“Freeheld” was a good movie. It was a moving story earnestly told by some fine actors. To be honest, one of the movie’s biggest flaws “Freeheld” had was being released the same year as a beautiful piece of art like “Carol.” It’s basically impossible to compete with the exquisite swooniness of that film. But “Freeheld” is well worth watching. It’s solid and serious and sincere. Sure, perhaps it doesn’t have the most scintillating on-screen chemistry you’ve ever seen between its leads. And, yes, perhaps its good-triumphs-over-evil storytelling feels a bit conventional and made-for-TV-movie-ish. But sadly these kinds of – in this case all-too-true – stories of fighting injustice still need to be told. And I applaud its star, Ellen Page, and her seven-year struggle to put the lives of Laurel Hester and Stacie Andree on the big screen. This was a passion project for her, which also coincided with her coming out herself. Which is yet another reason to be thankful for this film. It helped to give us our favorite out tiny Canadian.
All of this is a long way to go to say that, guess what, I have a copy of “Freeheld” to give away to one luck reader. I got sent an extra copy of the Blu-Ray, which along with the DVD goes on sale to the public Tuesday. So I am passing it on to you, kittens. So if you’re interested leave your email (feel free to spell it out without @ -signs to avoid spam, etc) in the comments. I’ll select one winner at random who will be announced on Tuesday. Good luck and happy weekend, all.
p.s. Also, just a reminder, please follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. What? It never hurts to butter up the host.
p.p.s. Oh, also, if you don't mind, add where you're reading from (state or country). I always love to know where folks are from. Makes the world feel smaller.
p.p.p.s. Thanks, all, for entering. The lucky winner is btvsobsessed623.
I'm still waiting to see Carol... and have yet to see Freeheld, but would certainly like to see them both.
Thank you for the opportunity to maybe catch up on my viewing.
mediagirlbarb at aol.com
Stephanie.h90 @ gmail.com
Long time reader but first time commenter! I love the crap out of this blog. It's the only one that is on my favorites and often times is the first website I check some days. Figured now was as good as time as any to comment.
Thanks for taking the time to update and write. I know this isn't your full time job but I appreciate it!
Thanks again! :)
jodi.riccardi@gmail.com I love your blog!
Rare commenter but religious reader here. You're way too good to us!
Your blog is the first thing I open up in the morning.
cami dot joyrocha at gmail dot com
you are DA BOMB
Joining the love fest for you, DS. I love your blog is the first thing I read in the morning
Have a great weekend
Aww I've been meaning to see this! My address is liebchen01(at) hotmail.com.
Thank you!
Hey there! Read you every day. got2bkddg at gmail.com
I couldn't get the ticket at the Toronto International Film Festival. Would love to watch it :D
Hands down, my favorite blog. I've been reading for years! Thanks for all you do. NYC.
hollyesansom at gmail dot com
shan1112 at aol.com
I only discovered your blog last summer - I've been reading it daily ever since.
I meant to see Freeheld in San Diego, but honestly, I blinked and it was gone from the Landmark. Loved Carol.
Love your snark...thanks for the chance!
miss_deb_renee at yahoo.com
Nashville, TN - yes, there ARE gay people here! ��
(I've loved your work for years but I'm a lurker.)
I'm from Karachi, Pakistan
And no, I don't want you to ship the blue ray internationally. I just thought I'd let you know because you asked :)
Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I'm happy this movie is coming to video!
lucy dot s dot webb at gmail dot com
New Hampshire, USA
elle dot elle100 at gmail dot com
laura from north carolina
long time fan of all your work
DonnaNBlitzen gmail
In the ATL
I'm from Barcelona (Catalonia). ;)
Hi Jacqueline from Sydney here
Jacqueline.Tangye gmail.com
Thank you for the opportunity to win and keep your columns and TV recaps coming please
Love your blog and read it daily. Thanks!
daniexj at gmail dot com
And I'm in MA, a very grey outside MA (but at least it isn't doing that thing with fluffy flakes at the moment)
bgreitzer at gmail dot com
From the NJ Shore. I read you daily, Dorothy! (Try saying that fast four times!)
From Europe, if it counts...
Just saw this movie, I think it's awesome, even if Carol is out. We're worth two movies in a row.
morcosnemorcos at gmail dot com
hi, long time fan from all your postings. The Netherlands. MizGarfield at yahoo. com
Another long time fan from Oakland, CA! Home of the champion Golden State Warriors (and the sunny side of the bay, no?) rboitano at hotmail dot com
Arkansas tamurai dot samurai at yahoo dot com
From Maryland :)
I´d love to see this movie! :)
thobuon2001 at yahoo.com in Texas. Thanks and happy weekend.
Hi, cetlj at yahoo.com. Thanks.
From Cape Cod
I am "following" you from Geneva, Switwzerland :)
I can't wait to see it!
GinaMartyn at AOL.com
Yup, old school, swear I'm not a spammer. Snowing here in Boulder CO, your blog keeps me warm!
It would be great to get the dvd, If not just sending you best wishes from Russia!))
connaction24 at gmail dot com
I sure hope to see it!
All the way from New Zealand :) adtaaffe@gmail.com
Can't wait to see this movie, thanks!
great movie
from Rotterdam Holland ;-)
Hey there Snarker!
I read you every morning here in Boston (ok, sometimes it's early afternoon). I've enjoyed reading all your articles, recaps, tweets and anything else you've cared to post. Keep up the great work. shall(at)hbr.org
Reading your blog has been part of my daily routine for years now...so long in fact, I don't even remember how I happened upon this site in the first place. But I'm very glad I did. Reading insightful posts written by smart, witty women is time well spent, after all.
Also, this might be off topic, but I'm not sure what I'll do without your Rizzles recaps over at afterellen after the series comes to an end. I wish you could just continue writing recaps for imaginary episodes... which would be what the kids today call fanfiction, I guess. If it comes with a snarkeresque approach, however, I would definitely read it. :)
Greetings from Germany,
Would love to win this.
I visit your blog daily and have been doing so for years. Also loved your writings over on After Ellen back in the day.
I live in Germany.
Best regards,
All the way from Australia! :D
joycey1234 yahoo.com.au
I hail from Montreal, Canada. Long time daily reader.
Loyal reader from Brazil. Mayz211(at)hotmail.com
pennylynnscott at gmail.com
Middle of nowhere, Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey Dorothy, I have been reading your blog for many years. Currently reading from Brussels, Belgium. I would love to see Freeheld soon! But trying to ship the DVD is not worth it because private parcels almost never arrive with the Belgian post..
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