So it's A Day Without A Woman Day. We are being encouraged to wear red, not engage in paid and/or unpaid work if possible and not spend money unless at small, woman or minority-owned businesses. So here I am doing my part.
And, to put you in the mood, here is a fella singing a little strike music for you. Enjoy, ladies. See you on the flips side.
I'm working since I work in an all-female company (yes, zero men except some independent contractors) but I'll wear red to the office today
I work in public education for a school with at risk and minority youth. I did need to work, but I wore red and after a long day I bought dinner at my favorite BBQ joint that is co-owned by a wife and husband...and appalled by the mess our country is in now. So glad, to see that supporting their business on that day was part of the plan!
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