So my new Women & Hollywood column should come out today. And this time I’m writing about some of the most significant trans women characters in film. Now, I’d like to note that “significant” does not mean “great,” “best” or “positive.” It means significant, as in worthy of attention for one reason or another. It’s a list of 10 film, dating back 40 years. But, unfortunately, I was not able to squeeze in Judy from “Better Than Chocolate.” I always thought it was a rather well-written role for a film that was – let’s admit it – a little uneven. And it was one of the first films I’ve seen that showed a trans woman in the lesbian community. Sure, it was not perfect, and not casting an actual trans woman in the role was one of its biggest shortcomings. (Though, hey, did you know Judy was played by Peter Outerbridge who you may recognize from a little show called “Orphan Black” as the leader of the Prolethean brotherhood?) Anyway, this song was always a favorite because it was a very clear declaration of self. So here it is again for your viewing enjoyment.
And, if you have a chance, pop on over to Women & Hollywood later today and tell me what you think.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Don't Be a Drag
Sunday, August 30, 2015
My Weekend Crush
Well, my apologies for this beyond tardy weekend crush. It has been another classically busy week/weekend. But something this song always makes me feel strangely serene. Mazzy Star also made me feel a tad melancholy, but it was always that good kind of ache. Of course when I tell you it had been 21 years since this song came out, it might be another kind of ache. Happy what is left of your weekend, all.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Evan Rachel Would Dubsmash
I leave you with this.
#dubsmash #firstwivesclub
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 8, 2015
First we had the Haley Atwell vs. Agents of SHIELD Dubsmash wars, and it was good. And now we have Evan Rachel Wood vs. Classic Movie Lines, and it was very, very good. Yes, yes, I know e’ryone (that’s how the kids are saying it today, right?) is doing them these days. But there’s something very charming about out and proud bi actress Evan’s Dubsmashes. And they also prove how good she is at her job because, you know, acting. She has all the emotions, people. All of them.
One of my favorite things is guessing the movie some of these smashes are from. Like here:
I immediately started laughing. #dubsmash #ifyoudontknowthereferencegetout
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 8, 2015
Answer: ʎɹoʇɔɐɟ ǝʇɐןoɔoɥɔ ǝɥʇ & ǝıןɹɐɥɔAnd here:
One more for good measure. 😬
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 18, 2015
Answer: ssǝןǝnןɔAnd again here:
Good night smashers.
#dubsmash #sleeptime #merlot
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 8, 2015
Answer: sʎɐʍǝpısOf course, sometimes you don’t have to guess.
Hocus Pocus:
Happy Saturday!
#dubsmash #hocuspocus
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 9, 2015
A Fish Called Wanda:
#smashed #fishcalledwanda
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 23, 2015
Risky Business:
because sometimes you just gotta say..
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 16, 2015
Fine, this one I’m just including because of the suit:
#Dubsmash #MoulinRouge #OhNoSheIsUsingCostumesNow.
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 8, 2015
She can also be sorta scary:
Night smashers.
One more #thecraft encore.
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 23, 2015
OK, a lot of scary:
Now for a scary one. #redrum
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 20, 2015
But then she sings to her cat and it’s all OK:
Me and my smelly cat.
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 25, 2015
But, seriously, get this gal on “Lip Sync Battle” immediately:
Also, morning ya'll
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 14, 2015
Come on, how can you not love a girl who Dubsmashes Howard Dean?
I am just so excited to start the day!
— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 16, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Domo Arigato, Mr. Robot

So I got into “Mr. Robot” late in the game. So late that tonight is the season finale. While binge-watching the show over the weekend I went through the cliché “roller coast of emotions.” The new series about a mad genius hacker/socially awkward malcontent named Elliott with dreams/delusions/both of saving the world is at times brilliant and at times confounding. Like at first I was confused, and then I was in love and still confused, and then I was really, really in love and confused, and then I was disappointed and confused, and then I forgave it a little and was confused.
SPOILER ALERT: I’m going to be discussing the first season plot in full. So if you don’t want to be spoiled stop reading or just don’t yell at me when you get spoiled.
I won’t lie, I figured out most of The Big Twist revealed late in the season relatively early on. Mr. Robot isn’t real, duh. He is a figment of Elliot’s troubled imagination (and also his late father). I did not, however, piece together the bit about Danielle being his sister, though in retrospect it totally makes sense.
