Well this is a wrap on my vacation. Back to ye olde grind next week. But before I go let us enjoy one last indulgence together. I mean, already nothing beat a dame. But a dame eating fries? Come to mama. Happy end of vacation, all.
Have you had a chance to get sucked into our possible near-future dystopia yet? No. Well, that’s fine. I know it’s more than a little unnerving to see a society that has scapegoats godlessness as the reason for its problems and stripped women of their most basic rights aso ne of the solutions. But, hey, who’s to say that future is ours. Maybe, just maybe, we get the good kind where we all get to live forever while listening to effervescent 80s pop? I mean, a girl can dream.
p.s. If you have not experienced “San Junipero” yet, do not press play above. Go watch, and maybe rewatch (and rewatch again) and then press play. Trust me, the wait is worth it because wondering is practically the best part.
So today “The Handmaid’s Tale” premieres on Hulu. And I highly, highly recommend you watch. But I will also freely admit that it is difficult to watch. Dystopia cuts the deepest when you can see, with terrifying clarity, exactly how we got there. And in these times, dystopian futures feel ever present.
One of the exciting things about the new series is how it has taken a classic feminist masterpiece and expanded it to be an intersectional work. It has centered characters of color and LGBTQ characters, and made their stories integral to the overall narrative. Much credit goes to Alexis Bledel as Ofglen and Samira Wiley as Moira for creating two of the most empathetic figures in the story so far. You will root and weep for them, in equal parts.
Unfortunately, Autostraddle has decided against doing weekly recaps of the series as previously planned. But, I did review the first three episodes, which were released to critics and now available streaming today. You can read it here now and I hope you join the conversation. Because this is a show that deserves conversation – and contemplation. I know I’ll be watching, and thinking, and hoping for a better future.
Apologies, I was traveling yesterday. And then today I was recouping from traveling. If napping was an Olympic sport, I would be a champion this week. So here is my twofer makeup for my lack of vixens. Sarah and Amanda make a smart couple in smart tuxedos. Maybe Ryan Murphy could make them a couple on the next chapter of American Horror Story. Wait, on second thought, couples on that show have a terrible track record. And the last thing we need is more dead lesbians on television - or anywhere else. Wear those tuxes in peace, ladies.
Superheroes might not be real, but Jessie Graff sure is. The stuntwoman and “American Ninja Warrior” regular is awesome, and I mean that in both the “super cool” and “awe inspiring” definitions. If you watch “Supergirl,” you’ve watched Jessie Graff. She has also done stunts for “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Castle,” “Chuck,” “Teen Wolf.” I could go on. So if you’re into incredibly kickass ladies who post insane workout videos, can perform superhuman feats, are ridiculously strong, have abs for days, and is mom to an adorable pet pig, definitely Jessie Graff is the woman for you.
Where has Cush Jumbo been all my life? Granted, it’s my own fault. I didn’t watch “The Good Wife.” And I didn’t notice her fully in “Lip Service.” (Though, to be fair, she played Jay’s fiancée and I tried in general to ignore all things about Jay.) But, goodness, am I glad I started watching and recapping “The Good Fight” and finally discovered her. Because, damn, she’s good. She’s really good. And, if her Instagram is to believed, she seems cool AF in real life, too. And thanks to a second season renewal for “The Good Fight,” I know we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the future. And, no need to fight it, that’s a very good thing.
As one of the stars of the shows I watch regularly, but rarely write about, Lucy Liu has always been a favorite. On “Elementary” she is not just a compliment to, but an equal of Sherlock’s. Her Watson is no second fiddle. And, I dare say, she dresses much more smartly as well. I particularly enjoy how Lucy has kept Joan’s tie-game going this season.
Oh my goodness, do I miss me some Lil Mama. Kenzi will go down in the pantheon of Best TV BFFs. Not only was Mackenzie Malikov funny and loyal, she was brave and smart and no one did a Russian accent better, no one. Also, she didn’t look bad in a tank top. Not bad at all. I know Ksenia has since moved on to the series “Turn: Washington's Spies” (which has its final season this year). And she also has some movies ready to come out. But to me, no matter what, she’ll always be the Kenziest Kenzi. And I remember her Kenzisms always.
