Friday, July 17, 2009
My Weekend Crush
Women who make me laugh are always sexy. There is something fearless about a person who just gives herself over to the absurdity of it all and lets her body become a punchline. Kristen Wiig, who could easily get by by being just lanky and beautiful, makes it look effortless. As the last female powerhouse performer left on “Saturday Night Live,” it was up to Kristen to take up the torch left by such greats as Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin, Tina Fey, Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler before her. She has done it all with an abandon that is both admirable and, well, just plain funny. So I was especially pleased to see her get a much-deserved Emmy nomination in a category packed with ridiculously talented women including her former SNL co-star Amy and pocket-sized cutie Kristin Chenoweth. Wherever she pops up, be it in small roles like “Knocked Up” or “Ghost Town,” she shines with her combination of daffy and deadpan. And no one makes hitting on hot girls more painfully awkward or endearing than Kristen.
Now, thanks to a role in the upcoming Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore rollerderby flick “Whip It!,” it looks like we can add daredevil demigod to that list. (Check out my post on the trailer at AfterEllen.com later today.) Be your own hero, indeed. Happy weekend, all.
Wiig's one-upping Penelope is probably my second favorite returning SNL character ever... juuuuust behind Poehler's Amber--the one-legged, serial reality show contestant.
Wiig vs. Poehler for the Emmy nom just makes my head spin!
I am getting tired of same-sex attraction being a "ewww gross" punch line. See it more in the bromance genre but there was a big whiff of it in the clip.
I adore her. I can't even look at Kathy Lee Gifford or Jamie Lee Curtis without laughing. All I see is Kristen's impersonations, which are spot on.
Being funny sure is sexy!
joining in at #3!
Wiig's one-upping Penelope is probably my second favorite returning SNL character ever... juuuuust behind Poehler's Amber--the one-legged, serial reality show contestant.
Wiig vs. Poehler for the Emmy nom just makes my head spin!
Love Wiig. Add Suze Orman to the list of people you can't look at without laughing. And don't forget target lady!
LOVE HER! Sadly, she's about the only cast member keeping SNL afloat these days. . .sigh. . . .I miss the days of the powerhouse women on SNL.
She's fab!
I am getting tired of same-sex attraction being a "ewww gross" punch line. See it more in the bromance genre but there was a big whiff of it in the clip.
OK. I don't watch SNL and wasn't famliar with her work. Now that I've watched this hilarious clip, I'll need to look for others.
Ooooo, oooooo, ooooo! This could be the beginning of a beautiful obssession!
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