The sudden stream of new promos for “The L Word” reminds me that I’m going to have to start stretching my pre-capping muscles again. Yep, 39 days to get back in shape until the Pre-L madness. I think I’ll practice on the latest trailer for season five. The new two-minute spot gives us the most in-depth glimpse of the season’s storyline to date. So without further ado, how about a warm up for Jan. 6? I’m rusty, so bear with me. [Click any to enlarge.]
1) Bette/Jodi/Tina: Two is company, three is dyke drama.2) Alice/Tasha: Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t ruin the cuteness.
3) Jenny: Wrestling in oil, directing movies, escaping from dingys. Just call her McLesbiver.
4) Helena/Prison Daddy: Don’t drop the soap...or do, depending on what you’re into.
5) Shane: Who here likes the ladies?
And some rhetoricals, just for fun:
How gay is Tasha’s military prosecutor?How ungay is this man?
How hilarious is their prison advice?
How much sex can you handle?
(Note: Check out the hair color on Bette’s, uhm, friend above. I don’t think that’s Jodi. Tibetters, commence going crazy).
p.s. I left Kit out because it’s just too sad. Last season she was a drunk. This season she’s a victim. Well, at least she gets a gun.
p.p.s. And one last shot of Alice, just because I can.
I don't think Shane's going to make it either. And if I'm being honest, I don't want her to either ;)
Thanks for the vid...
here in italy we'll have to wait a little longer for our TLW fixing, so "mille grazie" Ms.Snarker!
If that's not Tina and Bette together and if that's just a teaser of some kind and... and .... and.... and.... God!! I swear if they don't put Tina and Bette back in some way... why... I... I ..... I.... I'm gonna find a f**king cliff and launch myself off it!!! My heart can't take this, don't think I'm gonna be checking out any more L-Word promos..... oh... my heart!!!
You know what, since I won't be checking out anymore I think I'll just go back and stare stupidly... I meant check out these pics one million.. shit.. I meant... one more time!
Once again, for the last last time, I'm going to say that TiBette better be a couple by the end of this season.
And I mean it this time (unlike those last few...well...)
I likes Alice and Tasha.
The rest, I'm pretty neutral on. Except Jenny; then I'm bipolar. Love the acting, hate the role.
Ok.. Ok... Ok.... so I've replayed the clip (a zillion)... a few times... (stared stupidly at the stills for just about as many times as I've watched the clip)....looked at the stills a couple times and now (I'm going to (repeat the process... again.. and again.. and again....) get some work done (as soon as someone yanks me away from this blog... if there's anyone out there who even cares remotely about me, please yell at me to get to work!!! I really need all the help I can get).
Wow, I don't know whether I'm more excited about the show starting again or about your hilarious pre-caps. :D
You mean they're bringing back sex for the fifth season? Please say it's so.
Here's the thing. About TiBette. Which I confess, is not my fantasy.
I really like Tina. I would even go so far as to say that I'm rooting for her character. In four seasons, she's evolved in a lot of mostly interesting and often unpredictable ways. And yet, when Tina is with Bette, there's really not much Tina. Instead, there's TiBette, emphasis on the Bette.
What I'm saying is that with Bette, Tina is mostly cypher. A vessel to be filled. Literally.
Problem is--or at least, has been most of the time--that without Bette, Tina has seemed pretty empty. As a character. I mean, overall, there really hasn't been that much Tina. And I'm not talking about airtime, either. When Tina was with whatshisname, there really wasn't much there there. There were just excuses for different kinds of scenes (Bette pissed off, Bette and the girls making fun of straight people, etc.). And when Tina was on her own, well, there also wasn't that much Tina. And there really wasn't that much to Tina, if you know what I mean.
Instead, from season to season, we seem to get the most Tina--the most wit, sexiness, complexity--when Tina is with women other than Bette, whether it's the girls (Alice, Shane, et al) or another girlfriend (e.g., Helena).
For me, then, though I, too, saw that blonde head bobbing suggestively beneath Bette on the promo, I hope we're not headed back to TiBette. At least not for long.
Instead, I hope Season 5 gives Tina just enough taste of Bette now (sorry, pun pretty much intended) for Tina to realize that, if anything, she's stuck on Bette then. A Bette of seasons past. A Bette friend, perhaps. And definitely not a bete noir. But also not a Bette of any TiBette.
And then, after that, I hope Tina gets her own girlfriend. And I hope she gets more character than any of us has seen yet.
Just my two cents . . . .
Saturae... i'm tempted to laugh as I read your post - to some extent it's rather funny (the way you said/wrote it; not what you said/wrote) but then I have to stop myself because that laugh got wiped away at the thought that Chaiken might just pour all the sex into one or two eps and leave us like that so the humor is all gone at the thought. Heck the way the past 2 seasons have gone - that's very possible but I hope against hope that it isn't so!!
And yes folks... I'm back again..(to ogle some more) the plus side is that I actually got quite a bit of work done, despite..... so give me some credit here... *smiles*
hah, i was thinking same thing about that interrogator!
alice looks like she may hit on her!
It's difficult to tell, but it looks like Shane is no longer a vampire heroin addict. At least in appearance. Shane's skeletal-ness really turned me off the show last year. Everytime I looked at her I wanted to cook her something, lace it with mild cat sedatives, and have her institutionalized for the criminally cadaverous.
yeah, the promo is much better this time around...I wonder...I gotta re-subscribe to Showtime. PRONTO!
I agree with Dame Rhetorica.
Plus, I'm just sick of TiBette drama. I want Tina to find someone else she can really be with.
But the nostalgic in me would still love for there to be something...
how much do I hate to love the L word?
truthfully, I don't care very much who Bette is with as long as she's on screen. however, i do notice she takes somewhat of a submissive role with Jodi.
Shane needs a haircut.
january 6th needs to hurry it up.
Oh my, I forgot how much I loved your pre-caps. You should do pre-caps, re-caps, and scene-by-scene commentary, Ms. Awesomeness.
Anonymous said, "i do notice [Bette] takes somewhat of a submissive role with Jodi," but I wonder if dom and sub are the only options. Sure, Jodi is strong, and she's stubborn enough to prevent Bette from getting away with v. much of her usual dominatrix sh-t. But that dynamic seems like it's leading to the kind of give and take associated with negotiation between equals as opposed to submission/domination personae and games. No?
And can anyone tell how much I've missed over-reading L word characters and situations? My god, it feels so great.
oh freaking hot...this is the only show i would wish to become a soap opera...everyday at 1....oh one does it better than tina and bette...come on
Don't ruin the cuteness. Please don't. Tasha and Alice forever.
I'm SO OVER the whole tibette thing. I hope they don't get back together. Their relationship has been drug to the ground. I wish they would ship Tina off to Iraq instead of tasha. I'm sick of looking at her. Yea Bette cheated on her so what? Tina's a ding dong chasin BISEXUAL who needs to make up her mind.
OH OH OH what is happening in pic No.13!!!!
Is that bette?????????????????
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