Guess what, I’m on vacation! I’ve got some time off so I am flying back to the Midwest to hang with my family while I try to forget we have a toxic trash fire as president. Unfortunately, I will be flying United (it’s way too late and too expensive at this point to change carriers, I checked). So hopefully I make it there and back without being beaten bloody, yanked from my seat or dragged through the aisles. But, ever the wily business people, I’m sure the airline will simply turn this into a moneymaking opportunity by offering “less beatings” as an upgrade fee soon, just like “more legroom.”
Anyway. While I am gone I will, of course, be leaving you some vixens to enjoy. But before I leave, as a public service might I re-suggest a show for any of you who find a little free time and/or need to escape the smoldering trash heap of our current democracy. As I’ve said before, “The Good Place” is a great, weird, highly entertaining show. And if all those adjectives won’t convince you, perhaps the fact that main character Eleanor (played by the always engaging Kristen Bell) might genuinely be into Tahani (played by the completely worthy of being into Jameela Jamil). Plus, now that the show has been renewed for a second season, perhaps the series will do more than just flirt with the idea. No time like the present. See you on the flip side, kittens.
I am still processing the end of last season’s “Orange Is the New Black.” I am, quite frankly, still not over it. I will never be over Poussey. And the way things ended for the others, well, there is clearly no going back for so many of Litchfield’s ladies. In some ways I feel the writers have written themselves into this corner with no return. So as someone who has invested, deeply, in all these women’s lives – I more than worry. I feel a little sick. But, again, I’m invested. So I’ll watch. And worry. And hope that what I know can’t end well will. Happy weekend, all.
Just a reminder, folks, that I am still recapping “The Good Fight” over at Autostraddle. This coming Sunday is the first season finale. But you can catch up on all the recaps here. And, I’d love it if you did. Also, it’s a smart, smart show and I think you’ll like it – I really do. And, man, has it been fun to recap. Sure, it’s not perfect. It’s had some issues, particularly with the disappearing girlfriend. She’s back now, I hope for good. And there have even been some lady kisses. Mostly I am glad such a sharp, female-focused show that hates Donald Trump almost as much as I do is on the air. People always say loving the same things makes for a strong relationship. And that’s true. But it sure doesn’t hurt to hate the same things, too. Thanks for reading my recaps. One left, kittens.
After last week’s series of spectacular, spectacular, spectacular (even if old) failures in the advertising world (though, whew, thanks Pepsi for ending racism!), here is an ad that is actually good. Very, very, very good, in fact. It came out last year across the pond. But for those who might have missed it then or want to relive the glory, here is possibly the very first advertisement about periods that actually shows blood. No, relax, not that blood. But is ridiculous, really, that something 51 percent of the population does once a month still gets cloaked in so much embarrassment and squeamishness. Look, almost all women bleed (trans sisters and some others with physical limitations excluded). So, you know, deal with it.
So, like, is it cool if I root for the bad guy in this one? The first “Thor: Ragnarok” trailer is out an it is filled with Cate Blanchett in all her Hela glory – antlers and all. So, as I was saying, is it OK to root for the bad guy on this one? I am also digging the trailer’s Totally 80s vibe. But, seriously, have we talked about Goth Cate Blanchett? Sure, that helmet headress thingie seems a little ... pointy. But I still wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating poached eggs over creamed spinach, if you know what I mean.
Look, I like a Norse god as much as the next gal. But who says we have to always root for the blond guy? Judge for yourself.
p.s. For all you “Lost Girl” fans in withdrawl, Ragnarok gives us a little sweet nostalgia with Valkyries and trips to Hel. Now all we need is a bisexual succubus and a doctor wearing hotpants.
