Monday, March 31, 2008
Here’s the thing, I don’t watch “Battlestar Galactica.” Like, at all. Like, ever. No kidding, I haven’t watched even one episode. It’s not that I’m not interested. Outer space. Killer robots. Tough chicks. Heck, what’s not to like? And it’s not like I haven’t already been told by a million folks what a frakking idiot I am for not watching. But it’s just that with three seasons already in the bag and the final one about to start, I simply don’t have the time to catch up. And the thought of playing all that catch up makes me, quite frankly, really tired. There are a lot of show like BSG I probably would love but never started and now -- unless my amount of free time suddenly, magically multiplies exponentially -- won’t get around to in the near or even not-so-near future. Shows like “Lost.” Shows like “Weeds.” Shows like (don’t throw things at me, ladies) “Bad Girls.”
But I really feel like I’m missing out on something with BSG. And not just because of photoshoots like these. OK, fine -- these photoshoots help.So, my dilemma is this -- how can I catch up? Should I go with Option A: Give up what little sleep I still get and marathon the previous seasons so I can watch along with the new season when it starts Friday (yes, I realize mathematically it’s probably impossible to catch all the way up before Friday). Or Option B: Not bother now and when I finally retire at the Social Security-sanctioned age of 95, catch up via a television chip implant which by that time will be as outdated as the 8-track is today but, whatever, I’m an old bitty (’cause I’m also small) biddy and I don’t need that new-fangled stuff.
Or, I perhaps I should just go with Option C: Watch “Battlestar Galactica in 8 Minutes” and then be all set.
Option A, always option A. And you WILL make it. You must. (:
i started th first season last year and then i heard it was going to be 4 seasons so i decided to stop watching and then in the summer when there is no good tv ,i can take the time and watch all 4 season in my own time and not in a marathon.
I agree with both Sarah and Liza! lol First, summer is a great time of the year to catch up on previous seasons. Second, Weeds is a great one to *easily* catch up on as it is a half hour show. You can watch a whole in just a few days. Trust me, I speak from experience. Plus MLP is the original MILF.
Hmmm. Three seasons of BSG in four days? As a self-proclaimed expert in marathon DVD watching I'd say that is a great challenge, however, it is near impossible unless you take the whole week off ;-)
Lurker Jess here- I have been a proponent of waiting until a series is over, then watching it at my liesure. I'd go that way, then no pressure. The angst and hot chicks will still be at full strength in that format, after all :) Also, I wanted to take this moment to thank you for all the tank top Tuesday eye candy. YUM.
Option A, all the way! You can give yourself a little time and tivo season 4's first few episodes. Will it help if I tell you that Starbuck wears tanks? Two of them. Twice as hot! I did the same thing after season 2 when I found out Lucy Lawless was going to be on the show. You'd be surprised at how much BSG you can fit into your work day! You won't be sorry!
Just FYI, I think the term you were looking for was "old biddy," not "old bitty."
Re: your dilemma, tough call. BSG has always sounded a bit too gritty and dark for my tastes, but if that isn't a deterrent, I'd say go for it, because by all reports it's an excellent show. Who needs sleep?
That 8 minute update is a howl! But, just like any condensed version (including Campbell's soup), it lacks all nuance. Option A is you're only choice...or you could just go into the new season blind and navigate entirely by instinct. It's how I do my taxes every year.
Last year I bought a video ipod to use while traveling. I also bought season 1 of Battlestar Galactica to go with it.
Self-control, what? I ended up watching 50 episodes in 12 days (season 1 - season 3). I watched all of the season three episodes over a weekend - in a row. 16 hours straight. I'm not proud. It just sort of...happened.
1) I think aiming to watch all three seasons this week is totally achievable, but you'd have to limit your activities to the basics like, um, feeding and relieving yourself.
2) I learned that watching so many episodes in a row lead me to irrationally pick on, or get annoyed with certain characters. (That’s right; I’m talking to you two, Mr. Watery Eyes Gaius and Ms. The concept of inflection confounds me Six!). Don’t get me wrong, I love them both but I’ve learned that I require doses of them at greater intervals.