So, it would be easy to say that “Mr. Robot” is a hodge-podge of fairly iconic films and characters. “Fight Club” comes to mind first, obviously. A bit of “American Psycho” sneaks in there. And pinch of “V for Vendetta.” Yet it manages to feel fascinating and original, even with the Tyler Durden-shaped elephant in the room.
But then, in the sixth episode, something went rather wrong. Instead of being this bold, unique look at hacker culture, millennial angst and corporate avarice, it veered into tired trope territory – particularly when it came to its portrayal of women.
In fact the whole episode felt like a big, clunky misstep. The drug dealer subplot, the damsel in distress dilemma, and – worst of all – the women in refrigerators ending. The entire episode was, to put it bluntly, unnecessary. But the writers fell back on the idea that the male leading character needed some emotional depth at the expense of one of the female characters.
Having Shayla turn up dead with her throat slip in the trunk of a car was a cheap, ugly plot device to move our hero Elliot’s story forward. Female characters aren’t just props to help bolster the male character’s agency, people. This show is better than this and, afterward, luckily bounced back admirably. So I continue to have high hopes for the finale.
Dumb sexist lemon aside, what really makes this show stand out is its smart writing and strong acting. Rami Malek is uncomfortably good as always uncomfortable Elliot. And I let out an honest-to-God squeal when I realized the actress who plays Darlene, Carly Chaikin, was Dalia Royce from “Suburgatory.” Also I can’t be the only one who thinks Portia Doubleday (who plays Angela) is a doppelganger for Amanda Seyfried, right?
For all of its strengths one of the very best things about “Mr. Robot” is its masterful use of music. From reimaginings of pop-rock classics to electro-synth beats and even classical scores, the music is a critical supporting character. Each week I anticipate what new musical wonders await. Like last week’s use of the Pixie’s “Where Is My Mind?” Fucking amazing.
So, thoughts? Are you watching. If you haven’t watched, damn, did I ruin everything for you. But, still, it’s pretty worth it.
p.s. Though, hey, where’s the lesbian character we were promised? That quick bathroom kiss does not count, guys. Nope, do better.
p.p.s. Well, damn. Real-life disturbing events have postponed the finale until next week. Nothing like the reality of how horrible things can be butting into a fictional show about how horrible things can be.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Head West, Young Rizzles
This is, quite literally, how I see every single episode. So now as we head into the (almost) summer finale tonight, please join me in watching one more time through rainbow-colored glasses. Looks like this week our Boston married couple will be headed out my way, to California. Cue Jane and Maura’s romantic stroll on the beach.
p.s. Don’t forget to catch up on the entire season with my Gayzzoli Recaps on Afterellen.
p.p.s. Oops. I could have sworn this was the finale. They're always mixing up the schedule on this show.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Political Page
Well, now. In case you haven’t already seen this clip, everyone’s favorite tiny Canadian, Ellen Page, confronted Republic presidential hopeful/professional hatemonger Ted Cruz on his support of continued LGBT discrimination. Cruz, of course, changed the subject to “liberal intolerance” and that old religious liberty canard. When Ellen astutely noted that people used the same tired excuse when defending segregation, he had nothing. Instead he did some prime-grade mansplaining to shut her down by saying, “Now I’m happy to answer your question, but not to have a back-and-forth debate.” You can practically hear the implied “little lady” after he said that.
The thing about this whole “religious freedom” defense is there is a very, very big difference when a not-for-profit church asserts its rights and when a for-profit business tries to say who it will and won’t serve based on personal beliefs. Big surprise, in Cruz’s example of the religious group he said was discriminated against and fined $5,000 for not accepting a same-sex wedding was in fact a for-profit business, not a church as he described it. Businesses have to follow the law. Businesses are not religions.
The political blossoming of Ellen Page as an LGBT activist and champion has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve witnessed in the last few years. And it’s also an important reminder that coming out has wider implications, often including the desire to fight that much harder for our full and total equal rights.
Look, I know she is Canadian, but Ellen Page for President.
p.s. Here is another view in case the ABC video does not work for you.
