But come to this it has and wondrous it is. While no show can have something for everyone, “Glee” has gotten pretty damn close. You’ve got the traditional straight love triangle couple (Rachel-Finn-Quinn), the unconventional couple (Puck & Lauren), the adult couple (Will & Emma), the Asian couple (Tina & Mike), the differently abled/differently intelligent couple (Artie & Brittany), the gay couple (Kurt & Blaine) and now even the beard couple (Santana & Karofsky). That’s a lot of crazy couplings.
But the couple we’re rooting for, against the odds and against expectations, is Brittany and Santana. Sure, we love how sweet Kurt & Blaine are together. Sure there are probably Team Edward/Team Jacob-worthy battles over Finchel or Fuinn (I’m guessing, I don’t know what the straight kids are into these days). And, fear not, I love me some Achele. But the Brittana arc is epic. It’s the kind of messy, not always pretty coming out that isn’t fit for just one very special episode. Is it Shakespeare? Heavens no. But it’s engaging and unexpected, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for almost anything Mr. Shue has done all season.
And while we’re at it, can we get an “Amen” and “Hallelujah” for the extraordinary work Naya Rivera has done this season as Santana. The ability to drop one liners and WTF faces is one thing, the ability to make us care and break our hearts is entirely another. Naya has given Santana scope. She isn’t just the girl who will cut you with her razor blade words or hair. She’s a person whose world has boiled over with the complicated brew of trying to figure herself out. It’s pretty fascinating and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. But without Naya, it would be nothing. I know Lea gets all the big heartbreak ballads, but it’s Naya who has truly given this season its aching heart.
So thank you, Santana Lopez. You’re my favorite closeted lesbian/judgmental bitch. And while you might not be ready to eat jicama or get a flattop, just keep wearing that Lebanese t-shirt with pride. We’ll get you to an Indigo Girls concert yet, honey.
p.s. See the entire Brittana saga via locker scenes today over at Ms. Snarker Regrets.
p.p.s. Get your very own “LEBANESE” T-shirt here, courtesy Heather. The entire $2 Café Press markup will be donated to PFLAG. (Kurt would be so proud.) And get 15% off using the promo code “SPRUNG” through Thursday.
p.p.p.s. I really don’t have anything else to add, but isn’t Naya adorably evil in her Davy Crockett hat?
Haven't watched this episode yet. Have to wait for my sweetie to come home from work. But, I so want this T-shirt! I have checked out the website, awesome. I want the organic one. Honey, please come home soon.
I gave up on this show long ago, but I'm glad it's doing some things right. :)
OMG I want that shirt. I love Santana Lopez. When she was sitting in the audience at the end wearing the shirt, I just wanted to give her a big hug.
I read you every day, but today I clicked you on my google reader hoping to find exactly this post. Amazing. I also loved the exchange between Brittany and Santana. Brittany is trying to be awesome and supportive and it is only making Santana feel worse! Who hasn't lived this?!? Well done, Glee. Also - I am really glad and impressed that something resembling plot continuity is happening here. I actually feel like in some ways, Glee has finally found it's groove.
I agree with everything in this post. Santana has so much more depth than most of the other characters at this point. Plus, Naya slays every seen no matter what emotion she's portraying. She's just awesome. <3
Whoops meant to say she slays every SCENE. But that too.
Am I the only one that doesn't want Brittany and Santana to get together? With Kurt and the closested football player guy starting PFLAG, wouldn't it be wonderful if Santana met someone whose a better match?
Don't get me wrong, I love the Brittany character, but I feel really bad for anyone who actually has to date her. Basically, just because she's the only potential female partner we've seen so far doesn't mean it'd be a positive pairing. What does that say about us? We're so desperate for companionship that'd we'd compromise just because our best friend is hot?
I think Santana deserves better.
Yeah, I'm not over eager for Santana and Brittany to get together either. I agree that the Santana character has become very interesting and very complex. But Brittany? Not so much. I still don't even understand why Santana - or Artie or anyone for that matter - is in love with her. What I knew about her pre-Artie was that she was stupid and she puts out. The Artie thing is her first real relationship, and all they've done is shown her be an imbecile - who puts out. Same goes for her and Santana.
I'm not saying that someone has to be smart to be worthy of love, but there does have to be SOMETHING about them beyond the fact that they'll put out. They need to delve a little deeper into the Brittany character for me to really root for Brittana.
I'm definitely rooting for Santana, and since she wants Brittany, I guess I'm rooting for them to get together, but I'm also kind of rooting for Santana to find someone better...
Jicama??? Did I miss the Lesbian Nation Tweet Alert System that let us know that Jicama is our state vegetable?
on the old Rosie O'Donnell show, Ellen and Rosie discussed being Lebanese
She is so heartbreakingly wonderful.
Here's a link to the source of the Glee shout out to The Golden Girls. Still funny (if a little dated):
...is the person saying honey?
please come home soon?
i'm sorry, i giggled.
I don't know whether or not you're avoiding spoilers but a new picture of Brittany and Santana from Rumors just dropped and it is actually MORE adorable than the picture from earlier this week (somehow that's possible).
Just thought you might want to see it if you hadn't yet! For the record, I lurk here all the time and love all your posts about Brittana! They're my favorite TV couple right now.
The "SPRUNG" promo code doesn't work for me. :( I want this shirt!
Santana...Saaaaantaaana.. im so so in love with her...long before she realized she is lebanese :)))
I think that Santana deserves another lesbian if their is one at McKinely high? Even though that what I feel Santana is doing is wrong but I like the idea she had with the anti-bullying.
Just got introduced to your blog (thanks Shannon!!!) and am loving it. Looping Santana's Songbird as I read...
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