UPDATE: I make no excuses for the ridiculousness of this crush. It’s ridiculous. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real. I went to
Rosie O’Donnell and Portia de Rossi will both have recurring roles the fifth season of the FX drama Nip/Tuck. Geez, perhaps they should rename the show Lez/Tuck. Portia makes her return to prime time as -- wait for it, wait for it -- a lesbian! Wow, the casting director really broke the mold on that one. Actually, she will play a “manipulative lesbian mother whose teen daughter wants to have plastic surgery.” A manipulative lesbian mother? Is that the latest in “crazy mother” chic? Does this mean that stage moms and cheerleader moms are now officially over?
As for Rosie’s role, she will reprise her turn as lottery winner Dawn Budge (who memorably got it on with Christian…and by “memorably” I mean “forever painfully seared onto my retinas”). Word is she won’t say a word when she returns:
“Rosie will come to Dr. McNamara and Dr. Troy for a procedure where she will end up having to have her mouth sewn shut! She's forced to communicates with them through a dry erase board.”
Wait, did Bill O’Reilly write this script? In other (more verbal) Rosie news, the comic won’t be telling folks to “Come on down!” anytime soon. After saying she wanted to hold Bob Barker’s mic, Rosie decided the price of uprooting her family to L.A. was wrong and nixed her campaign to host “The Price is Right.” Oh, and despite what the NYT says, View ratings are down since Ro left. Some 400,000 viewers down. File that one under “Duh.”
This may be one of my favorite Jodie Foster posters ever. Jodie, a gun and a hint of belly. What is not to love? I’ve already drooled all over the beyond intense trailer for “The Brave One” and now the film’s stark-yet-stunning one-sheet (click above to enlarge) is making me think Sept. 14 can’t come fast enough.
Speaking of Jodie, she just made an “extraordinarily generous gift” to The Trevor Project, the nation’s only 24-hour suicide prevention hotline for gay and questioning youth. Jodie’s gift went toward a campaign to create the Randy Stone Call Centers, named in memory of one of project’s founders who passed away in February. Randy Stone was also Jodie’s best friend and an Academy Award-winner in his own right. You may recall Jodie choking up while honoring him during this year’s In Memoriam segment at Oscars.This isn’t Jodie’s first foray into supporting a gay organization. She was thanked in the credits of the short film “Trevor,” which Stone produced and won an Oscar for. The short was the impetus for The Trevor Project and tells the story of a 13-year-od boy who comes to terms with his sexuality while acknowledging his love of Diana Ross and the school jock. Jodie’s new donation is the largest in the organization’s history. Simply, bravo. Is it September yet?
Go Team Gay!
Twenty-year-old actress Lyndsy Fonseca (previously seen on “How I Met Your Mother,” “Big Love” and “The Young & The Restless”) will join the super-powered spectacular “Heroes” next season as April the gay cheerleader. The pom-pom princess will be the “sweet” girl to other new cheerleader Debbie’s “mean” girl. Both are expected to be classmates of invincible cheerleader Claire at her new school in Southern California . Is it just me or does Lyndsy need to buy a vowel?
Jenny Gets An Assistant
Dammit, this means she doesn’t stay lost at sea. In the first L Word casting news of the new season, Malaya Rivera Drew has been picked to play Jenny Schecter’s assistant. Malaya has had roles on “ER” and “Las Vegas.” This move is sure to mean more Crazy Jenny screentime. I can see it now: “Assistant, fetch me my medium triple soy cappuccino with three pumps of vanilla.” “Assistant, clean up Sounder’s boo-boo.” “Assistant, bring me the head of the Vagina Wig…and a Vitamin Water.”
The Lesbian Has Left the Kitchen
Wow, that was quick. Gay Top Chef contestant Sandee Birdsong got booted this week for poaching her lobster. Sadly, that’s not a euphemism for something naughty. In honor of the departed Sandee, a look at her great moments in fauxhawk above.
