Look, I think we can all agree this has too much Mulder and not enough Scully. But, darn, if that “X-Files” music doesn’t hit you squarely in the sweet nostalgia box. And it is rather clever to tie in paranoia of being in a state of high-tech government surveillance (drones, drones, drones) into the revival. Still, I don’t know about you, but while I enjoyed the conspiracy, over the course of the series it became so convoluted that I longed for the Monster of the Week episodes. Plus it is hard to argue there was a creepier episode in the entire series than “Home.” *Shudder* *Shudder some more*
Sp, do you have high hopes for this? I won’t lie, even if I didn’t I would watch just to see Gillian Anderson’s glorious face. Speaking of which, when is “The Fall” coming back?
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Needs More Scully
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Same Old Story

Hell hath no fury like a fandom scorned. So, yeah, that happened. Stop reading if you don’t want to be spoiled for the upcoming final episodes of “Lost Girl.” Or, you know, if you’d rather live in a magical and benevolent land of happy relationships and never-ending shower scenes where couples don’t break up – again – for no good reason. Look, at this point I feel like that saying, “Fool me one, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” might actually apply. How could they do this to us again? How could they keep breaking Bo and Lauren up for increasingly lame reasons? The initial spy-bang thing? OK I get that might create some trust issues. The whole my ex-girlfriend is in a coma, but just woke up? Yes, that does pose a bit of a wrinkle. The I need a fae-cation stuff? Um, sure, but only if it’s just a break. This I am a healer and you are a protector and I can’t make you watch me grow old crap? Shut up, shut up, shut up. The most frustrating thing about all this, even if you aren’t a die-hard Doccubus fan, is how needlessly repetitive it all is. Like, we’ve all seen this episode before, many times. I feel like Anna and Zoie probably picked up their scripts and said, “Wait, didn’t we already film this before?”
Because of that, because it had already happened again and again and again, I guess I just did not think they would go back to that same well once more. This is not our first time at this rodeo, and yet it still threw us. And we’re left dazed and dusty on the dirt wondering what the hell just happened. This crap happened, that’s what happened.
For my full recap of this week’s episode, check out AfterEllen later today.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Taking the Sweet Lady Kisses to the Streets
So I’ve already sampled a few of this fall’s new shows already (“Blindspot,” “Minority Report,” “Rosewood”) and while I can’t say anything has been abjectly terrible, I was also not too terribly impressed. Sure, I still have high hopes for “Supergirl.” And, yes, I am watching “Scream Queens” despite all of my continuing Post-Traumatic Glee Disorder. But the one show right now I’m most excited for, hand down, is “Jessica Jones.” The new Netflix series based on the Marvel comic of the same name features Krysten Ritter in the title role. She plays a former superghero who now runs her own detective agency in New York City. It has been billed as kind of a companion piece to the streaming service’s series “Daredevil,” a gritty crime series – but this time with a female lead. What makes it even better is Carrie Anne Moss (yes, Trinity) plays Harper, an ally of Jessica’s who also happens to kiss ladies in the street. Let me repeat that, Carrie Anne Moss kisses ladies in the street on this show. I know, SOLD! The series drops Nov. 20 on Netflix. So, make plans and arrange your binge-watching snacks accordingly.
p.s. For more on all of the fall TV shows with new lesbian and bisexual female characters, check out my column in Women & Hollywood today tomorrow.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
My Weekend Crush
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Gender Fuck Thursday: Dark Suit Edition

Never underestimate the power of a woman in a simple dark jacket. Not that you ever would. But, just in case, here is a happy reminder. You’re welcome.