Friday, August 21, 2015
My Weekend Crush
Aw, man, now I want to be at a Brandi Carlile concert. After watching her family-style video for her new song “Wherever Is Your Heart” I’m dying for a little more. And, I just realized that it has been almost exactly two years since I last saw her in concert. Too long, universe, too long. Also, goodness, how adorable is this behind-the-scenes look at Brandi, her wife, their new baby and all the rest of the traveling band? So adorable. Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Catflap of Destiny
Sometimes, it’s easy t forget that six years ago the “Naomi” episode of Skins happened. And it was so damn beautiful. Naked and brave and aching and just so damn beautiful. No matter how old you were when you first feel in love, this is basically what it felt like. Scary, exciting, SCARY, EXCITING. I’d be hard pressed to think of another hour of television that better capture that universal feeling of finding that one person who makes us feel like a better person, happier, less alone, less lonely. If you haven’t experienced the beauty that is Naomily – or haven’t returned to it in the past six years – allow me to remind you. And may we all find that person to hold hands with through the catflap.
p.s. I refuse to acknowledge and will never watch the bollocky wank shite that was “Skins Fire.” So there.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
As Long As You Love Kate
I could watch an entire TV series of Kate McKinnon impersonating Justin Bieber. Heck, I’d watch an entire TV series of Kate McKinnon doing almost anything. But her Bieber is particularly superb. Like her Bieber almost makes me happy for the real Bieber – but only so she can mock him, naturally. So the release of bonus footage of Kate’s Bieber makes me even more of a Katelieber.
p.s. In case you missed the original Katelieber Calvin ads.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Once I Had a Secret Love
Fine, fine. I’m sold. I am completely, totally sold. Looks like Todd Haynes, the master of elegant repression, has done it again. The teaser trailer for his new lesbian drama “Carol” is making me swoon a little. Or maybe it’s just Cate Blanchett. It’s just all the longing, sweet heavens, all the longing. All those stolen glances. All those lingering touches. Blame it on Martha Mears' and “My Foolish Heart,” but now I simply cannot wait.
p.s. Between this and “Freeheld” perhaps we are finally getting a little payback for enduring decades of terrible lesbian movies. Perhaps.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Hot for the Summer
I won’t lie, I kind of love this song. In fact, it’s my hand-down song of the summer. (But, then, my options were somewhat limited – it was this or the song where the guys yells, “Stank! Stank! Stank!” over and over again or the song where the other guy who couldn’t feel his face.) Now, granted, catchy pop confections are an admitted guilty pleasure of mine. Like, if “Toxic” comes on shuffle I will absolutely stop what I’m doing and do a little dance. It’s Britney, bitch.
But I like Demi Lovato’s “Cool for the Summer” for more than its bombastic groove and undeniable hook. I believe the kids today would call it a banger. But it’s also finally a song about sexual fluidity that doesn’t make me want to gauge my eyes out with cherry chapstick. Sure there are some surface similarities to “I Kissed a Girl” (the Katy Perry fauxmosexual extravaganza, not Jill Sobule’s superior predecessor). But unlike that song it seems to be less about flashy exhibitionism and more in the spirit of genuine sexual exploration. Some may say that is a thin line, but I would argue it is a critical one. But, well, my feelings about Ms. Perry have already been well documented in the past.
One of the things like most about “Cool for the Summer” is that it remains totally pronoun free. So then it works for whatever situation you want it to. Be it a girl or a boy or whoever makes you happy. Also, have I mentioned that it’s just damn catchy? And, you know, pretty hot.
p.s. And, in case you forgot, this is the first, best and - in my mind - only “I Kissed a Girl” worth listening to.
Friday, August 14, 2015
My Weekend Crush

Kristen Stewart may be the most reluctant movie star of all time. This may be because she is in the movies at a time when the public demands more from its stars than ever before. While Greta Garbo may have famously said, “I want to be alone,” today’s celebrities simply do not have that option. There’s a camera in every pocket, a video recorder at every fingertip. The Internet never sleeps, fandom never stops. Now, don’t worry, this is not a boo-hoo sob story for the plight of the rich and famous. Certain jobs come with certain drawbacks, and we all know that going in. Their success also comes with spectacular rewards and unparalleled privileges.
Still the thing with K-Stew is that we’ve been speculating about her sexuality publically for perhaps longer than she has been pondering it privately. When most of us first saw her as that gangly, pale tomboy in “Panic Room,” she was only 10. Now at 25, she has spent much more than half of her life in the glare of the spotlight. For us gay ladies, Kristen has been a nod-and-wink subject of conversation for years. Even if we didn’t know, we thought we knew. She just always felt like family.
