I knew Elizabeth Warren was probably going to drop out. She is above all else smart and – for all those big dreams – a realist. She knew the numbers weren’t there. But I didn’t know how much Elizabeth Warren dropping out would leave me feeling so crushed. She is perhaps the most brilliant person I have ever had the privilege to vote for. I am proud of that vote, and cherish the ability to cast it. Sadly, America just wasn’t ready for her – or for any smart woman, really.
I think a lot of women probably felt the same way today. That if we couldn’t get many more men (and, yes some more women) to vote for Elizabeth Warren, then how will there ever be a woman “perfect” enough to get elected president. I mean, it’s Elizabeth freaking Warren. Just listen to her break down a seemingly intractable topic and you’ll feel calmed by the sensible pragmatism and unabashed empathy built into all of her policies. Yes, she really had a plan for that.
The other thing it made me feel despair that the big structural change she championed is really possible in America. Yes, I know, there is another candidate still in the running who espouses very similar policies. But big dreams without concrete plans are just that, dreams. It’s not that I can’t be won over, it’s that Warren made those big dreams seem attainable. Again, plans.
Look, it’s absolutely BONKERS that in our country’s 244-year history there has never been a woman president. Ever. And if you don’t think that’s bonkers, what does that say about how you see the world and the women in it?
If Hillary couldn’t do it. If Elizabeth couldn’t do it. If Kamala and Kirsten and Amy couldn’t do it. Well, who can?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I hate to say it but I think the likeliest way we get a woman president in our lifetime is if a) she is a conventionally attractive Very Conservative Woman, or b) one of the innumerable ancient white men Democratic voters feel safe voting for picks a female VP and then, um, old age happens and she takes over. Deep. Endless. Sigh.
Like I was saying, it’s grim. We can all feel a little down for a bit, I know I do. And, duh, no matter what I am voting for the Democratic nominee in November because I would vote for a can of creamed corn over Donald fucking Trump. What’s important is that we get back up, keep fighting. And, if nothing else, as Liz would say, leave some blood and teeth on the floor. For us, for our mothers and grandmothers, for the next generation and the one after that. For this little girl, and for all the pinky promises.
Reader, her enthusiasm was rewarded #mapoli #SuperTuesday @ewarren @wgbhnews pic.twitter.com/JndzHJKHxq
— Adam Reilly (@reillyadam) March 3, 2020
I want a world where this little girl’s enthusiasm at seeing Elizabeth Warren heading to cast her ballot on Super Tuesday to actually translate to the polls. I don’t believe that world exists yet. But someday, maybe. May we all fight hard until that happens. Happy first weekend of Women’s History Month, all.
When I saw the news last night here in Cape Town , I just thought of you Dorothy and knew you would feel sad about this. It saddens me to every time see how frightened people are of an intelligent woman. Still have a good weekend.
I hate to be the bearer of sad news but the entire primary process is rigged. Super delegates and Super Pac dollars rule the roost and the Democratic political machine wanted Biden.
Biden wins one state (S.C.) and his national popularity rises 7 points overnight ? Did his policies and ideas change radically in 24 hours? This is not a football game. The Machine wants no part of socialist ideas and both Warren and Sanders scare the Machine. Sanders will fall out in the coming months. I saw it last time. Need to get the Super Pacs out of the process.
I was glad to vote for her and she accomplished a lot in her campaign. Including saving us from Bloomberg & Chris Matthews! I still believe in her message of dream big fight hard. I also really respect that she is taking some time to think before endorsing anyone or committing to next steps.
It’s 2016 all over again. Incredibly competent woman with detailed feasible plans who crushes in the debates....gets beaten by a creepy sexist racist old billionaire
She deserved better
Thank you for raising progressive issues, bringing them to the forefront AND obliterating Bloomberg, Liz. Love you!
Wait! Now you claim thT YOU KNEW wARREN WAS GOING TO "dROP oUT"? Wasn't it the other day that you posted that you are "ALL I?" for Warren?
Anonymous, Warren and Sanders never stood a chance. A socialist wont be nominated. Period. Hillary herself laughed at the notion. In retrospect they should have stayed closer to the center. Warren pivoted away from Medicare for All too late. The majority of the people and Unions dont want it. The Unions have spent decades negotiating good plans for their members. You think theres a chance in hell Bernie will get that legislation passed ?
I'm finding it quite hard to avoid the suspicion that a lot of powerful people in the Democratic Party reached the conclusion after 2016 that Hillary lost because she wasn't a man. And that being white and old also makes somebody more electable. That really is the simplest explanation for what's happening. And if there's any truth in that suspicion... well, shame on all those people. Sure, they know that a lot of people are going to vote for anyone that isn't Trump. But other people are going to stay home if none of the choices looks attractive.
why anyone would back the Democratic Party anymore is beyond me. Hillary absolutely destroyed it via greed and corruption and a massive ego trip. And the media plays along. It's embarrassing. She was caught red handed last election! Wtf? She has not a shred of credibility AND is an Epstein asset. Now being deposed. Hope she rots in jail along with her pedo husband.
Too bad you all jettisoned critical thinking for Democratic group think when it came to tulsi gabbard. The only sane choice you had and you all piled on with lies, smears, and absolute bs! Shameless and beyond embarrassing. The democratic machine has been exposed for what it is--- a corrupt, vile, bs dinosaur cowering to the elite and shitting all over the rest of us.
It's all rigged. Voting means absolutely nothing in an oligarchy. Merely a ploy to make you feel like part of the "democracy". It's increasingly obvious with every election. President means nothing anymore. Just a stooge for wall st and the military.
I canvassed for her in New Hampshire and Massachusetts...made phone calls...donated. I am so disappointed! She is so smart, caring, strong...she would have led an amazing administration. Her loss is great, but our country’s is greater. I was there that morning as well (can see myself in those clips)...that little girl was so enthused and I can tell you, the entire grammar school was equally enthused. Kids threw confetti out the window and cheered. It was a moment this adult will never forget and I’d imagine those kids won’t either.
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