Bonus point for the pin-stripe shirt underneath.
Aisha Tyler

Look, I hate smoking. So we’ll just pretend this smoke is from some kind of super sexy dark magic instead. Much better.
Annie Lennox

Androgynous hotness now. Androgynous hotness forever.
Emmy Rossum

I see the simple chair prop is a recurring theme. I approve.
Amandla Stenberg

I know Amandla is only like 16. So it’s clearly not like that. Mostly I’m just jealous someone less than half my age has more than double my sense of style.
Cate Blanchett

Speaking of jealous, how do I look this effortlessly cool while walking around in a tux jacket, Bermuda shorts and glasses?
Gina Rodriguez

I promise, promise, promise to catch up on “Jane the Virgin.” Have I mentioned I promise?
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Game of Cookies
So, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but “Empire” is coming back tonight. I only know this because I live on this planet and own a TV, have an Internet connection and breathe air. The show has received incredible – INCREDIBLE – hype leading into its second season. But in this age of Peak TV, I have a confession to make. I haven’t watched “Empire.” Not one episode, not one minute. I know, I know, lock me up with Andy Samberg in a TV Watching Bunker and throw away the key. I also haven’t watched “How To Get Away With Murder” or “Scandal.” Though I did finally, mostly, catch up on “The Walking Dead.” And I’m really, really, really going to do my best to get current on “Jane the Virgin.” Am I forgiven?
This mashup of Taraji P. Henson in “Game of Thrones” is all kinds of awesome, and makes me feel even worse about my “Empire” non-watching. So, let me have it – what others shows am I also desperately missing out on already as the new TV season starts?
p.s. I’m not going to lie, a teeny-tiny part of me feels both equal parts relieved and guilty about not watching “Empire” because I know Ilene Chaiken in the showrunner. Gay ladies and Mama Chaiken, the history runs deep, yo.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Once Upon a Tam-Tam
I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed this week’s Tamsin-centric episode. I mean, confusing Valkyrie lifeline chronology aside, I think it was a welcome showcase for Rachel Skarsten who has been a perfect fit in the “Lost Girl” universe from the start. Of course, it also made me a little sad (no, not for the Team Valkubus vs. Team Doccubus stuff, I have zero interest in that). No, it made me sad because this far into the final season of “Lost Girl” an episode like this is clearly meant to be last, and deserved, hurrah for Tamsin’s character. While you never know what kind of wacky things the writers will do (and, please, don’t tell me – no fae-ing spoilers), you have to guess they won’t spend another whole episode dedicated to Tam-Tam. I mean, they only five episodes total left to wrap this succu-puppy up. But it was a nice gesture to give our Valkyrie her due. She has added so much to the show – dance skills not withstanding.
Oh, and you can read my full recap of Episode 5.11 “Sweet Valkyrie High” over at AfterEllen today.
p.s. That clip also made me miss Bruce. And, as always, Kenzi.
Monday, September 21, 2015
SGALGG: Emmys Edition

Well now, wasn’t that nice? Granted, most of the people I was rooting for the hardest – cough, Amy, cough, Tatiana – didn’t win. But, the good news is some very welcome things still happened at this year’s Emmy Awards. Historic and deserved wins for both Viola Davis and Uzo Aduba. Thrilling wins for “Transparent.” Also, way to go all the lesbians who won for “Olive Kitteridge.” Plus it’s now Emmy-winner Amy Schumer, thank you very much. Heck, I was even happy for Jon Hamm to finally get his statue, and I didn’t even watch “Mad Men.” But, of course, what you really want to know is – besides Tina Fey and Jane Krakowski – who made the ever prestigious Straight Gals Acting Like Gal Gals Emmy roundup this year. So, without further ado, and the winners are…

Next stop, the White Party at Dinah Shore.
Julie Bowen & Kerry Washington

Taking a selfie for their “In a Relationship” Facebook status update.
Amy Schumer & Allison Janney

To celebrate her win Allison decided to totally mack on Amy, and the other Amy totally approves.
Regina King & Taraji P. Henson

Clearly these two were caught mid-swoon.
Uzo Aduba & Taraji P. Henson

Of course, now Taraji has to explain to Uzo why she was swooning over Regina instead of her.
Maggie Gyllenhaal & Lena Headey

Discussing a “Secretary” remake, but with Lena in the role of the boss instead of creepy James Spader.
Viola Davis

Fine, so nothing particularly lesbian is happening here. But those arms are pertinent to your lesbian interests.
Tatiana Maslany

Again, nothing terribly lesbian is happening. But that suit is definitely a gift to lesbiankind.
Kate McKinnon

Something incredibly lesbian is happening here, and it’s fabulous.
Amy Poehler, Tina Fey & Jane Lynch