So now, in perhaps her most candid interview about her personal life, Kristen has achieved possibly the perfect non-coming-out coming out statement. As she told Nylon magazine:
“Google me, I’m not hiding,” she told Nylon. “If you feel like you really want to define yourself, and you have the ability to articulate those parameters and that in itself defines you, then do it. But I am an actress, man. I live in the fucking ambiguity of this life and I love it. I don’t feel like it would be true for me to be like, ‘I’m coming out!’ No, I do a job. Until I decide that I’m starting a foundation or that I have some perspective or opinion that other people should be receiving... I don’t. I’m just a kid making movies…..Her statement can be seen as inspiring or irritating – or a little bit of both – to those of us in the LGBT community. There is an undeniable desire to have more celebrities come out and say in simple terms that even a great-grandma in Idaho can understand that, “Yep, I’m gay.” There is no more ambiguity when it comes to Ellen DeGeneres or Ellen Page or all of the other famous folks not named Ellen who have come out as gay or lesbian or bisexual or trans or queer, et al. Each new person’s straight-forward declaration of self is critical to our continued progress toward full civil right. In short, coming out still matters.
I think in three or four years, there are going to be a whole lot more people who don’t think it’s necessary to figure out if you’re gay or straight. It’s like, just do your thing.”
So to some Kristen’s non-committal, non-labeling, non-hiding, non-coming out is a disappointment. But, in so many other ways, it’s exactly the opposite. Because I don’t know how anyone can read those comments and continue to see her as totally straight, either. And isn’t that what the gay rights movement has been fighting for all along? The right to just be ourselves – whatever that may be.
Now, I could go on and on and on about this new age of nonchalant sexual otherness. And, indeed, I already have. My Women & Hollywood column for this week is all about Kristen and the evolving politics of coming out. (So, if you’d be so kind, please take a peek and tell me what you think.)
But what I do think is however we feel about Kristen’s sexual politics, it probably says as much about us than it does about her. So when we’re unpackaging what we find problematic or laudable about her, we are also dissecting our own desire for more political capital and/or acknowledging our own projection of idealized heroism.
Just because she was in those sparkly vampire movies doesn’t mean we’re owed anything when it comes to her private life. In the end, we’re all just imperfect humans fumbling around on this crazy big blue marble trying to figure out who the fuck we are. Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Holding Out for a Heroine

Hey, how about a really late and totally unsolicited movie review? It’s not timely or topical. You’re welcome! But it is what I watched over the weekend, so there you go. I finally saw “Insurgent,” which I had been relatively-to-pretty interested in seeing since last year’s “Divergent” came out. While the first film wasn’t up to the level of “Hunger Games” (the dystopian young-adult series it will inevitably always be compared to because we have so few female heroines starring in their own film franchises), it was good enough for me to want more. Plus there is Kate Winslet looking immaculately, albeit one-dimensionally, evil.
But now, after seeing the second film, wow, am I bummed out about this series. It’s not that the simplistic nature of these New World Order future fantasy stories that is the problem. Be it Districts of Factions, we all know the things are gonna suck for society until a hero breaks us all free. We get that, that’s how these things work. But what shouldn’t be part-and-parcel with that storyline – simply because the hero in question is female – is a whole lot of emo bullshit.
“Insurgent” took the focus off Tris’ agency and instead placed it all on her angst. I get it, Tris is sad. I get it, Tris feels guilty. I get it, Tris needs to work through her issues. We get it in dream sequences. We get it in virtual reality simulations. We get it in real life. Hell, she even does the standard-issue cutting off of her hair to show deep personal turmoil. It is the opposite yet companion trope to a woman finally taming her curly hair for a sophisticated new do. Blerg.
Our heroes don’t have to be perfect. Nor do they need to be emotionless robots – regardless of the continued commercial success of the “Terminator” series.” But to take a strong character and break her down into a mopey, bad decision machine controlled by her uncontrollable feelings is not what I signed up for. This was more therapy session than action flick. I signed up for a revolution, not some insipid processing.
And thus ends this totally unrequested, incredibly tardy movie review. Fin.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Pertinent to My Interest

Where my “Person of Interest: peoples at? Yesterday the Root/Shaw fandom did a figurative flip (maybe literal, depending on your level of bendiness) at news that Sarah Shahi would be back as a series regular next season. Sarah has confirmed she would return from her extended maternity leave for eight or nine of the new season’s 13-episodes. Of course that begs the question, what does this mean for the Root/Shaw relationship? IS SHOOT ON?