But Another Lesbian Is Still Standing
“Last Comic Standing” contestant Sabrina Matthews made it to the next round in the premiere episode of the NBC reality series. I love that she is a big, cuddly dyke with the wee, girly name Sabrina. Fantastic. Plus, she is damn funny. Even more fantastic. See, lesbians do have a sense of humor. Hey, stop laughing.
Ro Replaced By a Mo?
Will Rosie’s replacement be a gay man? Yeah, that’s what they need on that show -- more bitchy energy (love ya, boys, kisses!). Two fancy fellas in particular are being mentioned as possible co-hosts on the coffee klatch: Mario Cantone and Ross Mathews. Mario was Charlotte ’s best gay on “Sex and the City” and Ross is Ross the Intern from “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.” Hmm, I’m not necessarily opposed to a gay guy filling Rosie’s chair, but I thought the whole point of “The View” was to show the diversity of women’s perspectives by discussing the important and not-so important news of the day. I mean, I thought that was what it was about. I don’t really know; I stopped watching after Rosie left.
The FCC Hates Pride
Seems men in feather boas and women in assless chaps are just too much for the good old FCC. San Francisco independent station KRON has moved its live broadcast of the Pride Parade from basic cable channel to digital cable (plus a live internet stream). The change was made because the station’s broadcast license was up for renewal. Oh, FCC. You allowed “ Walker , Texas Ranger” to air happily for 10 fucking seasons but the poor gays can’t get their party on once a year? Puh-lease. Plus, this broadcast is pretty much the only way I ever get to see the Dykes on Bikes roar their traditional start to the parade come Sunday morning, since we’re all still too drunk, hungover, sleepy damn lazy to actually get up and go to Market Street and cheer at such an ungodly hour. Hey, 10:30 a.m. is ungodly the night after Pride. Trust me.
Taking this weekend’s festivities into account, I might be tardy with my posting on Monday. The old body doesn’t bounce back quite as quickly as it used to. Now, go, get your gay on. Just remember to stretch first.
Sometimes, I think I should add a “Things That Are Wrong” tag to the site. But then I realize, damn, that’d be a lot of things. Anyway, file this Brazilian ad campaign for light yogurt as one of those things. The shots recreate famous movie moments (Mena Suvari in “American Beauty,” Marilyn Monroe in “The Seven Year Itch,” Sharon Stone in “Basic Instinct) with plus-sized models. The tagline reads: “Forget about it. Men’s preference will never change. Fit Light Yogurt.” Gee, that’s not offensive at all. I happen to think the ladies look pretty damn good. Lovely even. And the composition of each shot is brilliant. As if we needed more reminders that a billion-dollar industry’s sole objective is to make us feel shitty about ourselves so we’ll buy their crappy products. Sigh. Well, since “men’s preferences” aren’t really top priority here at Surrenders, let’s just celebrate Real Beauty instead.
p.s. This ad totally made me cry during the Super Bowl.
What is your sexual orientation? You dated men on Real World.
“Oh, yeah. It’s very cloudy at this point in time. I’m definitely venturing toward my lesbian qualities…”
Venturing toward my lesbian qualities? Dammit, if I’m not going to have to start incorporating that into my everyday conversations. I think I’ll start this weekend at Pride. “Hey, check out the Lesbian Qualities on that girl!” Or, “Hey, baby, want to take a venture at these Lesbian Qualities?” Fantastic, thank you, Coral. You’ve inadvertently added a whole new euphemism to the lesbian vernacular. And, considering that maddening mess of an interview, (seriously, read the wacky), it might be the only thing we’ll be thanking you for for quite a while. So enjoy. In lieu of a toaster oven we’re sending a toaster. Just in case.
Yes, in case you were wondering, it is Lesbian Talk Show Host Day here at Surrenders. Mark your calendars for next year. Anyway, TV’s other (former) LTSH Rosie O’Donnell and her (former) Viewmates are back in the headlines and now the feud is being framed as “Heteros vs. Homos.” Were that I was kidding.
