Ms. Snarker is taking a much-needed vacation. A girl can get exhausted from all that snark. I'll be back next Wednesday. Cheers.
So, I've always considered Kelly Clarkson the most talented and refreshing of the American Idol victors. And, staged or not, this "impromptu" performance by her, the lead singer of Yellowcard (whose name is Ryan Key and whose new occupation is apparently Kelly Clarkson's boyfriend) and the hair band Metal Skool is fun to watch. She plays air guitar, chugs Chivas and sings "Sweet Child of Mine." See it here. Rock on wit ya bad self, Miss Independent.
(Those) sentiments were shared by longtime Gibson friend Jodie Foster, who, upon hearing the news while on the New York set of her new film, refused to believe it."Someone told me what had happened, and I said, 'That is just so not true,' " she said. When it was confirmed, Foster said, she was stricken with deep sadness that a man she considers "one of the nicest, most honest men I have ever met" had taken such a fall. Although she and Gibson speak regularly, Foster had no idea he was drinking again."Is he an anti-Semite? Absolutely not," Foster said. "But it's no secret that he has always fought a terrible battle with alcoholism. I just wish I had been there, that I had been able to say, 'Don't do it. Don't take that drink.' "
Like Devlin, she does not believe that drunkenness excuses hurtful remarks, but she bristles at accusations in the media that Gibson is using his alcoholism as a "get out of jail free" card from charges of anti-Semitism."It is a horrible disease, and it affects everyone differently," Foster said. "I do not have personal experience with addiction, but I have seen it take many paths in people I know. For some, it is a soft slide off the barstool, and some experience true psychotic episodes."
She points to friends Christian Slater -who has had many drunken run-ins with the law, including a 1997 scuffle with a police officer after allegedly hitting his girlfriend - and Robert Downey Jr. as examples of the personality-changing effects that drinking can have on the alcoholic."Would I have believed Christian Slater, who is the nicest, gentlest man in the world, would hit a woman? No," Foster said. "Or Downey, you cannot find anyone in the film business who does not love Downey, and look at some of his exploits.""Mel is honest, loyal, kind," she said, "but alcoholism has been a lifelong struggle for him and his family." (The actor and his wife, Robyn, have been married for 26 years and have seven children.)
Damn. I just checked out the trailer for Jamie Babbit's sophomore release "The Quiet" and color me impressed. The out director behind the campy coming-of-age lesbian comedy "But I'm a Cheerleader" returns to the big screen with an intense, dark family drama. From the looks of things Babbit hasn't lost her knack for picking pretty casts. The film, slated for limited released in New York/Los Angeles starting Aug. 25, stars Camilla Belle ("When a Stranger Calls") and Elisha Cuthbert ("24").
Belle plays Dot, a deaf teen who is suddenly orphaned and sent to live with her godparents and their daughter Nina (Cuthbert). But all is not shiny or happy with her new family where dark secrets and darker desires lurk underneath. Nina is a popular cheerleader (Hey, Jamie, I sense a theme) with, shall we say, issues. The trailer shows no overt lesbian content, but there are a few splashes of subtext. (Nina's cheerleader friend asks her, "How do you know if you're a good kisser?" They then share a look that lasts a beat too long…) Plus, there is all that whispering Nina does in Dot's ear.
The Hollywood Reporter ran a full feature on Babbit and her new film today. Edie Falco and Martin Donovan also star as Nina's parents. Check out more on "The Quiet" here and here for trailers and other goodies. That's it. I'm sold. Bring on the popcorn.
8/4/06 UPDATE: Wow, I just found a ton of extras including interviews with Jamie, Elisha and more plus several exclusive clips from the movie over at iFilm. Check them all out here. Jamie does, however, quash our little gay hopes by saying outright, "This is not a gay movie." Oh well, we can always dream. Jamie also confirms my own first impressions of the film, namely its mix of "American Beauty" and "Heavenly Creatures."