Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Weekend Crush

To be in the presence of Meryl Streep must be the most extraordinary experience. Because there is nothing generic about her. She has a majestic beauty that has only deepened with age. Her face is her canvas and her mind is her brush. She inhabits every role completely. In fact, she doesn’t act, she becomes. At 58, an age when many actresses are forced to toil out the rest of their careers in mom roles, Meryl is still making complex, topical and downright meaty movies. Volumes could, and have, been written about her greatness. I suggest just flipping through a thesaurus and looking up synonyms for “brilliant.” In the pantheon of acting gods, she makes even the greats tremble. Also, I fucking love that she never fixed her nose. Happy weekend, all.


R said...
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R said...

She is simply magnificent. A friend of mine met her some years ago at a summer camp their kids attended and confirmed that she is magnificent in real life, too. Thanks for making Meryl your weekend crush so we can look at her pics and recall all the magical moments she's given us onscreen.

Amanda said...

Oh my god this is scary!!! I just watched Out of Africa last night and was thinking to myself "wow, she's even more amazing than I thought" This is freaky. The writer and I must have some sort of psychic connection.

Metasin Girl said...

I am thoroughly humbled in her presence, even if it's just a photographic representation

(prostrates self in front of computer)

Linda said...

Ms. Streep is truly delightful in person. My daughter and I spent an afternoon with she and her daughter, Mamie Gummer, several years ago. She is down to earth, friendly, beautiful, funny and charming. My favorite part of our time together was at the end, when she said, "it was a pleasure to meet you" .... and I really felt like she meant it. Great pick for a weekend crush!

Anonymous said...

I remember the first movie I ever saw Meryl Streep in - Sophia's Choice - 1982. The scene where she had to make the decision which of her children could live and which one had to die. At that moment, she became...and to this day favorite actress of all time. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Sophie's Choice opened my eyes to Meryl Streep. So powerful words escape me.

DeathBecomesMe said...

Meryl is my love! Thanks for having her as the weekend crush!