Wait, Jenny didn’t drown on
that dingy? Inconceivable! And now
Vizzini is joining “The L Word?” Inconceivable-er! Adorably lispy, squinty actor Wallace Shawn (of “The Princess Bride” fame)
will appear in four episodes of Season 5 as a financier of Jenny’s new film, “Lez Girl,” which apparently is moving forward. Hey, isn’t there a
writers strike? Well, perhaps he can teach Ms. Schecter a thing or two. Like, you know, never get involved in a land war in Asia. And if not, well, there is always iocane powder.
Oh Boy - Jenny returns - oh well... Despite not liking her character, I have always been one to praise the talent of the actress herself/her talent and I've been raked over coals as a result. Seriously, if the actress were not talented, how else could she get so many of us to loathe her charater? (Food for thought right?) I think she does a good job of the crappy role that she's given. And damn! Isn't she looking hot in that photo?
I *heart* you. You crack me up. I love a girl who can throw around quotes and references from "The Princess Bride."
She's baaaaack hehe. I can't wait to see what they do with Jenny this season, she's one of those characters you love to loathe....Oh and Dorothy, I don't know if this is the right place to make a request *digital puppy dog eyes* but could you possibly lend your snark to Saffron Burrows. You seem to have covered every other English actress apart from her and she's the only one in a long term relationship with a woman! I'm not complaining - what you do is fabulous, but pretty please? She has a film called the Guitar coming out where she plays bi, if that helps.....
ditto what susan said
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