Jane looks like the chair of the welcome committee selling the newest arrivals on the benefits of living in Lesbian Town.
Friday, September 18, 2015
My Weekend Crush
So the Emmy Awards are this Sunday and I have to say I’m not overly invested this year. Naturally there are shows I enjoy and will be rooting for. “Orange Is the New Black,” “Transparent,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,” “Orphan Black,” et al. But the two categories I’m most interested will be the Outstanding Lead Actress categories for Drama and Comedy. And you’d better believe I’m rooting for Tatiana Maslany and Amy Poehler. Now will either win? Sadly, probably not because the Television Academy is pretty terrible most of the time. But we can dream, dammit. And, win or lose, they’ll never take away the great “Orphan Black”/”Parks and Rec” crossover of our dreams. Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Throwback Thursday: Lesbian Witch Edition
And now, for a real Throwback Thursday. I did a Buffy “Once More with Feeling” soundtrack re-listen not that long ago and, hot damn, if I didn’t still know pretty much all the words. And when it comes to “Under Your Spell,” goodness if that song still doesn’t bring a blush to my face. For something released in 2001 (which, mind you, was before a single state in the U.S. legally recognized same-sex marriages – the first was Massachusetts in 2004) it was wildly progressive and, yes, all kinds of sexy. I mean, hello:
The moon to the tideSpread beneath my willow tree? Joss Whedon, you dirty bird. And when you couple that with the visuals? Willow disappearing with a smile down south. Tara literally levitating off the bed while singing you make me com…plete. Dirty bird, indeed. Sure, today we’ve got so much more and such varied representations of lesbian and bisexual female characters on TV. But never forget that 14 years ago a lesbian witch made her lesbian witch girlfriend literally float off the bed because, fuck yeah, the sex was that good. Also, you know, the love. But then, they both kind of makes you do the wacky.
I can feel you inside
I'm under your spell
Surging like the sea
Pulled to you so helplessly
I break with every swell
Lost in ecstasy
Spread beneath my willow tree
You make me com-plete
You make me com-plete
You make me com-plete
You make me
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Shenny, Shenny, Who Can I Turn To?
I know I’m a little early for Throwback Thursday, but I recently happened upon a gif of Helena falling off the treadmill on Tumblr and felt compelled to rewatch the whole scene. Yep, still holds up. Still holds up so freakin’ well. Especially Bette’s uncontrollable laughter. And Alice’s “Ewwww” face. These quick-cut scenes of the whole group have always been among my favorite. Remember the phone tree? Yeah, good times.
p.s. Even all these years later I still discover new things about this scene. The actor whose hair Shane was doing instead of Patrick Dempsey? Eric Mabius. Ah, yes, Tim. If Jenny had stayed with him none of this would have ever happened.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Free Time
Another day, another new trailer to get excited about. Look, this is the first year we’ve got two potentially mainstream movies focusing on lesbian relationships. If I got a little crazy with the posts, so be it. We’re due. Now, I’ll admit that the “Freeheld” trailer has less sophisticated appeal than the “Carol” trailer. That trailer was a work of atmospheric art. But what “Freeheld” does have is earnest straight forwardness. It’s clearly more of a direct crusade movie than “Carol.” But it’s still something so rare. It’s a film about a lesbian relationship featuring an out lesbian star.
Like, how cute is this scene? Yeah, that gets me more excited than all the trailers.
You know what else is exciting? Ellen bringing her girlfriend to the “Freeheld” premiere. For all of our advances, that simple act still speaks volumes. May we see so much more of such happiness in the future.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Watch Her Whip
Hey, welcome to your Monday. Guess what? I still love Hillary Clinton. And I love her even more for awkwardly doing the Whip and Nae Nae on Ellen. And that is all for today.
Friday, September 11, 2015
My Weekend Crush
For all this luxuriating of anticipatory praise on “Carol” and “Freeheld” (which, truth be told, both look freaking amazing), there’s one more lesbian film flying in this year. Actually, it’s actually out now, if you’re in a market lucky enough to have it. It’s “Grandma,” starring Lily Tomlin as the titular grandmother in question on a quest to help her teenage granddaughter raise the money for an abortion. Now, you can’t tell it from the trailer (which, you know, grumble grumble), but Tomlin’s character is a lesbian – and a smart-ass, take-no-bullshit lesbian at that. Ah, my favorite kind. The movie also has a host of fantastic actors in supporting roles – from Marcia Gay Harden to Laverne Cox and Judy Greer. And it is getting great reviews. Plus, did I mention Lily Tomlin plays a smart-ass, take-no-bullshit lesbian? Yep, sold. Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Wash that Sexism Right Outta Your Hair
Truth be told, I am still not over those new “Carol” trailers. Whew. If you want to read more of my excited flailing, please head on over to Women & Hollywood today for this week’s column. But, while we’re on the topic of things featuring great ladies, here’s more. I won’t give it away, but this really is the best hair secret advice. Best when used daily.
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