Last week, Barbara Walters told Ryan Seacrest on his radio show that Rosie’s departure meant the ladies could now turn “The View” into the Cinemax After Dark show they always hoped for:
“The Hot Topics have been fun. There are some things that we were able to discuss that we weren’t able to discuss with Rosie, like heterosexual sex. Because, you know, Rosie’s lifestyle is different, being an open lesbian...We are perhaps not quite as political [or] vocal about [things], but the Hot Topics have been very fun, and the ratings are up, so we're quite happy. Obviously, the audience is very loyal.”
So. Many. Issues. First, calling it a “lifestyle,” Barbara, really? Second, the ratings are up, really? Last, but not least, trust me when I say that no one straight or gay wants to hear you talk about the joys of penis-vagina sex. Really.
Rosie responded on her blog with a, “She is almost 80.” Snerk. Then on Friday she posted a lovely video montage of the good times on “The View” with plenty of smiling shots of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. On Sunday night she played a True Colors Tour show and joked with the crowd on a number of topics and then said:
“I got to tell you, I’ve been hanging around with those heteros for a full year and it’s not fun. Turn around one minute and they'll stab you in the back with a high heel. They will.”
Well, so much for the afterglow. Actually, since we’re not given any real context to Rosie’s quote, I tend to think she was kidding. Considering the event (a gay rights concert), the crowd (gays and supporters) and the month (hello, Gay Pride!), this just seems like one of those things we’ve all said when around family and joking about those crazy breeders. They so crazy. For evidence, please see Barbara Walters above.
Listen I know that I’m late to the party and the last one left at the bar when it comes to Ellen’s big Daytime Emmy Awards wins. But I just felt I needed to bend the Big E’s ear for a minute, because I know how much she values my opinion.Ellen, darling. I love that you have like 16 million Emmys at home. I love that you planted a big old wet one on Portia when you won, again. I love that you gave Rosie a shout out and said “The View” should have won the shiny, sharp
weapon award this year. And I LOVE that you always wear suits.Sadly, I do not love this suit. And the shoes, they’re not helping. No one should feel like Col. Sanders’ gay brother on her big night. I don’t care how much you love fried chicken, that’s just wrong.
Here is something you might not know about me: I love food shows. Loves them. The Food Network is pretty much my white noise, particularly when I’m working. But my obsession with cooking shows is rather hilarious considering I am a notorious non-cook. My best dish? Scrambled eggs. Yeah, let’s just say the kitchen isn’t really my arena. But I think that’s exactly why I’m fascinated by the shows. Cooking is an art form I admire endlessly, but sadly have no natural talent for. Also, I like food.Still, one of my favorite food shows isn’t even on the Food Network. Instead, it’s Bravo’s “Top Chef.” I am addicted. It’s like a serialized version of “Iron Chef” with more contestants and Padma Lakshmi. How can you beat that? The series has also consistently boasted a lesbian or bisexual chef among its ranks. This season that honor (as well as the award for the most hipster hair) goes to Sandee Birdsong. Go team Lesbos! But, back to Padma and why she helps make the show like crack or, better yet, French fries (since I’m not addicted to drugs, but I am seeking an intervention from salt and grease). The Indian actress/model/ cookbook author/wife of novelist Salman Rushdie has a serene quality that hypnotizes you into a zen food coma. Plus, the woman is easy on the eyes. Beautiful women, spiky-haired lesbians and gourmet food? Seriously, how can you beat that?
