsa said...

Oh wow. I was not aware of this, but apparently I've been reading for juuust under five years. Oh, I live in Portland, OR. Represent. :)

Anonymous said...

happy blogiversary from a pole in the UK! hope to follow you for another 5 years (and more..)

Tom said...

Happy Blogiversary, Dorothy. I'm Tom and I'm from Detroit (well, it's suburbs). I've only been following for a few months. The reason a straight male like myself found your blog is because I was Googling "Rizzoli & Isles" recaps and it led me to your recaps on AfterEllen, and it made me say to myself, "Jane and Maura act they're into each other, so let's see if the lesbian populace agrees." Sure enough, you did. I found your recaps to be hysterical and it led me to your your other articles and then your amazing blog. It's scary how I feel the same way about so many things as you (in a good way). Your tweets don't disappoint either.

I would love to enter your contest, but I already have a copy of "Black Swan" (it was worth every penny, in theaters and on DVD). I just wanted to say congratulations on five years of blogging and all the success it has brought you.

Jessica Kim said...

I thought i was the only Argentinian following you dorothy <3.
Happy blogiversary :).

Unknown said...

My name is Sarah and I've been reading your blog for a bit over 3 years. I live in Alaska, so it has definitely been one of the important connections to the LGBT world for me! Email address is

Willow said...

Happy Blogiversary and thank you for the daily postings, great writing and hot lady pictures.
I've been following you for the past 2.5 years... you and the AfterEllen community are the reasons that I started being ok with this whole lesbian thing. Well, it's a work in progress, but still... :)
Ooops I almost forgot the country thing... originally from Italy but living in LA

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogiversary!! I've been wallowing in your thoughts for about 2 years now... it's hard to pinpoint how long exactly because since I discovered your blog I immediately started to read all the old ones too ^-^
Anyway, I'm from the Netherlands and you can have my email but it won't be for the discs since I cannot play them ;)
Hope it makes someone else happy. Please continue writing awesome stuff and please stay Tina's fake wife forever. Lots of love, B.

eyesmiling said...

Happy Anniversary!

Toronto, Canada

And I've been reading you for just over two years? Ever since my girlfriend's ex told my girlfriend on facebook she should check you out and so I quickly checked you out first and then realized that you were in fact awesome and had to begrungingly thank her ex. You know, in my head. Not out loud. Stupid ex's.

...but awesome Ms. Snarker!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary, Ms. Snarker!

I've been reading your blog for about three years. Your writing is insightful, humorous and just what I need on a daily basis!

My email is jolenegoerend at gmail dot com. I am from Colorado in the USA.

Thank you for all you do! Much success in the future!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! Been a fan of yours for a good three years maybe more. Since I've gotten an IPhone you and afterellen are two of four pages I check every morning to start my workday off right. Thanks for the snark and keep it coming!

LaKeeau-Midwestern girls united!
Oklahoma City, OK

chantgirl said...

Happy anniversary Ms. Snarker!

I am not interested in batshit ballerinas, but just wanted to say congrats!

I have been reading your blog religiously for about 4yrs or more! Yes, religiously. What isn't religious about hot women in tank tops, your TV wife and smart discussions on our shared pop culture experiences?

I don't even remember how I initially found your was before AE, but so glad I did. Can't and frankly don't want to imagine my online time without you. :) I find that we pretty much share the same opinion on things 99% of the time. And although, it can be exciting and mind-opening to be challenged by other views, sometimes it's just nice to know that you aren't alone out in this big ol' world of ours.

So, congrats again! Sending a virtual bottle of some swanky champagne your way and lifting a glass in toast to another 5 years! Huzzah!

Thanks so much for being who you are and continuing to put your wit and wisdom out there. It's a precious thing.

Warmest virtual hugs coming atcha,
Judith in Oregon

Волонтер Екологија Кратово said...

Dear Dorothy Snarker,

Happy Anniversary! My life and Tina Fey knowledge would not be as rich with out you.! (for the trombone not the steak)

I live in the USA. I have been reading your blog since about September 2007. During that time I have lived in Faribanks, AK for graduate school, Hudson, OH with my parents between grad school and the Peace Corps, the Republic of Macedonia for the Peace Corps for Sept 2008- Nov 2010, Hudson, OH with my parents for the holidays and I have now been in Chicago, IL since Jan 2011.

Your blog has been and will continue to be one of the best things I read almost daily. I particularly enjoyed your thoughts on Hilary Clinton in June 2008 and for alerting me to the Hilary Sexism Watch and for introducing all of us to Sarah Haskins. Alaska and Macedonia were not super gay friendly places for a newly out person and it was amazing to be able to go home and at least be part of a safe internet community of which you are a prominent member. Thanks for all you do.


Unknown said...

