Friday, March 20, 2020

My Weekend Crush

Terrible times require us to rise, as a people, to the occasion. May we learn from the lessons from Italy to heart, and may we share their generous spirit. So from the bottom of our hearts, thanks the medical professionals on the front lines of this crisis. And – not to be forgotten especially here in America – may we thank the low-paid store workers who are on the front line of our panic, but somehow still keep filling the shelves and ringing up your purchases all while probably not having a single day of paid sick leave themselves. We have to do better for everyone. And we have to care for everyone. Happy weekend and stay well, all.


Carmen SanDiego said...

I’m so in awe at the strength and spirit shown by the Italians. Really remarkable
In my people coordinated to Go to the windows and clap for the medical professionals at 5pm, let’s see how it pans out.
Have a safe weekend DS, hope you and yours are doing well

Catherine said...

Love the blog and After Ellens website. Keep healthy and keep writing ! Cheers from London.