So, clearly, it’s a Tuesday. And, yes, Tuesdays are for tank tops. But sometimes a gal needs to mix things up a bit. I figure other articles of clothing should be allowed to stop by every now and then for a visit. Like a timeshare of hotness. So today, the humble tank top makes way for the elegant trench coat. The iconic piece of clothing is as practical as it is promising. That great promise, of course, is simple: That there will be only smooth skin and sin waiting underneath. For example, on Naomi Watts the trench says both a) I’m wearing a jacket in case things get nippy on our car ride and b) I’m wearing nothing underneath to ensure things get nipply after our ride. See, change can be good, or bad – in the someone has been a very, very bad girl sense.

Mariska Hargitay

Kate Winslet

Anna Torv
Just ignore Joshua Jackson, I do on “Fringe” anyway.
Megan Fox

Jessica Capshaw

Jodie Foster
See, you’ve forgotten all about dumb old tank tops already.
Is it wrong that I almost like trench coats more than tank tops? There are some really stellar promo shots ABC did of my girlfriend Dana Delany with her in a short, red trench, fishnets and heels... It is, of course, the wallpaper on my desktop. I highly suggest you track 'em down. :)
Remembered what a hard time I had finding the pictures in the first place... decided it would be kinder to help you out ;) :
DS - you just made my whole day. I'll take a sexy trench instead of a tank top any day!
I'm wearing a trench coat today!!
I applaud Trench Coat Tuesday!!
Keep it on the calendar!
o, it's very refreshing! thank you~~
I like the first pic, the person, the coat, and the car
looks perfect!
i'll buy.
anyway, i think i read somewhere that trench coat
first time made for army. i'm not sure is it true or not, so why it's related with sexy thing? i don't understand.
and i saw yesterday very old drama, you know
bionic woman and thought that do they have
like this time, plastic surgery? or jamie is just natural beauty?
i mean the surgery help in some way but
when you watch tv, there is not that many beautiful people, something artificial and kind of you know democratize beauty.
good thing is don't need to only beauty people
show up on tv, but just questioning yesterday,
the drama need patient cus it made long time
ago, but people look better in some sense.
ds, lost has lots of tank top people!
just in case. :)
"Just ignore Joshua Jackson..."
Hey, if you don't want him, this straight girl will take him off your hands, no problem. :)
That said, the ladies in trench coats are quite nice. I've wanted one for years. (Darn Highlander.)
Dear Pc.D dorothy,
i think i did comment well like roubini,
my plan was being critical as a pop culture roubini~
i don't know him well but i read that he's very
negative, and critical about economic things.
so i just borrow the attitude for pop culture.
if you don't like the role then, i will quit.
trench coat looks great ds,
and nipple things are sexy enough.
so you're point is try to use imagination, right?
to see underneath the gentle cover, in this case
trench coat.
i think the concept is very artistic.
you know.
by pop culture Roubini
(Pc.D is pop culture doctoral degree that you're already have. It counts by passionate work such as
pop culture critic, writing, and long years labor,
and fans comments, winner medal:you already have two like nobel pop culture prize, deep understanding about pop culture and life long study)
he's yogurt guy.
there will be people who might want him.
i like strawberry yogurt.
roubini again,
i can't sleep well today.
I agree with Kate winslet caption :D followed you. thanks for being gay :) i love gay anything!
Oh impossible to choose - so please keep tank tops and the coats for our future happiness :)
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