But, seriously, Tumblr is an elegant blogging platform, one I have long lurked on but never partaken in until now. So what’s changed? Well, clearly not my levels nightly sleep levels. Nor my amount of free time. And certainly not my workload. But I think it might make a nice little bridge between the daily blogging I do here and more newsy near-daily blogging I do for AfterEllen and then the incessant 140-character randomness bombs I drop around Twitter on the regular. Not a tweet, not quite a blog. Maybe this will be the happy medium Baby Bear spot for all the things too small for a full post on Surrenders and too big for a tweet on the Tweeter Machine.
You are certainly not required to follow me on Tumblr. I’m sure you get more than enough of the various flotsam and jetsam that bangs about my skull here. But if you do choose to, I will try to make it fun and enjoyable and silly and even – just every so often – informational.
Things you should know.
- I can be found at dorothy-snarker.tumblr.com. Yes, with a hyphen. Yes, I’m annoyed by that. Oh, well, at least the gal who has it without the hyphen liked Pushing Daisies.
- I plan to swear and be naughty, which is, you know, par for the course.
- I don’t know how frequently I’ll post. I just have no idea. Probably too much or too little – if I had to guess.
- I don’t entirely know what I’m doing. I’m still tweaking the layout and figuring out the posting options. Like how do I make the text margins the same as the photo margins? It’s driving me nuts.
- I am open to ideas. Cool things to do with the design. Cool features. Cool widgets. Cool tumblrs to follow. Your tumblr to follow. Anything. Everything.
So there you have it. And my timing is pretty perfect. Because if it goes badly I can say it was all just an enormous April Fools’ Day joke. Right then, and for those extreme suckers for punishment, here is a full accounting for the ridiculous numbers of ways you can find me online besides ye olde blog.
Jesus. What the hell am I doing? Happy weekend, all.
Some awesome lady-tastic tumblrs:
Welcome, welcome to the insanity of Tumblr.
Now I have another page to add to my "folder of ways to waste the day" on my iPhone homepage... Win!
If you turn Into a following tumblr type person mine is
Iamanitinerantpoet.Tumblr.com and my bb's is lazarusgirl.Tumblr.com (she is a posting genius!)
Enjoy the addiction... Bexington
Will you enable your followers to ask questions/comment on your blog? I know you're insanely busy but I love it when I can interact with the bloggers. Also, I'm ourmrsparker. It's great to see you on Tumblr!
I frequent fuckyeahfemmes on a regular basis. Looking forward to yours!
ahhh finally...LOL...no foursquare huh? hahahaha..
i suggest the following blogs for all things Brittana/HeYa related:
There's a bunch more of those but these ones come to mind.
You should also check out the Tumblr app for your iphone. It makes posting on the go fairly easy.
thanks for the posting, and good info,
i'm kind of lazy to write something,
in general. i was on web thru, yesterday,
but didn't find something fun,
it was fun to me, but i'm not sure you like it.
you know when you heard jokes from other
nation's people it doesn't look fun,
but they laugh a lot.
good luck for all your writing.
is one that I follow because it's naughty and hilarious. (Things like Darth vader having sex. Actually.)
Often has nice pictures of celebrities and models. I also second all the tumblrs Angela suggested.
and this is mine, I mostly post pictures of pretty women and love.
Enjoy tumblr!! <3
good morning DS~~
I just followed your tumblr. Androgynish.tumblr.com. Also, if you're ever in the mood for femme porn, deviantfemme.tumblr.com is my fiancee.
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