As Sarah told AfterEllen:
“This is absolutely going to be a romantic return. Root and Shaw should have little Samaritan babies and they’ll just take over the universe. I just had the twins not too long ago and we wanted to find some kind of way for me to come back and make it work with my family because it’s just so much harder. I know nothing about what I’m doing, what my role is going to be. I’m assuming I’m still Shaw.”“Person of Interest” showrunner POI showrunner and executive producer Greg Plageman expanded on that telling AfterEllen:
“It means everything. I think Sarah’s phenomenal. Amy and Sarah are very complementary in ways a lot of people really responded to. Shaw’s character has two personality syndrome; Amy Acker has her own issues on her show—former assassin turned hacker. Two people who have a really difficult time connecting in the world. I think Shaw has come around to realize maybe this is the person for her in the world.”He added that Shoot fans should have “more than hope” about the relationship. But then there’s also a lot of talk about how Shaw could now be – even more – seriously fucked up in the head after being captured by Samaritan. That reads to me like there will have to be some major de-brainwashing that needs to happen before there can be snuggles and slow walks on the beach. Kidding, kidding. We all know their perfect date would be just shoot things together followed by furious making out.
I will confess I haven’t watched regularly since the winter when Shaw was shot/left for dead. But I’ve followed along enough to know she was in fact not dead. So this latest news is more than encouraging. If done right this could set the most wonderful precedent. This could be definitive proof that an established show can, quite successfully, turn fan-driven subtext into canonical maintext.
I mean, if these two – quite literally – crazy kids can make it, anyone can. Are you listening, “Rizzoli & Isles,” et al?
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
No Splits Decision

Serena Williams has gotten a lot of shit over the course of her career for things that have nothing to do with her ability to hit a tennis ball Her confidence. Her style. Her body. Her race. Her attitude. But later this month Serena, already one of the very greatest – if not the greatest – female tennis players of all time, could become that much better by being only the fourth women in history to win the coveted Grand Slam ever. So you had better believe I will be rooting for her to win the U.S. open. See the thing about all that other shit is none of it beats results. Also, holy moly mother of abs, those are some impressive splits.
p.s. Read Serena’s full New York Magazine cover story that goes with those impressive splits here.
Monday, August 10, 2015
That Anne Girl
Whew, just made it under the wire today. It was a kind of crazy, kind of strange weekend and I simply did not have the time to get to my normal post. Please accept Anne Shirley being Anne Shirely as my most sincere apology. Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?
Friday, August 07, 2015
My Weekend Crush

Like just about everyone else on the planet, I’m pretty big into Ronda Rousey right now. I’m actually not big into UFC or MMA or boxing or any of the sports where folks beat each other bloody. But I am always more inclined to care when it is a woman breaking the expected gender mold and doing the beat down. And Rousey is the reigning poster girl for said mold breaking and beat downing. Unquestionably strong. Unprecedentedly fierce. Undeniably unmatched. She has dispatches most opponents in under a minutes. She took out her last opponent, the previously undefeated Bethe Correia, in 34 seconds last weekend.
She is also having a bit of a cultural moment what with appearances in the “The Expendables 3,” “Entourage” movie and “Furious 7.” Granted, none of these movies are pillars of cinematic greatness. In fact they all ride directly down the alley of dudebros who are more used to seeing women as a collection of jiggly body parts. But Rousey is anything but that. She is a singular and sentient entity who will not be even remotely fucked with. She has an Olympic bronze medal in judo and in doing so became the first American woman to medal in the sport. Now her signature move is an armbar where she forces her opponents to submit because a limb is being popped off like a turkey leg at Thanksgiving dinner. The folks at Deadspin and Vox waxed way more eloquent about her unparalleled fighting prowess. But, needless to say, it’s magnificently horrifying to watch.
But, as the Correia fight showed, she can also just knock a sucker out.
There’s also that now famous quote of Rousey’s about how she feels about her body and her purpose:
“That’s why I think it’s hilarious if people say that my body looks masculine or something like that. I’m just like, listen, just because my body was developed for a purpose other than fucking millionaires doesn’t mean it’s masculine.We could get into the gender politics of her statement, but the bottom line is she is happy with her strength and her abilities and her power she is sure as shit not going to let anyone belittle her for them. And I like that, I like that a lot. Happy weekend, all.
I think it’s femininely badass as fuck because there’s not a single muscle on my body that isn’t for a purpose, because I’m not a Do Nothing Bitch.”
p.s. I haven’t seen “Furious 7,” but she fights with Michelle Rodriguez in the film which could be proof there is a higher power in the universe who loves us and wants us to be happy.
p.p.s. I had not heard Rousey’s comments on trans MMA fighters before, and indeed they are disappointing. But I also think it is important to note that her comments appear to be more than two years old. While that is not terribly long ago, it is fair to say that public perception, understanding and acceptance of trans men and women has improved by greatly over the last two years. So I would be interested to know if she was asked again today what her response would be.
