Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Very Gay Christmas

As all you kittens well know, I’m always all about the ladies here at Surrenders. But, I hope this is also an inclusive space where gay, bisexual, trans and queer men and women and non-binary friends can come to enjoy some of the effervescent joy of the culture we call pop. Sure, things have been pretty serious of late because the culture has been pretty serious. But, things are looking up - and perhaps a little bit like Big Gay Christmas. Anyway, this is a really long introduction to today’s trailer for “Dashing in December,” which I can only accurate descibe as the Lifetime Gay Western Christmas Rom-Com of your wildest dreams. Look, if we can celebrate the first mainstream lesbian holiday rom-com (which premieres tomorrow on Hulu, I'll have a review here tomorrow too), we can certainly give the fellas their moment. Also, I would totally watch this while wrapping presents. What, Andie MacDowell in in the movie, too!


Helena said...

I do not celebrate Christmas , but will celebrate these movies :)

Carmen San Diego said...

Good for the gay men