You might also lose the ability to have a normal conversation with people for a little while.
"How are you?" "Pretty good...so hey, have you seen this awesome show Battlestar Galactica?" "insert lopsided conversation during which you expound on the wonderful world of BSG while you fail to notice the other person's glazed eyes and unresponsiveness."
In summary, you should start with season 1 and see what happens. If you’re totally into it, you’ll MAKE time to watch the rest of the episodes. You can catch season 4 repeats until you’re caught up.
I'll have to say option A is the best choice. Believe me. I went through the same dilemma two years ago. I had the flu, and an evil, evil friend brought over soup and the BSG pilot. I then proceeded to devour every episode I could find online. (yes, I've seen them all. Multiple times) And I now foam at the mouth for the new ones. I don't watch TV. I don't even own a TV. But I NEED to see it! I need it! On second thought, maybe you should just avoid it altogether. It's an evil addiction. But soooo good.
With all due respect to Weeds, (which I love dearly, and you should totally watch soon), BSG kicks infinite ass. Seriously, it's like the West Wing (the good years) in space. It gives me that funny feeling in my chest sometimes, it's such a good show. And, of course, there's Starbuck. Ridiculous hot.
So my opinion is, no matter when you watch it -- this week, this summer, whenever -- just watch it.
Really.. you really need to watch it. You HAVE missed out on something. I'm very retentive about my shows and this show is probably the best show I have ever seen. The writing is amazing, the continuity, the 'omfg I totally didn't see that coming' bits, all the powerful women..
It kicks so much ass. But it is something you just can't pick up and watch. You have to start with the mini series! The mini series starts out a bit slow then picks up. I love this frickin show.
Weeds is dumb and Bad Girls.. only good until the end of season 3.
Dorothy, I just had the mutherfrakkin' marathon of all marathons this month and watched all three seasons. And you know what? It didn't feel like work at all. It's tight storytelling and the ladies are easy on the eyes. And Mary McDonnell as the president of the colonies? I heart her more with every line she delivers. And my disclaimer is that I'm not one for scifi. This was worth it. Just my $0.02
Option A, always option A. And you WILL make it. You must. (:
Option A, THEN watch the 8 minutes because it is hilariously true.
i started th first season last year and then i heard it was going to be 4 seasons so i decided to stop watching and then in the summer when there is no good tv ,i can take the time and watch all 4 season in my own time and not in a marathon.
If you are going to catch up on any of those shows, let me tell you that it should really, really, REALLY be Weeds.
I was sick last week and spent the time watching all four seasons. It was totally and completely worth it.
And c'mon - how can you beat Mary-Louise Parker?
I agree with both Sarah and Liza! lol First, summer is a great time of the year to catch up on previous seasons. Second, Weeds is a great one to *easily* catch up on as it is a half hour show. You can watch a whole in just a few days. Trust me, I speak from experience. Plus MLP is the original MILF.
Hmmm. Three seasons of BSG in four days? As a self-proclaimed expert in marathon DVD watching I'd say that is a great challenge, however, it is near impossible unless you take the whole week off ;-)
Lurker Jess here-
I have been a proponent of waiting until a series is over, then watching it at my liesure. I'd go that way, then no pressure. The angst and hot chicks will still be at full strength in that format, after all :)
Also, I wanted to take this moment to thank you for all the tank top Tuesday eye candy. YUM.
Option A, all the way! You can give yourself a little time and tivo season 4's first few episodes. Will it help if I tell you that Starbuck wears tanks? Two of them. Twice as hot!
I did the same thing after season 2 when I found out Lucy Lawless was going to be on the show. You'd be surprised at how much BSG you can fit into your work day! You won't be sorry!
Works for me!
Just FYI, I think the term you were looking for was "old biddy," not "old bitty."
Re: your dilemma, tough call. BSG has always sounded a bit too gritty and dark for my tastes, but if that isn't a deterrent, I'd say go for it, because by all reports it's an excellent show. Who needs sleep?
