Carla is love. She is sunshine and joy and wonder. Her progression on “Top Chef” this season has been one of those rare revelations. While she may have started as the colorful kook, she is now a force not only to be reckoned with but genuinely admired. And she has done it all without grousing or aggrandizing. She has done it, quite simply, by cooking well. On a show like “Top Chef” where personality too often drives the drama, it's refreshing to see a personality – or more accurately a person – who is so uniquely herself. Carla is
different, and that is what makes her so
fantastic. Part Fraggle, part classically-trained chef, all lovable, she is the kind of person who should be celebrated on reality TV instead of all the vapid fame chasers who overpopulate our screens. If there was any justice in television, she will be this season's triumphant tortoise. Go
Team Hootie-Hoo! Happy weekend, all.
I roundly approve of this weekend crush. Who knew Carla would be the one I'd end up rooting for?! You're very right about her progression being admirable. And her attitude in both victory and defeat is just fantastic!
I don't watch the show but I love Fraggles. I just didn't know they could cook.
Carla is an absolute joy! I'm glad that she's got good cooking game because right from the beginning I wanted her to stick around until the end...and she has!
Love me some Carla. Win or lose, I suspect we'll be seeing her again.
Love LOve LOVE her!! from the beginning she has been my favorite. She is precious!
I would totally watch Cooking with Team Hootie-Hoo every week. You hear me, Bravo? EVERY WEEK. Carla's charmingly hilarious, refreshingly unpretentious, and apparently the woman can get it on in the kitchen too, stand up triple.
i agree with vikki..."I don't watch the show but I love Fraggles. I just didn't know they could cook." Who knows maybe ill start watching top chef now...
I absolutely LOVE Carla. I hope she kicks Stefan's bald little ass!
Carla is a refeshing breath of fresh air in a sea of reality TV attention whores. She is so unpretentious and quirky, and I am really hoping she will win. Stefan is good, but to see him win, and behave even more arrogantly would be just too painful.
You know what, I actually wanted Leah to win this part because of Carla wanting to have another woman go along to the finals with her.
And I do think that Stefan or Hosea are the ones who deserved to go based on what they served in this week's episode...but I think the judges based their decisions on overall performance this time.
Especially since bald-brit-guy spoke positively about Leah's dish several times.
I am on the team hootie-hoo bus all the way!
Carla was my #2 choice after Jamie, so when the chefbian went, I started pulling for Carla. She is hysterical and real. Peas! The Fraggle similarity is awesome, I never thought of that but I can totally see it. Fraggle Rock was my favorite show when I was little.
jamie was def my number one. but carla has certainly grown on me. i couldn't believe she was comparing herself to a turtle - cos it was just too accurate. :)
We call her Big Bird.
I absolutely agree. Carla is like one of those crushes that sneak up on you in the most unlikely of places. In the words of all things lesbian cliche "she is just so NICE'.
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