Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesdays, amirite?

Well, shit. It’s been another week. Some life shit has thrown my off-keel (not to overshare, but The Ex is moving in with The New Girlfriend). Add that to some health issues (again, not to overshare but some carpal tunnel and hypermobility issues in my hands and the continued menace of perimenopause) means I am just not feeling it right now. But I want to feel it again, I’m just trying to figure out the best way back to feeling less topsy-turvy. The ground keeps shifting, but the sun keeps rising. So, I guess, onward. I swear I’ll get back to posting hot women doing hot things soon. Until then, please enjoy my current favorite moody song on everyone’s existential crisis playlists.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, friend. Take a moment, take a rest, we'll be here.

Katherine said...

I appreciate you, Dorothy. Please know that.

Queergirrl said...

One day at a time....the ship will right itself

Helena said...

Thinking of you and take your time till life feels better again - which it will. Your readers all appreciate what you give to us so generously through your writing.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, it's a bit like trying to cross a river on a bridge of slippery rocks but eventually you get to the other side. Carpal tunnel is a bitch too.

Anonymous said...

Going thru something similar myself and it’s rough. Take care of of yourself.

Carmen San Diego said...

Stay strong DS
Carpal tunnel is literally and figuratively a pain

Anonymous said...

Way to Gin Up your flock into making more large scale donations. what are you aiming for now? A Maserati s maybe a Mclaren? or you can join those of us who value our privacy and keep that sh!t where it's meant to be: In ytour private vault or with your therapist

In addition Dorothy Snarker if you think Peri-menopause is a B!tch, I am here to inform you that it doesn't get any better, as menopause can last for up to 20 years.
Meaning just when you are relieved by the notion of no more monthly visits is when female incontinence rears it's ugly head for the next phase of your life.

From the Ghost of what awaits you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorothy,

Long time lurker here and hope you're ok. I usually don't check comments but since it's been a few days thought there might be something in here but with the vitriol spewed from Anonymous #2, I can get why you'd stay away.

Felt like something personal there but just let me say, if you want to use this blog to vent your feelings, I feel like you have the right to. If they don't like it screw them. You didn't ask for anything and the assumption there is more on them than on you.

Hang in there and know that you have supporters who appreciate hearing your thoughts on anything from tank tops to exes to peri-menopause. This space is yours and you owe them nothing.

Anonymous said...

"You didn't ask for anything" YET and the assumption
(Based on Historical observation) is more on them." Just Calling an Ace a Spade, what? Figure it out

Elana said...

Please don't get disheartened by the hateful comment above. I know I come here because this is a personal page. Write about whatever you feel the need to.

Shasta said...

Popping in to let you know that I appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

Long time lurker. Love this site and all you do. We appreciate you 💜

Anonymous said...

Sending good vibes your way. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Snarker, chiming in to send support, strength and warmth.
Better days are ahead,there are many of us wishing you well.

Anonymous said...

Writing about YOURSELF on YOUR OWN blog? No wonder some utterly cowardly cretin has lost the plot 🙄

I however enjoyed how they felt the need to censor the profanities strewn amongst their bile. Think nothing of hurling nasty abuse at a stranger (one assumes) for having the temerity to share their vulnerabilities on their own personal space but couldn’t bring themselves to write shit. Invective is fine, but saying shit is bad… what a weirdo.

Anyway FUCK EM.

And FUCK everything else. Sometimes I think trying to put on a brave face doesn’t necessarily help. Im not saying wallow forever but now and again when it gets too much - go for it. FUCK EM.

Be kind to yourself DS