4 days of non stop Starbuck might give you a heart attack. Just don't wait until you're 95.
That 8 minute update is a howl! But, just like any condensed version (including Campbell's soup), it lacks all nuance.
Option A is you're only choice...or you could just go into the new season blind and navigate entirely by instinct. It's how I do my taxes every year.
I love those 8 min recaps! The lost one was great too! Bring on season 4!!
Netflix the miniseries and season 1. If those work for you, you'll find that you can't do anything else until you're caught up.
At some point, you'll come to an episode called Black Market. There is no need to watch it...ever.
Yeah I agree... Weeds is way more worth your time.
Though I do love my sci fi...
Last year I bought a video ipod to use while traveling. I also bought season 1 of Battlestar Galactica to go with it.
Self-control, what? I ended up watching 50 episodes in 12 days (season 1 - season 3). I watched all of the season three episodes over a weekend - in a row. 16 hours straight. I'm not proud. It just sort of...happened.
1) I think aiming to watch all three seasons this week is totally achievable, but you'd have to limit your activities to the basics like, um, feeding and relieving yourself.
2) I learned that watching so many episodes in a row lead me to irrationally pick on, or get annoyed with certain characters. (That’s right; I’m talking to you two, Mr. Watery Eyes Gaius and Ms. The concept of inflection confounds me Six!). Don’t get me wrong, I love them both but I’ve learned that I require doses of them at greater intervals.
You might also lose the ability to have a normal conversation with people for a little while.
"How are you?"
"Pretty good...so hey, have you seen this awesome show Battlestar Galactica?" "insert lopsided conversation during which you expound on the wonderful world of BSG while you fail to notice the other person's glazed eyes and unresponsiveness."
In summary, you should start with season 1 and see what happens. If you’re totally into it, you’ll MAKE time to watch the rest of the episodes. You can catch season 4 repeats until you’re caught up.
Option A.
So say we all.
I'll have to say option A is the best choice. Believe me. I went through the same dilemma two years ago. I had the flu, and an evil, evil friend brought over soup and the BSG pilot.
I then proceeded to devour every episode I could find online. (yes, I've seen them all. Multiple times) And I now foam at the mouth for the new ones. I don't watch TV. I don't even own a TV.
But I NEED to see it! I need it!
On second thought, maybe you should just avoid it altogether. It's an evil addiction. But soooo good.
huh? what?
oh i'm sorry, i was too busy staring at the megahot pic of starbuck to actually notice there was a post.
so ahem...yeah...what more motivation do you need for an option a marathon than that one big megahot reason right there at the top of your post?
You didnt just dog the British Bad Girls show, did you? It is great television.
With all due respect to Weeds, (which I love dearly, and you should totally watch soon), BSG kicks infinite ass. Seriously, it's like the West Wing (the good years) in space. It gives me that funny feeling in my chest sometimes, it's such a good show. And, of course, there's Starbuck. Ridiculous hot.
So my opinion is, no matter when you watch it -- this week, this summer, whenever -- just watch it.
(You haven't seen Bad Girls? Oh, girl.)
Really.. you really need to watch it. You HAVE missed out on something. I'm very retentive about my shows and this show is probably the best show I have ever seen. The writing is amazing, the continuity, the 'omfg I totally didn't see that coming' bits, all the powerful women..
It kicks so much ass. But it is something you just can't pick up and watch. You have to start with the mini series! The mini series starts out a bit slow then picks up. I love this frickin show.
Weeds is dumb and Bad Girls.. only good until the end of season 3.
I'm going to have to rethink my one-way love affair with you after your "Lost" comment. How could you break my heart this way???
Dorothy, I just had the mutherfrakkin' marathon of all marathons this month and watched all three seasons. And you know what? It didn't feel like work at all. It's tight storytelling and the ladies are easy on the eyes. And Mary McDonnell as the president of the colonies? I heart her more with every line she delivers. And my disclaimer is that I'm not one for scifi. This was worth it. Just my $0.02
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