Ms. Snarker!, currently of a friendly New England state and previously of CornTownPodunkVilleUSA
I started reading you in late 2007 and still check it multiple times a week because need my updates awesome/hot ladies on the TV machine! Don't remember how I found you originally, but it was around the time I was reading everything gay possibly ever anywhere on the InterWebs. Fortunately I'm out of the UberGay overcompensating phase now but your blog is one of the few places I keep coming back too.

surfix67 said...

Ok I've Made a mistake in my email address which is, surfix67 is alzo my nickname.

Lenore said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

I love your blog. You've been part of my morning ritual for more than 2 years now. Thank you for giving up sleep to being us hot pictures wrapped in brilliant words.

My email is

Lenore, from Montréal

Anonymous said...

My e-mail is and I'm from the good ol' U.S. of A. Illinois to be specific.

I came across your blog thanks to Shakesville, I believe, at least a year ago. I was instantly infatuated with it, even as a (mostly) straight male. I may not always be the loudest ally on the planet, but I speak up whenever the opportunity arises--and reading an awesome blog such as yours is probably the easiest way ever to offer my support. :-D

Keep being awesome!

sam said...

happy blogiversary!

Sadly, i'm a new follower (new lesbian too). I've been reading through posts and ogling pics here since early this year. I'm from the Philippines btw.

As present, here's my imaginary wife...

ignacia. said...

i think i have been reading your blog for nigh on four years? Wild!
it definitely began with Genderfuck photo posts.

My email is
and i am a Canadian.

Many happy returns on your 5th Blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

May naked ladies dance before your eyes this sunday.

5 years?! By my calculation I've been reading your blog for between 4 and 5 years - time has indeed flown. I did not realise back then that you were just a babe (and still are Ms doubt about that).
You've made me laugh, cry, see red, and then go red on nsfw occasions. In fact, the only thorn in my muffin-moulded side every friday is that i have two snarker- free days coming. On the flip side, something to look forward to on a Monday.
I'm about the same age as you (judging by the fact that I remember everything tv and pop related from your childhood), live in England, and am straight, gay, bisexual...confused. I feel more together than the world around me though, and find solace and sanity (or madness on my level?) in your blogosphere.
Sack sleep and keep going!
biiiiiig hug

Anonymous said...

onemorefreakineuro [at]gmail[dot]com
Hi! Im from Spain and I have been following you for 2 years now.

I looove you on twitter!

You rock

Anonymous said...

- email is godstine at
- i'm from Canada!
- not too sure when i started reading you, but it might have been since 2006 or 2007. i was heavily into the l word then and enjoyed your writeups.

Anonymous said...

I am relatively new to your blog been reading and following you on twitter for a little over a year. When I came across your blog I instantly fell in love. I also am a fellow Scorpio Oct. 30 th. Also my email is
Mad Love,
Lisa U.S.A.

gidge said...

Congrats. :) My e-mail is and I'm from Gilmanton, WI, which is in Buffalo county. I go to UW-Eau Claire, though. Sadly, I've only been reading your actual blog since the day you posted Brittany and Santana, but I have checked it every day since and I did read your stuff at before and followed you on Twitter; I just never knew you had a blog. (I'll stop making excuses now.) I did even get one of my friends addicted. Proud moment for me. :)

Vale said...

Happy Blogiversary! (although I feel like it should be blogaversary. just sayin'). I can't remember when I started following you, but I know I've been here for a couple blog-birthdays, so maybe 2? 3? I started reading when I still lived in Italy, but I have since moved to the US, and I have to say...yours, along with many more sites I visit regularly, eased my transition when I first moved here. The internet, strangely enough, was the one thing that remained unchanged in my life when everything else did a thank you for being a constant in my internet life!


Vale said...

Holy crapola! I went back to your birthday posts and I remember the first one! So...does that mean...I've been following you for 5 years?! WAAAAAH?!


Wow. I've never thought of myself as an old-timer.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary.

I've been reading from the Chicago area for about a year. Not sure what led me to your site..maybe a link from afterellen.

I thoroughly enjoy your wit, humor and writing. And the pictures aren't bad I remember what led me here (Rizzoli and Isles, HELL-O!) Yes, I hope with a new season starting you'll get us through the season with some laughs, since it's going to be tough to watch them hook up with anyone but each other!

r n c u b f a n @ y a h o o . c o m

Heather Anne Hogan said...

Happy Blogoversiary! My life would truly not be the same if I'd never found your blog. Thank you for being the lone reed of reason swaying upon the moors. Thank you also for the tank tops.

Jose said...

Happy Blogiversary!!

I've been reading your blog for about 4 years. I found you while coming out to myself during my first year of college. Love the way you write and the stuff you post.

I'm from Santiago, Chile.
Un abrazo, te amo!!!

Anonymous said...

Three years of following you - and I would follow you anywhere you blog. You are fun fun fun and some wisdom lives in your wit as well. Happy annivesary to you!!

BAy Area follower

Kathryn said...

