Last year on my first blogday I tallied a list of posts posted, comments commented, awards lost and typos typed. If I had to do that this year, um, we’d be here until my third blogiversary. Especially on the typos part. Last year I also tried to thank every reader by country. I’d love to do the same again but there are just too many of you and too many countries. Well, that and I suck at geography. So, if you don’t mind, let me know where you’re reading from in the comments section. I’ll bust out the globe if I have to.
Needless to say, without you I’m nothing. Without you I’m just a gal sitting in front of her laptop way too much. With you I’m just a gal sitting in front of her laptop way too much, with readers. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for dropping my little corner of the interwebs and possibly finding something you liked. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your emails. Thank you for your votes. Thank you for your gift offers. Thank you for your marriage proposals. Oh, and you’ll get your answer when I get my ring.
This year, in lieu of a by-the-numbers report, I thought I’d do something I’ve toyed with since I started this whole crazy train 731 days ago: a FAQ. Fine, it’s not really a FAQ since no one actually asked these questions. But, too bad, I’m answering them anyway. So without any further adoing.
Ms. Snarker’s Not-So Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How often is Surrenders updated?
A: At least once each weekday (minus vacations/national emergencies/bad hangovers). When the ladies of the L are in season, also on Saturdays.
Q: Do you comment back in the comments section?
A: No, that’s your space. Plus, I’m lazy. However, I do read, love, appreciate and encourage all comments (expect, of course, spam or hate speech).
Q: Do you really write back to emails?
A: Yes, I really write back…eventually. I respond to all emails (minus the spam, hate speech stuff, ’natch). Sometimes it takes a while, but I promise to get to you.
Q: Why answer emails but not comments?
A: Dude, I have no idea. But, you know, lines have been drawn and now it’s a rule. It’s sort of like that wearing white shoes after Labor Day thing. Who knows why it started?
Q: What’s with the potty mouth? Don’t you know that’s the sign of a small mind?
A: No shit, Sherlock.
Q: Are you Jessy Randall?
A: No. I in no way wants to besmirch Jessy’s good name. I’m certain her poems are lovely.
Q: When will you post a picture of yourself?
A: When Jodie Foster tells a reporter: “Hell yeah, I’m gay. And I fucking love it … Also, Dorothy Surrenders is my favorite blog!”
Thank you all, again, for reading. Y’all are awesome. And, of course, super sexy.
Hellooo!! Knock, knock! Anyone home? I just dropped by to say happy birthday Ms D. And thank you for spending way too much time in front of your laptop. It makes all the time I spend at my desk seem so much more pleasant. And what? No Tina Fey leaping out of your cake this birthday?
Happy blogiversary Dorothy! Kudos! You've been doing such an amazing job in these 2 years, pls keep on posting and never surrender! You are so inspired and inspiring!I will start to blog soon too and I mostly have to thank you for that. Greetings from Rome, Italy!
I never commented before but I want to let you know that I'm reading your blog for 1 1/2 years now and I love, love, LOVE it!
Dorothy, I have not the slightest idea who you are.. but reading your blogs and the stuff on AE makes you like a friend of mine.. - a weird one-sided relationship,okay^^
but.. yeah.. you are great. keep it that way!
Alles Gute zum 2-jährigen Jubiläum!
juhul from Germany =)
love from vienna/austria,
ps. jodie, come on (out)...!!!
Happy anniversary. I'm in Scotland, just so you know, and I have no idea how long I've been hanging around. A while. I'd say at least six months, maybe longer. :D
Happy blogiversary! Ang greetings from Finland. : D
Happy Birthday!! Thanks for spending way too much time in front of your laptop, it makes the time I spend in front of mine much more enjoyable. I loved your answer to when you will reveal your secret identity. I'm somewhat of a newbie here but I'm very appreciative of the Tina Fey love and your great writing. By the way your Top Chef recaps rock, love the pics of Padma. Hope to have you around for many more years to come!!
I guess I'm too late for the 'pre-birthday spanking'?
Congratulations from Auckland, New Zealand :-)
Congrats! Thanks for keeping us smiling, laughing and drooling, Ms. Snarker.
Felicidades! Two years already? wow!
I was wondering why there were no pictures of you!
