Naomi Watts
I can’t tell if I’m more impressed by the tank, the shoes or this pose. So I’m going to answer, “Yes.”
Thora Birch
Where’d she go? And wherever she went, I hope she’s still a redhead.
Scarlett Johansson
If all her contracts don’t have a tank top clause, they should.
Aubrey Plaza
Are you still not watching “Parks & Recreation” yet? Don’t make me scold you again.
Maggie Q
Fine, this isn’t “technically” a tank top. But it’s got straps and fabric down the front, so I’m claiming it.
Padma Lakshmi
I miss “Top Chef” so much. And by “Top Chef,” I mean “Padma.”
Gwyneth Paltrow
I miss her on “Glee,” too. But on the plus side, perhaps this means fewer Mr. Shue storylines.
Leisha Hailey, Kate Moennig, Laurel Holloman
OK, I miss them most of all. Not the storylines, per se, just them.
Sara Ramirez
Do you know how hard it is to find a picture of Sara in a tank top? I give and I give, Internet.

Thora Birch

Scarlett Johansson

Aubrey Plaza

Maggie Q

Padma Lakshmi

Gwyneth Paltrow

Leisha Hailey, Kate Moennig, Laurel Holloman

Sara Ramirez

Right, so I think it’s safe to say we totally kicked Tuesday’s ass.
Wow, I've never seen this b-girl/yogagirl photo of Naomi Watts, and I'm OBSESSED with Naomi Watts. She just became even more fantastic.
Tank top Tuesday is my favorite day of the week :) Thanks for the Sara Ramirez picture, I am becoming quite obsessed.
Wait, you had a HARD time finding one of Sara Ramirez? Because I know I've seen multiple ones out there during my stalkin- er - random internet searches.
well, I feel better :o)
I love you.
I love you for your devotion to certain days of the week.
Tank Top Tuedsday and
Genderfucktastic Thursdays are the best days ever.
Thank you.
I concur with folkpants... Tank Top Tuesdays and GenderFucktastic Thursdays rock & make life better! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go back and stare at the pictures of Thora & Scarlett some more. *drool*
and then there's nigella ...
the latest fyi
from your uk correspondent:
butt is fine just, as a matter of
timing. it's already evening,
nice day~
besides, did you want me saying like
so good! something like this?
then, let me tell,
to yesterday.
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