Friday, July 01, 2022

My Weekend Rage

Wow, are we fucked. Also, fuck the Supreme Court. These two fucks are unfortunately intractably related, and sadly so is the real-life fucking — at least the kind that can cause pregnancy. (Though, don’t worry, they’ll come for all the other kinds soon enough.) So here we are, in our new, horrible post-Roe America. Abortion is no longer a right across every state. A week ago five men and one woman took away all women’s constitutional right to control their own bodies and choose whether to continue their pregnancies. They also took away the right from trans men and non-binary people who can become pregnant to control their own bodies (though, they’ve been fucking with trans/nonbinary/genderqueer’s people’s right to bodily autonomy for a while now — gotta love those election-year GOP wedge issues).

A right more than half the population has had for 50 years is now gone. A new generation of women, and all people who can become pregnant, will have fewer rights than their mothers. It’s fucked up. It’s wrong. It’s what our current Republican party and its far-right base have been not-so-secretly working toward for decades. The far-right takeover of our Supreme Court is now complete, and it happened while we were all watching. This is why we cried when RBG died. We knew. We lost.

All you need to know about the so-called values of the GOP and its right-wing voting bloc is they’re thrilled that a well-known con man who notoriously cheated on his three wives was able to ascend to the presidency despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes, then fill three lifetime appointments (one that was clearly stolen by Mitch McConnell), and then loses the popular vote again (and this time the Electoral College for good measure), foment a violent insurrection at the Capitol, and continues to lie to this day claiming he actually won. They’d all vote for him again tomorrow.

I don’t know how to fix this. Voting is the most obvious answer, but clearly not the only one. More is needed in this moment. I need Democratic leaders to be as angry as we are. I need Democratic leaders to be as hair-on-fire alarmed as we are. I need Democratic leaders to try bold action, even if they think it will fail because of Manchin, Sinema and those 50 other Republican senators. Doesn’t matter, at least you’re trying. At least you’re fighting. Now is the moment to do the most, not the least.

We must do the most because, believe me, abortion is not their endgame. Abortion is the beginning of all their christofascist dreams coming true. More rights for guns, less rights for women is just the beginning. Clarence Thomas even said so in writing. They’re coming for laws that protect same-sex marriage, same-sex relationships and even your contraception. They’re coming for them. This is not a drill. The drills were over ages ago. This is where America is going, thanks to Trump’s Supreme Court. So we have to fight. We have to scream. We can’t just say “Vote in November! (though, obviously, vote in November).

America is a slow-motion trainwreck where we all saw the car on the tracks coming for decades, yet somehow kept allowing it to get closer and closer. So now the crash has happened, and the only question is how many rail cars will topple over. How many rights will be allow this unaccountable, unelected body of lifetime appointees to take from us? Democrats, progressives, liberals, old-school hippies, open-minded centrists, libertarians who aren’t also secretly fascists, people who hate labels but also think outlawing abortion is whack, and all the other rational, kind, good citizens of this country who think what you do in your uterus and in your home/bedroom with other consenting adults is nobody’s business unite. Now is the time to be heard. Now is the time to rage, rage against the dying of our rights. Happy rage-filled weekend, all.


jimbo26 said...

Well, it IS the Supreme Court Of The Grand Ol` Perverts .

Jen said...

the rage is real, ms. snarker. so very real. as usual, you've put into words all that I'm feeling. ty.

Panty Buns said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the United States of Gilead...........

TEKgirl said...

Actually, I believe that Susan Collins needs to be taken to task for her actions.
Some may ask why she is so easily misled or bamboozled. To that I contend that she is NOT being subjected to either of the aforementioned, she is towing her party's line, and that is why what she has done is the most egregious because for years she operated under the facade of supporting women's rights. However when it boil's down, we finally see where she stands. She voted in hopes that it will keep her in office.

TEKgirl said...

Correction: Collins voted to approve Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS and followed it up by telling voters that she spoke with him, and he assured her that Roe V. Wade was settled law. Now she is behaving like thge victim of a prank.