Fetch us our axe, we’ve all got grinding to do. Look, these are extraordinarily shitty times (To recap: Muslim ban, children in cages, trans military ban, unprecedented corporate tax cuts, eroding LGBTQ civil liberties, vanishing abortion access for all and bodily autonomy for all people with uteruses, lifetime appointments for unqualified and unhinged federal judges, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, willfully ignoring the looming extinction-level threat of climate change, et al). So we need to take extraordinarily aggressive counteraction. And while I’m not saying we should all take up and axe and smash the patriarchy, literally. But figuratively? Get it ladies. Unleash your Inner Joan Crawford. (Or Inner Buffy, or Inner Johanna, or Inner Tahani, Or Inner Emma Watson, Or Inner Rosario Dawson, Inner Tam-Tam, Inner Walmart Lady, Inner Menstrual Tina Fey, et al.) We’ve got some major chopping to do.
I mean, as Det. Rosa Diaz was saying.
p.s. p.s. Just a reminder, this is my personal blog which I have been writing daily for 13 years without any kind of financial compensation and I in turn provide entirely free to anyone who cares to stop and read without any advertising or other commercial distractions. As such, I say whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want. So if any so-called progressive lesbians want to defend conservatism in the United States here, you are more than welcome to stop reading and leave. Because I will never, ever condone the kind of greedy, small-minded, hate-filled and me-at-all-costs thinking that the G.O.P. and conservatism stands for today.
Angie Harmon grabbed a cleaver from the kitchen in "The Good Mother."
Great content for this Monday morning
Are you actually following the various SCOTUS cases that you accuse the Justices of ignoring? Maybe you should clearly cite the rulings, because it seems to me that your posts merely play to its base and are not substantive at all.
As a Progressive lesbian that left my Millennial years long ago, I can assure you that many of your readers are already of your redundant drumbeat of conservatism being bad for the U.S.
Im a moderate old Guard Democrat. I don't believe socialism is the answer. Saying all this, are the times truly horrific? Unemployment is at historic lows, the economy is as sound as its ever been. The majority of the nation is doing quite well.
Yeah, even the regular shitty times call smashing the patriarchy, and things are dire indeed. Thanks for the clear voice, Dorothy.
Love the comment about "the majority of the nation is doing quite well." We're a wealthy country. Relatively speaking, the majority of the nation will ALWAYS do quite well. But as Nelson Mandela said: “A Nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it's lowest ones.” In this case, "lowest" means low-income, trans, LGBTQ, POC, less educated, less privileged, etc. It's not enough that most of the country is doing well.
Also, you know, the entire PLANET is at risk of major environmental collapse, so... not great. #AxeTime
It's sad that you even had to add that p.s. Also, I've noticed that what some people think is progressive, is really just poor communication skills. Also and lastly, this is one of two blogs that I still check in on with any regularity, and it's because you still have something to offer. Thank you for your efforts!
Bit of a busy week so catching up on your blog now. Just want to say thank you for the effort you put into your writing and thank you for expressing so much of my thoughts and feelings and always introducing me to new things. Have a good week Dorothy.
I agree completely. Thank you! - What with all the awful things the Orange turd's administration has has been doing I really needed this :D
Thank you DS! I always look forward to your posts. Starting way back from L word recaps. Much love from Canada. Happy pride month X
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