Sure, this last one is probably more of a halter top, but are we really going to quibble at a time like this?
[All images via Tina-Fey.org.]
Sure, this last one is probably more of a halter top, but are we really going to quibble at a time like this?
[All images via Tina-Fey.org.]
Sigh. I love smart funny women.
I'll let the halter go just this once...but if you want me to be your beard, I don't do that anymore
To Tinas in a row! What did we ever do to deserve this! YAY!!!! HOOORAY!!!
Ms. S., grab your purse/bag/whatever, I'm taking you out!
Thanks to your desire to make every day this week a Tina Fey day (Hey, I'm NOT complaining!), I can tell it will be a good one. :)
Which day is gunna be Nekked Tina Day this week? I am just asking cuz I have to prepare myself ahead of time. For possible falling, drooling, head hitting the keyboard. Stuff like that. :)
It's tough to see you working so hard, Dorothy. I feel your pain.
And, if it's not too much trouble, can I feel more pain this week?
Can it be Tina Fey week in honor of the return of 30 Rock?
Consider yourself forgiven by the international readers for putting up the US-only clips in the previous post just by putting up that first pic of tina fey in tank top! :P
Can we have a Tina Fey Wednesday too? pretty please..
I have to say, I only like Tina Fey *NOT* glamed up (shock, horror!)and particularly with her glasses on. She rocks my socks off with glasses. So I LOVE pic 2,5. The rest..meh.
Tina Fey is a national treasure. Right up there with Lassie, Pez Dispensers and that big old maple that got struck by lightning off North Tower Road.
I soooo love her...and I'm glad that she's not gay or I fear I'd make of fool of myself, especially in court during my sanity hearing.
Seriously, is there a difference between "depraved" and "deprived" with you, Ms. Snarker?
Thanks for maintaining your hilarious blog; so what if my monitor has endured more spit-takes than Jenna Jameson?
Best, LMG
What's with the non-spectacled Fey? Hope this isn't the beginning of a powder-puff trend.
I'm going to have to agree with the ladies that said that we want our Tina Fey with glasses... there's just something ultra sexy about Tina Fey with glasses on that is lost a bit when she doesn't have them on.
We may not need to thank you, but I say you still deserve our thanks for the Tina two-for!
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