And then you dig a little deeper and Tasya knows Michelle Rodriguez. And out supermodel Tasha Tilberg. And, of course, back to Kate. Following the rabbit hole of who knows who and how and when in Hollywood is curiouser and curiouser than Alice could have ever imagined. And so the circle goes on and on.
I’m not very familiar with Amber, other than that she is a very pretty young woman. While she has starred in the “Pineapple Express” and “Zombieland,” the only thing I recall ever seeing her in was an episode of “Criminal Minds” where, interestingly, her crazed stalker was a woman. But she is a welcome addition to what I hope will be a new and expectation defying wave of young gay Hollywood stars. While they’ve been out and about for what appears to be years (or at the very least known each other for years), the couple really made a splash appearing last week at the Prop. 8 rally hand-in-hand with some really fantastic signs.
A year ago Amber told Details:
“I’m open to whoever. I think it is absurd to assume that I have to look in a certain category. A person should make choices—about who they want to marry, who they want to spend time with, who they want to fuck—based on a variety of options, and I hope that one day people will be more open-minded about that. It’s silly to look in one category or another. I would never imagine a mate based on a certain sex or race.”
Of course, actresses saying they’re “open to whoever” is one thing. Having a real girlfriend that you walk the dog with and go to protests with and pose for sexy photoshoots with that’s another.
Next for Amber is the Johnny Depp take on Hunter S. Thompson’s “The Rum Diaries.” The whole thing should be gorgeous because it has Johnny and Amber and is set in 1960s Puerto Rico . I have already put it on my “To Do” list. It makes a difference when someone is out, open, honest. Each person, every time. And so the circle expands.
And if she's not already awesome enough, check out her wheels.
I don't really understand the link between Kate M. and Tasha Tilberg???
This is great. I love hearing about bold, smart (and let's face it, totally sexy) gay women making their marks in different yet related fields.
No idea who she is, but still glad she's out and about! Once again, thanks for the illumination, Ms. Snarker.
OMFG I just checked out both their websites-- awestruck. I really have no words and I'm a poet.The photos are truly stellar!
Has AfterEllen ever done a piece on lesbian artist?
Yes! Amber Heard and Tasya Van Ree are now officially my favorite lesbian couple. Awesomeness. A beautiful young actress and her artist girlfriend out on the the street fighting for gay rights. How can you not love it? Thank you for this very enjoyable, inspiring profile.
And Syd: yes, the ride alone would make you think she's a cool person, even without knowing the rest of her story.
CA: the "link" is that both Kate and Tasha were photographed by Tasya.
Ok so if I'm not making any mistake here is the circle:
"The photos were taken by lesbian photographer Tasya van Ree. Who happens to be dating actress Amber Heard.And then you dig a little deeper and Tasya knows Michelle Rodriguez. And out supermodel Tasha Tilberg. And, of course, back to Kate. "
Kate shot by Tasya
Tasya dates Amber
Tasya knows Michelle and Tasha
Michelle and Tasha have been on pictures done by Tasya.
Tasya also did pictures of Kate.
If it's right, then there is no direct link between Kate and Michelle and between Kate and Tasha, the only thing they have in commun is the pix done by Tasya. If so, this is not a circle in the first common way of thinking.
Not criticizing anything, just trying to clear things a bit!
CA: How old are you?
Fuck these perverts.
Anonymous- I would if I could, trust.
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