Well here is something lovely to start your week. This short film was created in support of marriage equality in Australia. May this be your year you fully achieve it, mates. Until then, keep up the good fight and hold on to those you love tight.
When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes – you should definitely sing “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper. As some of you with way-back memories will remember, it was one of my father’s favorite songs. And she is, of course, a longtime Friend of the Blog. So please enjoy this sing-along, and don’t be shy. Join in. You’ll feel better, I promise. Happy weekend, all.
Hello, gay birds. In these alternately ridiculous and horrible and ridiculously horrible times, one of the best coping mechanisms is just simple laughter. There’s a point it seems in almost every day when I just can’t take the headlines anymore. I have to stop checking Twitter and stop reading the news. And I have to find something else to make it all seem a little less awful. (Man, this week has been a fucking doozy, no?) Another thing, along with and sometimes at the same time as laughter, that I find helps is donating to a worthy cause. So, like Tina Fey, I am also a card-carrying member of the American Christian Lesbian Underground. Kidding, kidding – I’m not Christian. But I am a card-carrying member of the American Civil Liberties Union. And I can attest to how nice it feels to give to them, no matter how small. So please enjoy Tina extoling the virtue of the ACLU and the horrors of Trump’s America. In my resistance, there is always laugher.
So, as you know, Anne of Green Gables is one of my things. I love her, I love the books, I love Megan Follows. So when Netflix announced the new series, I was excited and skeptical and nostalgic. It has been a slow reveal, with just a teaser trailer so far. But now the official trailer is out and while I still can’t say I’ll love it, I can say I’ve fallen in love all over again with Green Gables. There’s a reason I made my family vacation in Prince Edward Island one summer. And it’s that P.E.I. is as much a part of the books as the characters. And from what I can see so far, gosh doesn’t she look pretty?
So far, I actually think it feels pretty authentic. The new Anne is scrawnier and gawkier than Megan’s Anne, which actually works for the books. But she also looks a tad on the Pippi Longstocking side, to me at least. I can’t tell if she’ll have the same winsome charm. But I am willing to give this Anne a chance. Though she’d better start calling Diana her “bosom friend” instead of just “best friend.” If they change that I shall be most cross.
Ding, dong, the companion is gay. Who is gay? The companion is gay! Dong, dong, the companion is gayyyyyy. Look, it’s not every day venerable 54-year-old pop culture institution breaks through a symbolic barrier and gives us our first out leading character. BBC announced that for the first time the Doctor’s companion on “Doctor Who” will be a gay woman. Biracial actress Pearl Mackie plays the new companion Bill Potts. According to reports, her sexuality is revealed “pretty much straightaway in her second line of dialogue.” As Mackie told the BBC:
“[Being gay] is not the main thing that defines her character – it’s something that’s part of her and something that she’s very happy and very comfortable with.”Now, the Doctor Who universe has had queer characters in it before. Captain Jack Harkness, Madame Vastra the lizard woman from the dawn of time and her wife Jenny, and so on. (And, was it just me or did River Song seem pretty wibbly wobbly on the Kinsey Scale? Spoilers!) But to have the companion be outright gay, well that’s something.
You know, it still makes me sad to see Hillary. Sad, and mad. And so fucking disgusted that America couldn’t get over its internalized sexism and just give the smart, qualified, hard-working woman the job instead of human trash compactor of a man. It’s little surprise when a new survey shows only 52 percent of millennial men between the age of 18 and 25 (you know, your prototypical Bernie Bros and Trump Trainers) disagree that men should be the breadwinners and women the homemakers in a family. That’s the lowest it has been since the late 1970s, and it appears to be on a downward trend. (By contract, 74 percent of women the same age disagree with that statement.) Anyway, this is just another way of saying sexism, she ain’t over. And until we get over it, and all of the other –ism and –phobias we artificially place on each other to separate us and feel superior, this shit won’t end and we’ll be stuck having to deal with the Donald Trumps of the world. Also, damn, Hillary’s leather blazer is on point.