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Things That Make You Go Squeee
New trailer! New trailer! NEW TRAILER! Yes, I realize we’re going to start getting a lot more of these as Sept. 6 steamrolls our way. But while they still feel fresh and new here is what I have to say about this one.
1) I’ll never be tired of seeing Kenzi again. Mark, not so much.
2) Hey, look, Tamsin is alive. And so is Linda Hamilton/Acacia.
3) Each time I see him he adds such a weird, yet also welcome B-movie vibe. I can’t explain it, really.
4) *unintelligible squealing sounds*
Some thoughts? That is, if you can do more than squeal.
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
What a Riot
Roland Emmerich breaks a lot of shit in his movies. Think “Independence Day,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” “2012” and that 90s remake of “Godzilla.” Basically, if humanity is doomed on screen, Emmerich probably directed it. Consider him Michael Bay, but with less Megan Fox in daisy dukes. That last part is perhaps because he is also an out gay man. Or, again, maybe he is just too busy breaking the aforementioned shit. Still, given that fact, his interest in his small “passion project” about the Stonewall riots makes more sense. I’ve heard about his new film “Stonewall” in recent months, but haven’t seen much until now. So now we have our first trailer. And I’m not entirely sure how I feel.
Like, I get that he wanted to give the film an “accessible” narrative. Small-town boy goes to the big city to be himself and becomes part of an even big movement. But the thing about Stonewall is it was started by drag queens and trans women of color and lesbians and gay men – together – who were sick and tired of being harassed and abused by the police. And the movement included – and in many cases was led by – trans, POC and lesbian activists. But from the trailer we are once again being guided through history from a white male perspective. And that, well, that is fucking disappointing. A film about such an influential and iconic historical event should make every effort be as inclusive as possible. Erasure honors no one.
But then on the other hand, despite its questionable depiction of the key activists (the film is a mix of some based on real people and many fictional characters), it’s important for us to remember almost 50 years after Stonewall what helped to begin the LGBT rights movement. The equality we have today did not fall in our laps simply because of polite requests. It started as a fucking riot. It started with pushback at oppression. And, given many current parallels to civil unrest in our country, it’s wise to remember that every movement starts somewhere. And passion – often born in anger and pain and just being finally fed up at the injustice of it all– is often that spark.
So, what did you think? Gonna see it? Like its message? Pissed it is not more inclusive? Sickened by the whitewashing? Wish more shit would get broken?
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
Who Ya Gonna Call Out

Ugh, people sometimes. Sorry, “people” is probably too vague. Yes, people are terrible, a lot. Like the asshole dentist who illegally killed a beloved lion. And the vile lady who shot a “very dangerous” giraffe. And the horrible dude who grilled bacon on the end of his machine gun – who also happens to be running for president. No, I’m not talking about those terrible people. I’m talking about the terrible people who would talk shit about a group of famous ladies visiting sick children in a hospital. That kind of terrible.
Over the weekend the cast of the new “Ghostbusters” reboot – Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones – all came in costume to meet with patients at Boston’s Tufts Medical Center and its Floating Hospital for Children. Sounds great, right? Wonderful, yes? No one could possibly think this was a bad thing, eh? WRONG. Wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong. Sometimes my rational brain forgets that sexism exists and then when it rears its ugly, predictable head again I’m like, oh, duh. People are terrible.
So, oh course, after Tufts proudly posted on its Facebook page how great it was for Melissa, Kristen, Kate and Leslie to stop by, its page was deluged by a bunch of dudes who still have their tightie whities in a bunch because an all-female reboot of “Ghostbusters” is being made. Wow, if you can’t let it go long enough to be happy that the days of some kids got brightened (which, by the way, they requested by posting a sign to the “Ghostbusters” cast, who then heeded its call), your life must be incredibly sad.
Please note how no such public outcry happens when the Chris Evans and Chris Pratts of the world (Jesus, Marvel, find a new first name for your lead actors) do similar children’s hospital visits.
Like I was saying, ugh, people. Well the one good thing is each time I see a new cast picture of these ladies running around in their coveralls I get that much more excited for this movie. Who ya gonna call out? Sexist trolls, all day long.
Monday, August 03, 2015
They Flawless
Sometimes all you need is 15 seconds to improve your whole damn day. Heck, maybe even your whole damn week. Thank you Tituss Burgess, Jane Krakowski and Tina Fey for being so “Flawless.” Not a bad 15 seconds to start off your week. Not at all.