You are fabulous, but you must know that cause we keep telling you that you are. Happy second anniversary from the Dominican Republic!
well well happy blog day.
Thanks for all the time you spend in front of your screen and for your selfless sleep depravation.
Who cares about typos and awards? As long as you provide us with tanks, naked mondays,tinas and jodies !!
Truly love your blog & writing. Can't wait for the French version :)
And that Jodie comment too...
Happy Blogiversary from Poland
Happy blogiversary to you DS... and may all your wishes come true!
Here's hoping that you'll find yourself with many more years of sexy women in tank tops, sexy women in suits, sexy women in glasses... ah, Hell... how about just sexy women in general!
You've provided us with such wonderfully written blogs over the past 2 years, not to mention so many drool worthy photos that I wish you all the very best and know that we'll be wishing you a Happy blogiversary for many more years to come!
I'm attempting this comment from my Treo 700. See how dedicated I am to reading your...um...words. Only 2 years? Wow, thought you'd writing this blog much longer than that! Wow! Well keep it up...for all of us. maybe I'll stop replying to comments on my blog too...after I have thousands of readers too.
oh yeah...my treo 700 & my laptop generally reside in Colorado along with their owner...
Happy blogiversary! Greetings from Varberg,Sweden
You're TWO? You don't look two. Seriously, I would say, like, under one. I wouldn't think you were two. Wow. You look great.
Q: When will you post a picture of yourself?
A: When Jodie Foster tells a reporter: “Hell yeah, I’m gay. And I fucking love it … Also, Dorothy Surrenders is my favorite blog!”
HAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAA! That made my morning and will fuel me through my dreaded workout.
Happy blogiversary! From your (only?) Icelandic reader.
Happy blogiversary from Spain! And thank you for making my hours at the office quite better, specially with Tank Top Tuesday ;)
Hurray and congrats from St. Louis, MO! And it's true, she does write back to e-mails. :)
Happy Blogiversary! I have just recently discovered your blog and since I've bookmarked it - well, I must like it! Thank you bringing a breath of fresh day to my busy, long day!
Have a very enjoyable day - you deserve it!:)
Happy 2nd year of blogging! I wish for many more anniversaries to come. And that means much more laughter on our part. ;-) I truly enjoy reading your posts. Thank you. :-) -JDS
Happy Happy!! Congrats!!!
DS is a daily must-read for me. SOOO funny/quirky/saucy/snarky. Happy Second Birthday!
Huge fan, Canada
Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuve you!...Well at least your writing. - Nederland ;-)
greetings from Tokyo, Japan!
If you are two in blog years, what is the equivalent in human years? :P
Happy happy and congrats from the exotic locale of upstate New York! :D
I feel so inadequate sending greetings from Seattle. But we are exotic in our own way; we wear Gore-Tex tank tops.
Love your blog; PLEASE keep depriving yourself of whatever necessary to keep us entertained.
Happy blogiversary, Dorothy! "Y'all are awesome. And, of course, super sexy": shut up! you are! :o) Best wishes from England.
Happy Blogiversay, Dorothy! I was thinking of you when I walked by a TV this morning and saw Tina Fey on The View. I read your posts every day and even check the site more than once in hopes that you will post a second time. Just call me the internal optimist - or stupidly stubborn!
Much love from Temecula, California.
Congrats on the longevity with the AE gig! You're a better woman than me, DS ;) Guess I shouldn't have pissed off SW :D
Happy birthday Dorothy! Your the best!
Greetings from Little Rock, AR
happy blog birfday from illinois (usa- heard of it?)
loved you piece on miranda july!
Happy Blogiversary! I can't believe it's only 2 years, I feel like I've been lurking here forever. I totally blame you for my Tina Fey addiction and thank you, thank you for Tank Top Tuesdays! Best wishes from Canada!
Congratulations, Ms. Snarker! May your blogoliciousness continue to reign supreme in the Sapphic corners of the interwebs and beyond.
happy 22222222222222.
I love yoooooouuuuuuuu!
Ms. S. forgive me for being late with my congrats, but it's been a hell of a day and I'm only now able to come and get my fix just as I'm about to go through the door.
HAPPY Anniversary - looking forward to congratulating you on many many more!
You are absolutely super sensational! And you're two, I must say you don't look a day older :)
So, when it comes to marriage proposals you're a "first the rock, then we'll talk" kind a gal, huh?