Dorothy! Many congrats on your anniversary. I'm a 32-yr old, back in Canada after several years in England, and I can't remember how I came across your blog but have been enjoying it for at least 4 years. Reading it is truly an excellent gift.

vala said...

I´ve been following your excellent blog for about 3-4 years now. And I´m from Iceland :)

Erica said...

1. From California, living in London for the past 2.5 years
2. Over 3 years...before that on AE...

Ms. Snarker, your writings often make my day. Your blog is the only one that both my wife and I read daily (Note: we really only read two blogs each EVERY day, the others are news and my community blog!). I love it when we can look over at one another on our iPhones and know she is reading your post by the giggles and/or smiles, etc. My favorite is Tuesdays, hers is Thursdays...

Thank you for providing my feminist, lesbian, queer, thoughtful, witty, snarky, honest, inclusive daily fixes. You're a star, DS.

ithil said...

I found your blog a couple of years ago while I was looking for awesome people to follow at Twitter. I really enjoy your blog because it's very well written, funny and, of course, filled with hot girls in tank tops. Yay! Happy 5th birthday!

Anne-Line, Norway
dance_kirste at

1nineeight3 said...

WOW. sharing the same birthday month with this blog, is that fantastic or what? We April babies are awesome :)

It's been 3 or 4 years since I've started following you? Ahhh, time flies when one is having a good time. Now I feel the need to reread your old posts from day one!

I'm from the country where chewing gum is banned and where your fellow American was canned for vandalism. Yes, I'm from Singapore!

Happy Blogoversiary! You are definitely well-loved around the world <3

Gaby said...


I had to look up how long I've been reading your blog, because I realize I'm terrible at estimating time... and hey, what do you know? I've been reading you for five years! Now, I'll admit: Sometimes other stuff gets in the way and I don't check in for a while. But I always come back and I catch up on almost everything. :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts (and pictures of women in tank tops) with us!

- Gaby from Sweden

Yet... said...

Happy anniversary to the Divine Ms Snarker. Oh but what a glorious day it was when I stumbled (in a mist of sobriety) upon your blog - wish I had stumbled earlier! Thank you for 1 year (nearly a virgin) of insightful and intelligent blogging - btw spell check insists I change it to 'bogging' (as bad a iPhone). May there be many years ahead.

All the best and have a wonderful celebration.

From Down Under - NO not there...over here! New Zealand : )


Chi Sherman said...

Happy anniversary! I've been reading for... I honestly don't know. 2-3 years? It's been long enough that I can't remember how I found my way here, but I'm glad I did. :) Email is biracialmenace at yahoo dot com. I'm in Indianapolis. :)

Robin said...

I've been reading your blog daily for over two years now. You love all the same tv I love.
Congratulations on the five years!
I'm reading from Southern California.
My email is:

Stephanie.h90 said...

Congratulations!! Five years! That's crazy!

I think I started reading a couple of years ago. I even believe one night I went all the way to the beginning of the blog. Gotta love tank top Tuesday! haha. But seriously, congratulations and hope you have continued interweb success. :)

Steph, Texas,

Jane Doe, M.D. said...

Awesome!!!! Congratulations!!!! Reading for 2.5 years! Shortly after I came out a friend said to me, "oh my god you should totally check out this's Tuesday. You'll like me!"
So, I really don't want to write my email down for fear that some bot will grab it from the internet even spelled out!!!! BUT, this is so totally worth it fmataatgmaildotcom. I read your blog everyday after I get home from "class." I laugh out loud...and yes that deserves to be spelled out. You rock my world a little every day. Thanks and happy writing.

F from Los Angeles...but living in the midwest. it's temporary... =)

Anonymous said...

Been reading for 2 year from USA. Thanks for all your awesome posts, and Congrats!

Laura said...

happy blogiversary!!! i've been following the blog for around 3 years now. i'm a snarky person by nature myself, so i was drawn in by the witty words. of course, the hot chicks definitely keep my interest! so thanks for all you do!!

- LJ in Tennessee privyetlj (at) gmail (dot) com

Roberta said...

Congrats on your anniversary!!! I've been reading you a couple of years now. Thank You for all of the hours of happiness n joy that you've given us!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I believe I have been reading your blog for over two years and look forward to it every day-well except for weekends of course. I live in Arkansas and can be reached at


michelef said...

I've been reading your blog for about a year and a half now after I found your wonderfulness on twitter. To be honest your feed is one I catch up on, even when I miss a day of tweets. Not a neighborhood lesbian commuity in my town and you help me stay connected. Thanks Ms. Snarker!


Aka Michele

Amanda said...

Yay Congrats!
Ithaca, NY
3 years and counting


The Erin Grant said...
5 years and counting

The Erin Grant said...

Oops...I'm from Hartford, KY

Estela Rengel said...

Happy Blogiversary, Dorothy!