The closer we get to these two films coming out, the more excited I get. Two films, in one year. Two. Films. I know, when you look at the big picture it might seem silly to feel like two films is a bounty. But for us when it comes to mainstream lesbian representation in films, it truly is. What makes it all that much more exciting is both these two films seem like they could be so, so very good. It’s true, two films isn’t the world. But, you know what, two films sure feels pretty damn good.
p.s. Dear God, these new full-length Carol trailers are making me physically ache.
U.S. Trailer
International Trailer
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Funny Girls
Damn, have I mentioned how much am I gonna miss this show? And the funny is just one of the myriad of things about “Lost Girl” I will miss like crazy. Siiiigh. So the first of the final eight episodes aired over the weekend. Sniffle, I know. get it all out. A good cry, an honest dry. I was sort of unimpressed until, well, you know – those last 20 seconds. HELLO. Well, I don’t want to spoil anything for the unspoiled. But read all about it today when my “Lost Girl” recap posts on AfterEllen.
Monday, September 07, 2015
My Shoulda Been Weekend, New Week Crush
Oh, geez. Yes, this is another ridiculously late post. Apologies for going off the grid for a few days. My excuse is the totally unoriginal “I was busy” coupled with the always true “sleep is a nice thing.” But, fear not. I am still here and writing and now want to share this lovely little number with you as both an apology and a thank you. This past week I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Broadway legend and all-around incredible person Audra McDonald in concert. And she performed this song as the encore. She prefaced it by saying she used to sing this as a rallying cry for the marriage equality fight. But sine June of this year, she now performs it beacon of hope for anyone who needs it. Also, you know, there is the Dorothy connection.
p.s If you get the chance to see Audra in concert, sweet merciful Zeus, go. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Legacy of Lady Lovers

Fire up the Lesbian Bat Signal. Did you know there’s a Lifetime movie that stars both Teri Polo and Anna Silk? Did you know such a wondrous combination of ladies we love who play ladies who love ladies exists in this world. Did you know Stef Foster and Bo Dennis were like totally BFFs in an alternate universe? That 2006 movie is called “Legacy of Fear” and available for you viewing pleasure for free On Demand from Lifetime RIGHT NOW. What are you waiting for? Did I mention Teri plays a cop? Did I mention Anna plays a TV reporter? Hey, didn’t you see the Lesbian Bat Signal? This is not a drill.
p.s. Is that the origins of Boobs O’Clock I see there, Anna?
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
Tasty Danish
So, I think we can all agree that this trailer is pretty impressive. The obligatory asterisk to this statement being, of course, that it would have been better to have a trans actor in the role. But instead now trans roles are what gay roles were for straight actors not that long ago – guaranteed Oscar bait. I know, Le Sigh. With all that said, this film still looks quite good. And Eddie Redmayne looks quite amazing in these clips. In fact the whole thing looks quite intriguing. Granted, I still would have liked to see this movie with its first rumored cast – Nicole Kidman as Lili and Charlize Theron as her wife Gerda.
Also, I sincerely hope the movie delves some into Gerda’s life, too, because have you seen her naughty illustrations? (More at the previous link but, hello, NSFW.)
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Be Present
Ooof, man, have I been bad at getting posts up in a timely fashion of late. And I know sometimes being too busy turns me into this person while talking with my loved ones. Of course, I only wish I could be as funny as Tig here. This bit, by the way, wasn't scripted out. She just told her fiancee she would call at a certain time. If you haven't checked out her documentary on Netflix, what are you waiting for?