Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Squeaky clean

I know I’m the gal who sees subtext in, you know, everything. But I swear one of the most subtexty scenes from last year wasn’t in “Rizzoli & Isles” or “Once Upon a Time,” but a little movie about an all-girls a cappella singing group. I know, nothing gay about that. Oh, wait, I meant the opposite. And as far as subtexty scenes go, they don’t get much more suggestive than two gals, naked, wet and in the shower singing in perfect unison. I mean, she left a naked guy to go find a naked girl. In fact, it was so gay I was shocked when Brittany Snow and Anna Kendrick didn’t make out afteward. Which reminds me, I need to pick up this DVD like yesterday. Fire away, fire away subtext.

Edit: Yes, I know of course there's an actual lesbian character in the movie. But this is post ain't about that. It's about subtext. Sigh.


Ba.ldei.aga said...

The Kreutzer Sonata, a novella by Leo Tolstoy has a passage depicting passion arising in musical duets

Anonymous said...

Don't forget how super gay the scene when all the bellas are singing a "Just the way you are"/"Just a Dream" mashup is. *__*

Kristan said...

Oh, that scene... Hehe. But is it really subtext when it's an intentional joke?

Anyway, fun movie (despite a few minor flaws) and really enjoyable music.

Anonymous said...

Funny. I've got the flu and spent all yesterday reading pitch perfect fanfic -- my first intro into that fandom.

So good.

Alicia M said...

"Pitch Perfect" was actually supposed to be a lesbian love story between those two characters. But, the writers changed it because they thought it wouldn't go over well with the general public -_-

Even though it is still SO OBVIOUS.

Molly said...

I was so convinced that they were going to kiss at the party where Chloe was drunk and that the running 'one of us must be a lesbian' joke was going to turn out to be that in fact Chloe likes the ladies too...I mean it was totally set up to suggest that as Fat Amy said it!

Anonymous said...

And you ignore the lesbian character that is actually in the movie because ...? Oh. Right. She ain't white. Nevermind.

gika17 said...

Of course a dude has to come in at the end and spoil the moment.

sadie0777 said...

Ok. I haven't seen this one yet but I'm rush rush rushing to purchase it right Meow! As to the "subtext" here... Its blatantly OBVIOUS that she wants her lady bits! The wink, the downward perusal of her body... HELLO!?! A blind person could see the interest. She even rolls her eyes as she walks away from her after the guy...

Beati3 said...

Loved that scene. Anonymous, get over it. Ms Snarker ain't no racist, or indeed *white*. The real lesbian was very funny perving on the hot chick. The whole film was good natured, off beat and highly enjoyable. The subtext was a great bonus. Can't think of a teen romcom I've enjoyed more. A must see.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kristan Hoffman on this one. As a writer myself, I am continuously confused by your use of the word subtext whether it be in this context or your love for Rizzoli & Isles. ~Anastasia

parkside said...

actually the director said that Chloe is bi and that Becca probs is too so it's not subtext it's canon!