I'm from Spain and I started bloggin' 4 years ago, so i also discovered your blog ay the same time.

Thanks for the giveaway, adnd good luck to all!

lika _ xula @ hotmail . com

Jon B said...

Happy Blogiversary Dorothy. This is a fun blog and I hop it goes another five. I've been reading for only a few months and enjoyed every moment, especially SGALGG sections. :D

My email is monkey jay bee at from Buffalo NY.

Great Blog. Keep up the great work. :)

Unknown said...

natacha ( dot ) DG at gmail

Reading the last 3 years or so

Pittsburgh, PA

Thanks for loving teevee as much as I do, and for posting lots of lovelies for me to ogle on the regular!


Caroline said...

I've been reading for about two weeks, and this has become my favorite blog. I'm from the Bible Belt, so I don't get as much exposure to the community as I'd like. This blog makes me feel normal. So, happy five years! I'll be here for the next five.

Ami said...

I've been reading for 3ish, almost 4ish years now. Loved it from the start and am completely addicted to it. Keep up the amazing work, and thank you for being wonderful!!!

Kim said...

Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. Four years of following you.
We share an anniversary.
Six years, today, of independence from a nightmare.
Thank you DS.

TheWeyrd1 said...

Well...with all these comments, you'll still be reading on Monday morning. When will you have time to tweet and tumble??? LOL Anyway, I don't have a blu ray player and you have my email addy if you really wanted to pick my I'm still from Denver and I think I've been reading your blog for at least as long as I've had a blog and that's around 2 years and 4 months...

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I'm from the Czech Republic and I've been reading your blog for 2 years or so. I don't remember how I got here but I thank that happy coincidence for navigating me through rough waters of the internet to your pleasant harbour. :)

Lindsey said...

Congrats! I'm from Northwest Arkansas and have been reading your blog for close to three years now! I check it every weekday and sit and pout when there's nothing new on the weekends. It's okay, I know you have a life you need to get to :). But thanks for everything Ms. Snarker- I wouldn't know as much as I know, laugh as much as I laugh, or drool as much as I drool without Dorothy Surrenders.

Daña said...

Thanks for delightful little turns around the webosphere, for me the past three years at least--maybe four.

Happy Day!

Daña from Madison, Wisconsin

LA said...

From Fort Collins, Colorado and have been reading since 2007! Love your writing, sense of humor, and insights. Thank you for being a part of my daily reads!

Bent Fabric said...

Happy Blogiversary, Ms. Snarker!

I've been an avid reader of your blog for most of the five years. In fact, though I've given up blogging and, by extension, blog reading, yours is the only one to which I’m still committed. No small feat given my limited attention span and my reticence to commit to anything for than a hot minute.

Thanks for entertaining (and sometimes educating)!

New York, New York

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I have been reading your lovely little blog for about 2 years now, having been hooked by our mutual love for all things Ms. Fey. I currently live in LA by way of Miami, and I just bought a bluray player(!) so that manic depressive movie should/would make a nice birthday gift (which is coincidentally Sunday...holy crap, was this my present all these years?).

cderhagopian@ google's mail dot com.

Oof, where are my manners:
Happy 5th Anniversary

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for about 3 years, it makes me feel better about my life when I can't talk to people about things. You know, all your friends watch Glee because Blaine is so hot, and I'm waiting for the Brittana moments. And your L Word recaps were the best, you made some nerdy kid on the wrong side of the world laugh out loud. And gosh, just thank you. What else can I say. I live in New Zealand,

Virginie said...

Happy blogoversary :).
I'm from France, I've been following you for about 4 years, and it's been a real pleasure :).
So thanks a lot, hoping you'll keep writing and sharing for a long time.

Daniela said...

Happy blogiversary! snarker
I've been enjoying your blog for the past 4 years
I'm from Chile

Amelia said...

Amazing! Keep up the awesome work. There's so few blogs I consistently like!

1) amelia.facchin AT gmail DOT com
2) Ontario, Canada
3) Two years

morethan2stars said...

Ms Snarker! Happy Blogiversary!!
I have been a happy daily reader for about 4 years....definitely more than 3, but I'm not sure exactly. Thank you so much for your time and all the fun!
I am: a.bustoswright at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hi!!!! Happy Blogiversary!!!
I'm from Argentina (Cordoba)... I really like your blog..
I've been following you for the past 2 years... (and loved all the post)..
Hope you can keep it for many many years..

PS: I want the present (if is not to much trouble =) )
this is my email:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Love your blog. Don't quite expect to win, but just to show you some audience from another country. Email is zhangqiwen @ yahoo . com, and I'm from Singapore. LOVE LOVE!

Chau Ho said...

1) my email is
2) I'm living in the sunshine state of California
3) I haven't been reading for very long, to be honest. I've only started reading AfterEllen about 3-4 months ago, and I picked you up about 3 months ago. It was really difficult studying for that round of midterms when all I wanted to do was read through all your old posts and drool over androgynous pictures. Looking forward to reading more of the wonderful things that come out of your mind!