Congratulations on your blogiversary. Thank you so much for sharing your wit and style. This is the.best.blog.ever.
Happy blogiversary~
I've never known typos since English is my second language. LOL.
You just make me grin like an idiot.
Thank you from Korea...
woah the cake looks delicious!!!
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary from Malta. You brighten up my days :)
Happy second blogiversary Dorothy!! Greetings from England. Love your blog!
My warm congrats, Dorothy, on such a brilliant and successful venture. Happy 2nd and many more.
congratulations from Mexico!
WOW! I am impressed by how far flung your readers are Ms. Snarker. Yes, I'm pretty much a local in comparison (Vancouver, Canada). Does it count that I'm originally from Malaysia via England ? :)
Add my congratulations, and hope there's many more. And perhaps - now that you're in your terrible twos - we might expect some gleeful mischief sometime?
Wow, that was pretty shocking you announing your age like that! I've been reading your blog for 2 weeks only, so I guess I have 2 years of posts to read now! Let me go! Congrats!
Hey hey, first time commenting here but I just wanted to wish you a happy blogiversary Ms Snarker. I´m relatively new to your blog but I'm in love with it already. Keep it up and thanks for keeping me entertained ;D
Kudos from,
Your other Icelandic reader!
I'm in Seattle now, but when i first started reading i was in Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy).
You're wonderful *looks googly eyed at Ms. Snarker*
Happy Blogiversery from Austin,TX :)
happy blogiversary DS~
I like your blog.
Now I see what's the real issue.
We'll solve.
Have a nice weekend!
Ms. Snarker: It's your two-year anniversary *and* you didn't mention Tina Fey? A remarkable day indeed ...
Thank you for unleashing your hilarious stream of consciousness on the gen pop. To many more anniversaries!
Best, LMG
Happy anniversary, and keep the posts coming!
Aloha from Hawaii
this is the best blog i have ever read, and i read a lot of them. thanks for improving my weekdays exponentially.
Fairbanks, AK and Hudson, OH (i am a seasonal migrant due to graduate school)
Happy bloggy-blog thing from Whore-stralia.
You = genius
Congrats DS. You've been y daily (or near-daily-catch-up) reading for almost those two years, and a friend of Dorothy for me when I haven't always had a lot of real ones around me. So thank you for following me in California, Arizona, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Korea.
Happy Blog Day to you!
For the record....you're potty mouth is sooo HOT!
Dialing in from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Just checking in from Tawas City, MI...a small town in the north woods with lots o' artsy folks tucked here and there. Thanks for being a regular place that I stop in for a smile (or a smirk). Keep up the good work!
Happy blogiversary! I've been reading since Day 1 when I did a little reverse stalking ;)
To many more years, success, and to more sleep! All the best . . . PNB
"No shit, Sherlock." Ahahahaha! That was hilarious. Happy Bday! (Virginia)
Hi from Australia. Happy Blogiversary! Just wanted to say that I regularly check your blog and there's always something that amuses me or makes me think.
Less than three.
Happy Blogsday! I love your blog!
happy birthday dorothy from adelaide, australia!
Congrats on the birthday... does this mean we're going to be getting a lot of toddler temper tantrums now? :P
This blog rocks. I've had it set as my home page for the past few months so it's usually the first thing i see when i log on :)
Kirsty, in the Back of Beyond, Scotland.
Ildikó from Romania
Congratualtions - two years of being my essential reading!
Happy Bloggy Birthday from your gal pal in Kansas (yes, it is like a whole other country). May Tank Top Tuesdays roll off your keyboard like snark from Tina Fey's mouth. May you still enjoy recapping Top Chef once all the chefbians are gone. May your weekend crushes never all show up at your door demanding to know "Why only a fucking weekend???" May Jodie come out on your blog. May the L Word write you in as Alice's new love interest but she eventually leaves you because of her jealousy of your snarky blogging superpowers and you get to recap yourself.
All of this I wish for you on your Blogiversary.
PS What color and cut on that ring??
Congrats Ms. Snarker! *raises glass*
I also want to thank you for keeping the written word alive on AE.
Nice post
Love it! Thanks for sharing I already visit your Tumblr acct and I enjoy reading this.
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