Friday, September 06, 2024

My Weekend Crush

I consider the fact that “Somebody Somewhere” is getting ready to release its third season a minor, but definitely not insignificant, miracle. That its third season will be its last, alas, can’t even dampen my excitement. This little show with a big, open, wonderful heart is perhaps my favorite show on air right now. It’s definitely my favorite show about Midwestern lives. Nothing much happens and everything happens, and ain’t that life in a nutshell. Knowing I’ll get to return to the lives of Sam and Joel and Fred Rococo et al fills me with so much quiet joy. In fact I will consider it a balm for this election season. It’ll premiere nine days before the election, and be there for us after it as well no matter the result. Though, you know you wanna party with all these Midwest misfits when we win. Happy weekend, all.

1 comment:

Helena said...

Such good news, I really loves this show. Have a great weekend Dorothy.