Anonymous said...

Up top for 5 years. Highfive*..I'm not really a highfiver...bu you're worth it. Let's see...I got my old laptop in 2006 and found your blog shortly after, so I'd say four to five years. Almost the whole time. I know it's weird but you've been a part of my daily routine for like 5 years. Anywho. I live in Texas. Email:

spikedragon24 said...

Happy 5 Years!

I'm from Salt Lake City, Utah and I've been reading for about three years. I think you are hilarious. Thanks for providing lots of laughs and yummy pictures when they were much needed :)

Unknown said...

Congrats. Well done I read your blog in Switzerland since Oct 2006. It helped me trough some rough times. I like your humor and the way you are able to put it into writing.I also am totally intrigued with how much you seem to be able to fit into one day. Keep up the good work! Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Happy 5 year Blogiversary!!!

I'm in Australia. Came across your blog 2 months ago thanks to your nomination on the bloggies. Your site has all my fave things: girls, movies and tv (as well as tank tops and gender fuck Thursdays) :) Thanks you Ms Snarker.

P.S. Don't think the DVD will work here in Oz thanks to zoning issues.

I_I_maam said...

Well, i'm from Israel and started following you two years ago when i started medical school and wanted some fun things to do on my spare time...
So thnx!
I have the move but feel free to send free anything (women in tanktops??)

Alexis G said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Stumbled upon your blog around mid 2008 when I was studying in Japan.. your blog was one of the few that had really helped me accept who I am by showing me that there is nothing wrong in liking women.. :) Really loves your Tank-top Tuesdays and Weekend Crushes..

Btw, I am from Malaysia... lone.ranger.g(at)

Anonymous said...


I've been silently following your blog for about two years now, on and off. And I'm from Finland. :)

Fong said...

Happy fifth blogiversary! Think I found your blog about 4 years ago or maybe 5. Cannot remember. I just want to say thanks for all the things you blog on here. Because of this blog I have found lots of good things to watch on TV and lots of fun stuff to read and sexy things to see! So Thank You!
I am reading this from Melbourne, Australia

Unknown said...

Happy blogiversary Ms Dorothy

I've been following you for about two years... You and Krista's Effing Dyke are my Little Misses Sunshine in grey Paris !!
Thank you

R said...

Hi, Dorothy - I've been reading your blog since you started it, and still love reading it every day. Thanks for blogging, tweeting, posting!
A fan from the Philly suburbs

Unknown said...

Happy Fifth Blogiversary Ms. Snarker!
I started following you about a year ago when I was a Freshman at college. I am from Santa Ana, CA in the U.S. and my email is I know a year may not seem like a lengthy ammount of time but it has been, nevertheless, the wildest and most fantastic ride of my life. I love ALL your posts and I use you as an example in my Women's Studies class to get points across. Keep up the amazing posts and thank you for sticking around! :D

Sue F said...

I've been following you since Kate Clinton gave you a shout-out on her site. You and T-Lo are my main relief from unrelenting activism/politics and keep me from losing my mind. I love pretty much everything you love, but I especially swoon over, in no particular order: Brittana; anything from the Whedonverse; Top Chef; and Rachel Maddow.

Happy Anniversary and THANK YOU!!

Sue F - former Army Captain

Anonymous said...

Happy 5 year blar dee blar Ms S. You're my everyday stop-off on t'inernet. And I love you very much funny, smart lady.
x Ash

Ireland, not sure how long..4 or 5 years ish.

Unknown said...

Happy happy blogoversary!

1) ms.submiss at gmail dot com
2) Austin, TX
3) since sometime in 2007, so a good while.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on five years! Wow.
I've been reading for 4-5 years about 1-2x a week.
Love your smart writing and, of course, the pictures!
(This is not ass-kissing just for the prize. I don't think I can sit through that movie again!) Just want you to know that the world is a better place with Dorothy Snarker in it.
Beth from Phoenix

I_am_Anners said...

So this is Saturday and I'm comment #148. Either people LOVE you or the idea of getting something for free is a mighty force and the power of Snarker compels them. (Is it okay to make a Jesus-type joke on Easter weekend? I'm willing to risk it.)

Anyroad, I like free stuff too. 1) my email is anna.winterkorn at
2)Boston, MA, USA. I live in the area of Boston where you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a lesbian 3) I did a search through my email account because I know I emailed your blog to a friend when I found it. I have been reading your blog since October 2006.

So, mazel tov! And Happy Blogiversary.

skrailly said...

