This Tina Fey American Express ad always makes me smile. Really, everything about Tina Fey makes me smile. OK, not everything. I get a perplexed frown each time I think about how I’m going to watch her show this season. You see, I’m facing a major TV scheduling crisis this fall. Three -- yes, three -- shows I enjoy will play between 8-9 p.m. Thursdays: “30 Rock“ (8:30 p.m. NBC), “Ugly Betty” (8 p.m. ABC) and “CSI” (8 p.m. CBS -- my affiliate starts primetime an hour early, it’s annoying). I think I’ll watch “Ugly Betty,” record “CSI” and then catch “30 Rock” online. New episodes post at 2 a.m. the next day and since I’m usually (heck, always) still up at that hour, I might as well put my sleep deprivation to good use. Though, after seeing this still from the second season premiere (guest starring Jerry Seinfeld), I’m dying to know why Liz is in, what appears to be, a wedding dress. Dammit, I’m going to have to rethink my Thursday schedule again.

Yeah, I hear you (re: the scheduling conflict), but I think you've got the best viewing plan, not least b/c NBC online is nicer and easier to watch than CBS—-at least that's what I thought last year, when the computer was my sole means of catching *all three* shows.
Have I mentioned that I love this woman? Oh wait, yes, many times...
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