Friday, May 03, 2024

My Weekend Crush

To be the first anything is both a gift and a burden. And, all too often, it’s also long overdue. All through award season we watched Lily Gladstone so gracefully carry the gift/burden of being the first-ever actor from an Indigenous American tribe to be nominated for an Oscar. To be asked the exact same questions over and over. To be asked to represent an entire people, over and over. Yet Lily never blinked, never cracked. And now she is forging ahead with not one, not two, but THREE queer roles as her follow up to the Oscars. Like, if you can’t like that then why are you reading this blog? Lily – who identifies as LGBTQ+ and uses she/they pronouns – can be seen currently in the Hulu true-crime adaptation series “Under the Bridge,” where she plays a cop who gets involved with a reporter played by Riley Keough (a.ka. Elvis Presely’s grandaughter). And, uh, they’re really and truly gay together.

It was just announced she’ll start filming on the new, even gayer remake of 1993’s “The Wedding Banquet.” I saw that movie back in the day, and it was an early queer classic from the great Ang Lee. The remake will have the same basic premise – a gay male couple pretends one of them is marrying a woman to appease his strict Asian family – but add a lesbian couple played by Lily and Kelly Marie Tran (from the last “Star Wars” trilogy). Bowen Yang will also star as one half of the gay male couple at the film’s center. So, you know, exciting and very gay.

And finally, Lily will also appear in the critically acclaimed “Fancy Dance,” which will premiere on Apple+ June 28. The film from newcomer Erica Tremblay follows an aunt (played by Gladstone) who looks over her niece after her sister’s disappearance. Her character is described as a “queer 30-ish scammer,” which hello. The film got raves at Sundance and SXSW last year, so I am seated to say the least. But, truly, I couldn’t be more impressed with the very queer career trajectory that Lily has carved out for herself post Oscars. The gift and burden of being first never truly goes away, but the best you can be is yourself. And Lily has shown through her work and her advocacy exactly who she is. And that, well, that’s the gift to all of us. Happy weekend, all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Was really hoping you’d address this. She’s also the best part of Certain Women, and reads as queer in that role as well.