Dear Dorothy,

I've been reading you somewhere between 4 and 5 years, considering I'm now 20 and I found your blog, amoung others when I was admitting to myself that I was gay at 16. At the time, I remember thinking it was absolutely magical that not only were there queer women out there writing, but they were attracted to the same things in women that I was; androgyny, emotiveness, intelligence, without mentioning specifics like the curve of their back and nicely shaped shoulders. All of which takes a departure from the traditional celebrated playboy-esque physical characteristics. I think Dorothy Surrenders was definitely a big part of my development into the queer woman I am today. Most of the other sites I don't find myself frequenting as much anymore, but I visit Dorothy Surrenders almost religiously, even on the weekends (just in case.) And on the rare occasion, that I have missed a day, I'm overjoyed by the fact that I get to read two of your posts that day. Thus, happy blogiversary!

- Bianca from FL, by way of Seattle.

p.s. I miss the Pre-L’s.

marufas said...

happy blogiversary!
thank you for three amazing years.. and hope that we may have many more :)

greetings from Portugal

Anonymous said...

oh, that's great!

happy birthday to your blog,

ds, people look very passionate

about your give away.

it's over 150 comments already!

i don't remember how and when i

stepped in this blog,

just guessing,

it's been more than three years?

i'm from NY now, and sometimes stop by.

good luck for the further your blogging,

and thank you so much, always keep posting.

i think google should give you kind of honor

certification something.

nice weekend!

Becky said...

Hello Ms D!
I haven't missed a post since 2007, and you even replied to an email I sent once correcting your grammar. Which was a little forward of me, but I knew you would understand.

So, I have not actually seen Black Swan yet, as my gay manfriend wants to see it with me and has been far too popular to make time over the last few months. Surely, out of pity, as well as to celebrate your blogthday, I think you should send the movie to me. If you put your address on there I'll even return some Australian tim tams with coffee dunking instructions as a thank you.

Happy bday xx

Carol said...

Happy Blogiversary, Ms. Snarker! I've been reading you for the last three years, I think, and you really got me. I hope there's many more years of hot women in tank tops and delightful texts to come.

Greetings from Brazil,


Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Happy Blogiversary!

I'm 21. From Brazil. And I guess I've been around for four years or so.
My email is danielle(dot)custodio(at)gmail(dot)com


Faina said...

The happiest of Blogiversaries to you, Ms. Snarker! And greetings from the besieged town of Madison, Wisconsin. Come for the beer and cheese, and stay for the maddening politics.

I've been reading you for a while now, a few years, started back when I lived in Michigan (before I moved to MadTown--yes, that's what we like to call it...--for grad school). I love all the hot ladies, but mostly I'm in it for the snark and the insights. Your blog is one of my favorite places on the internet.

Thank you so much for writing it!

Rachel said...

5 Years, wowsus trowsers :)

I have been reading for just over a year now from here in North Wales, UK...many a time has your blog brightened up a crappy day!Keep the tank tops coming ;)

Diolch yn fawr yawn [thank you very much]

E.T. said...

Ctrl+F shows no other Greeks are present. Allow me to be the first to profess myself a devoted follower for over a year now. One of your articles in AE was too funny for me to ignore, can't quite remember which it was. I love the misanthropic sense of humor, been hooked ever since.
Thank you for the company and the insightful posts (semi-naked women), keep them coming :)


SiuYau Yeung said...

hey miss, i m not writing to enter the contest but when i saw u said u still also wanna know who have been reading your blog...i 'd like to leave a comment and say happy blogthday =)
I am Siuyau from Hong Kong, and i have been reading your blog since 2009 =)
plus my girlfriend is def a your blog fan as well =) and i swear she started the addicted far longer than me !

misannthropka said...

1) misannthropka (at) gmail (dot) com
2) Poland
3) I've been following you since 2007 and I've no intention of stopping, but I'll if the name of Tina Fey disappears from your posts. Got that? Good.

Kristan said...

Happy blogiversary! I'm from TX, although I live in OH now (another woman of Asian descent in the Midwest, woop woop!), and I've been reading for like 6 months? A friend (Sonja) kept linking me to funny Grey's Anatomy posts here, and finally I was like, I should just subscribe myself. :)

khoffman at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Here's to an amazing 5 years!

I've been following you for a little over a year, since my wife introduced me to your slice of heaven known as Tank Top Tuesday! I was hooked since my first scroll through about 3 months of archives. Congrats and here's to many more years of gorgeous women and wonderful ramblings. Originally from MA, me and my wife have since moved to IL. ljc16942atgmaildotcom

Keep up the great work.


Isabel Eggerley said...

Happy Easter-Birthday Ms. Snarker and hello from Germany! I can't remember properly (all the tank-tops keep distracting me) but I guess I came via AfterEllen about three years ago. Love the wit and the compassion! If you ever come to Hamburg drop me a note @ and we'll do the Reeperbahn. Trust me, it's better than Kindergarten

Anonymous said...

Five years! FIVE YEARS! FIVE! YEARS! 5! It does "blog"gle the mind... Anyway, congrats DS. I'm from Ontario and I think it's been around 3 years - I believe you had already won two awards. Keep on doin' whatcha do. xoxo Canuckgrrl

Betty said...

