Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Tank Top Tuesday: Old Guard Edition

“The Old Guard” certainly has an intriguing premise. A team of Ancients who cannot die, fighting the good/bad fight through the centuries and now being chased by what appears to be a pasty tech bros because it’s always a pasty tech bros. I have no idea whether this movie will be any good, but I already know it has Charlize Theron in a tank top sporting an alternative lifestyle haircut and kicking ass. So how bad could it be? Also it appears at least two of the immortals are gay and in love with each other, which is nice, right? Sorry, my romance heart needed a moment. Now, back to the regularly scheduled ass kicking. See you Friday, old and new guard.


Carmen San Diego said...

Immortal gays! So no possibility of one of them ending up dead! Ok count me in

Anonymous said...

And did you see the labyris battle-axe Charlize whirled around? Geez....