In the issue we see the return of Warren. Yes, that Warren, the guy who killed Tara and later was flayed alive by Willow. Turns out he survived with the help of ex-rat, current-witch Amy. He tries to exact revenge on Willow (lobotomies, they’re not just for the insane anymore), but our gal Buf saved the day and through some mystical hooha Will gets to keep her frontal lobe intact. Now, I appreciate any crumb of Buffy goodness I can get. But I have to say the comics pale in comparison to the show. While I can hear the cadence and attitude written into the dialogue (hell, I even imagine all of the characters voices as I read them), it just doesn’t translate as sharply on the page. Also, I’m a little confused by the storyline. So, let me get this straight, now the entire United States military and human race wants to fight Buffy and her Slayer Army? Anyone else confused? No, just me? Fine.
Regardless of any possible confusion on my part, reading the comics is a welcome return to a genre I once loved. As a girl, I used to sit in the grocery store and happily read the comics as my mom shopped. I had a whole collection, from superheroes to Little Orphan Annie. But, then I stopped. Adolescence was a big cause. I went from Spider-Man to Tiger Beat (hey, don’t judge; you read them, too). Yet, I never came back as an adult, largely because I felt the genre had passed me by. It wasn’t because of my age, but instead because of my gender. I mean, how many women with breasts the size of watermelons and waists the size of twigs do you have to see before you go, “Oh, I get it; this is just for boys!”?
I thought this post at The Huffington Post summed up the whole sorry situation nicely. Which brings me back to Joss and why he, basically, rocks. In Buffy we have a powerful woman who is purposely not drawn like a pornographic fantasy. This isn’t a just for boys. It’s for anyone who likes strong characters. Plus it’s a reminder that just because comic characters are superhuman, doesn’t mean they have to be suspersexualized.
In honor of the fantastic AfterEllen Hot 100 List (the gay women’s emphatic response to the Maxim Hot 100 List -- oh, don’t get me started again), I thought I’d pick one of the many, many hotties from the bunch for My Weekend Crush. Thirteen of the 100 have already been crushes, including the reigning No. 1 lovely Leisha Hailey. [See them all in a slideshow of hotness here.] What I find most fascinating about the list is the spectrum of what we find sexy. From Sarah Shahi to Susan Sarandon, Queen Latifah to Natalie Portman, Emma Thompson to Sandra Oh. Seems we believe in mixing smart with our sexy. We think great accomplishments are as alluring as a great rack. We want more than eye candy; we want mind candy. Like I said, fantastic. Then I realized, with all the options on there it would be nearly impossible to choose just one. How could I pick between Emma and Susan? Rachel Weisz and Clea Duvall? Jorja Fox and Meryl Streep? So, instead, I picked the whole damn list. That’s right, all 100. Even the ones I’m not so sure about. (Uh, Lindsay, seriously?) Cheers to the AfterEllen gals, who are quite the foxy bunch themselves. I mean, damn, have you seen the brains on those ladies? Smokin’. Happy weekend, all.
Jim Carrey in a movie pitched as “Brokeback Mountain” meets “Catch Me If You Can?” You would think I pulled that description out of a “Mad Libs for Movie Producers” book, but oh no. It’s real. Hell, I couldn’t make up something that crazy if I tried. The rubber-faced funnyman has signed on to star in an adaptation of the book “I Love You Phillip Morris.” It tells the real-life story of Steven Russell, a married Texas family man who goes to prison and then falls madly in love with his cellmate. When his cellmate is released, Russell escapes from prison four times to be with him. It is being billed as a dark comedy with hints of “Bad Santa.” Like I said, crazy, right?
Now, I am not really a Jim Carrey fan. I mean, I have nothing personally against the guy, I just find my humor in places other than talking out of my ass cheeks. But, having said that, he starred in one of my favorite films of all time, “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” So, well, I’m not sure how I feel about this film. Will the gay relationship be the butt of the its jokes or its sincere foundation? Since I haven’t read the book, I have no idea. We can only hope for the latter. But what I do know is this, if Jim is going to play a truly convincing gay boy, he needs to work on that muffin top. Seriously, even in prison the gays have standards.p.s. That “blond woman” is Jenny McCarthy, hence the boobage.