You don't know it, but we've been dating for 4years now. I stop by several times a day to get my Dorothy fix. Thank you!

Greetings from Northrn Norway.

Nimbus Rogue said...

I found you only a few months ago. Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading you every day. I'm Nim from San Diego, California Thanks and I look forward to 5 more years of humor and hot chicks in tank tops!

Unknown said...

Hello to my favorite blogger! My name is Ashley and I'm from NJ and I've been reading your posts for about three years now and I also follow you on Twitter. Happy Blogiversary Hun :) my email address is: Naive.Jezebel@

FeltHat said...

Oh Happy anniversary Ms Snarker!
I can barely remember now that there was a time before you!
Been reading you since almost the begining, sent you tips and comments and photos ( nigella Lawson) over the years.
Keep doing what you do - the world would be a less informed & less entertained, place without you. Keep it up & you Go Girl!

FeltHat said...

forgot to say i'm in the UK

Micha Montaz said...

I'm from Scotland :) near Glasgayyyy :)

Been reading for a couple of years!

Tuesday is my favourite day of the week, who doesn't love tanktops??


Boom :)


Anna said...

Happy blogiversary!
My email is AVF92041(at) and I go to school in Nebraska, but I'm from Kansas (reppin' the Land of Oz!)

I'm somewhat of a n00b here. I first stumbled across the wonderful world of Dorothy Snarker when a google search led me to your Rizzoli & Isles subtext recaps, which became the highlight of my weeks. That led me to this blog, which then led me to your twitter, which then led me to your tumblr. Your witty posts have earned you a coveted spot on my overcrowded bookmarks toolbar. I may have had to delete a school-related bookmark, but you know, priorities...

Keep doing what you do and DFTBA!

Claudia said...

Hey! Been following you for all 5 years, I'm from Lima, Peru and can't tell you how much I enjoy all your means of communication ; )

Anna said...

Happy blogiversary!
My email is AVF92041(at) and I go to school in Nebraska, but I'm from Kansas (reppin' the Land of Oz!)

I'm somewhat of a n00b here. I first stumbled across the wonderful world of Dorothy Snarker when a google search led me to your Rizzoli & Isles subtext recaps, which became the highlight of my weeks. That led me to this blog, which then led me to your twitter, which then led me to your tumblr. Your witty posts have earned you a coveted spot on my overcrowded bookmarks toolbar. I may have had to delete a school-related bookmark, but you know, priorities...

Keep doing what you do and DFTBA!

Unknown said...

email: doc-in-progress(at)hotmail(dot)com (that's a lower-case L, not an I)

I'm from Maryland here in the States. I've been reading your blog for about a year now, and I don't remember how exactly I found it, but I'm very glad I did!

Laura from Maryland

Anonymous said...

I'm canodiva48 at msn dot com and I live in Minnesota. I don't really remember how long I've been reading...A year maybe? I don't know, I have no sense of time anymore.

Daniel said...

5 years old! Only 16 more years and you can celebrate with alcohol! Yay!

I'm from Germany, I've been reading your blog since early 2007.

Thank you for the words and the pictures and the videos, the tank tops, the wit, even more tank tops, the oh-so-true comments about porn pants, the Crush-ing and a whole lot more tank tops.

On to the next 5 years! Or 16 ...


p.s.: ka6315-750{at}

Florence said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I've been following your blog for I think 4 years, but cannot remember how I ended up here.
Anyway, I have to thank you for all the giggling and the insightful information about American pop culture (even though I don't always get all the references sometimes but that's fine), and also the tank tops of course.

You're awesome. Stay awesome.

Greetings from France.

k-twinkle said...

Happy Blogiversary from Finland! I've been reading your blog for about a year, I think. Maybe a bit more randomly. So here's to five years and to five more =D


Berry Rose said...

Happy (belated) Blogiversary!

I stumbled on your blog about two years a go, I think. I'm from the Netherlands :)

Hugs Berry

Sarah said...

I've only been reading for about a year or two... I can't believe you were around for a whole three years before that and i missed out :(
My email's and I currently live in Perth, Australia.

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th anniversary! I'm from Singapore... started reading in 2007 and I love the videos you post from TV shows/movies... got me watching quite a few of them! :) The massive drool-fest that comprise your photos is lovely too. Cheers~

Kika Raider! said...

I'm from México, and since this will be a random win, not based on how long we've been readin you, I leave my email:
I surfed into your blog six months ago, and I've been reading you since. The name's Ericka.
Have a great weekend all! said...

I'm from México, and since this will be a random win, not based on how long we've been readin you, I leave my email:
I surfed into your blog six months ago, and I've been reading you since. The name's Ericka and I stayed for Tina Fey and for poppin my eyes out while at work!
Have a great weekend all! said...

I'm from México, and since this will be a random win, not based on how long we've been readin you, I leave my email:
I surfed into your blog six months ago, and I've been reading you since. The name's Ericka and I stayed for Tina Fey and for poppin my eyes out while at work!
Have a great weekend all!

e said...

Been reading for probably 4 years, and enjoying it!

I'm happy to say that I am from Portland Oregon!

Laura said...

I've been reading your blog for over a year now, and it's because of you that I watch half of the things that I do on TV! So thank you for sharing your uber gay knowledge with the world ...don't know where I'd be without you :p

Here's to another 5 years :)

Wales, UK

Carmen said...

Hola, muchas felicidades!

I've been following you since 2008... i must say this is my favorite blog, i'm a big fan of yours =).

My e-mail is, i'm from Yucatán, México.

Un beso muy grande!

Michelle R said...

Hello Ms. Snarker! I've been reading your blog religiously since 2007. Your site needs a warning for the danger of soda coming out of your nose due to laughing. When everyone in my life was telling me being gay was fixable or a sin, I would go to this site as a refuge. I live in St. Louis, MO. My email is mlrodgers07[at] Happy blogiversary and heres to many more!

Anonymous said...

Good Job!
I've been reading for.. somewhere between the 4 and 5 years as well, my 'momma dyke' was all HEY LOOK AT THIS BLOG! and then I had wonderful things to look at on the interwebs all the time, with entertaining, skilled writing included. This might be the only blog I consistently check up on.

Currently Florida, but I'm actually from the Dominican Republic.

Stay Awesome!

VickyD said...

Hi Snarker-

I've been reading your blog since my girlfriend showed it to me, 4 years ago or so.

I lived for 3 of those years in Texas and Georgia, so your blog was a saving grace in a world of homophobes.

I used to check you and AfterEllen regularly, but you're the only blog I read on the regular now.

Keep the pretty pictures, oh and great writing coming!

vcrabill at hotmail . com

Anonymous said... (Ohio)
Congrats, Ms. Snarker! I came (again and again) to your blog and to Afterellen for the Rizzles last year but I stayed because you are a great writer--interesting, insightful, humorous, brave--and horny like the rest of us. Many thanks for sharing! I raise my glass to much future success in all you do! Looking forward to your subtexty S2 R&I recaps in spite of the sausage parade.

Sheba said...

God, I have no clear idea how long I've been following you, but it's gotta be at least 2 o 3 years. Not only do I love your super high quality (both in pixels and esthetically) photos, I also find you very witty, and funny.
Oh, and I'm from Baja, México.
espiroqueta @ gmail . com

ings;-) said...

All the best for you and your blog on the 5th anniversary of its conception! May you both live long and gay ;-)

I've been following you for a year or so, I think, but reading previous posts is one of my favourite procrastination techniques... ;-)

Anyway: it is great! Which is further proved by the number of your followers from all over the world! I am a second girl from Poland on the list, who would have thought :)

E-mail: czarnadalia (at) gmail (dot) com

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!
I hail from Vancouver, BC and have been a fan for four years or so. Even tried to help you hook up your TV from afar hahaha.

Keep up the great work!


Winston Vortileguit said...

oh, my... FIVE years, FIIIIIVE... Ok: kudos, my friend. You make me feel old, but I love U anyway. I've been following your awesomely good taste in women (brains AND talent included, thaaanks) for, at least, 3 years (my longest relationship... should I worry?... Of course, I should!) and, to be honest... Your devotion to Ana de las Tejas Verdes and Es mi Vida (yeees: I'm Spanish, from the beautiful and exotic Canary Islands, to be precise) make me believe that we are, somehow, related... Twins, maybe?

My mail loabroyloleo (at) hotmail (dot) com...

B. said...

Happy blogiversary!

I'm from Estonia and I've been reading this wonderful blog for umm... a year or so! Loving every minute I spend here!

Unknown said...

Hey Dot. Can I call you Dot? Okay, Dorothy, I've been checking in here for probably about 2 years, from Calgary, Canada. Happy blogiversary!

Alison said...

I've been reading your blog for about 6 months. I found it after I started following you on twitter, which I started because of the amazingly hilarious tweets sent to Jane and Maura. Also because I enjoyed AE recaps you did of Rizzoli & Isles. The wit and sarcasm in your posts was a refreshing change and so I keep coming back for more.

I live in Ohio. email is al3386 at yahoo dot com.

Euonymy said...

I found you through AfterEllen, and I've been following you for probably two years now! Tank top Tuesdays are still one of the highlights of my week.


Pamela Dávila said...

Hi Ms. Snarker. I've been reading your blog every day for the past 3 years now. Is one of the first things I do when I wake up (I usually need something to cheer me up for the rest of the day). Well, I live in Lima, Perú (awesome place, awesome food):)
My email es:

Thanks for all the laughs you keep giving me.

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