Monday, June 29, 2020

Music Monday: Pose Edition

For the last Music Monday of Pride Month, how about a little love? Sorry, that’s not accurate. How about A LOT of love. Billy Porter and the cast of “Pose” give us this delightful ode to self-love which is just a joy to watch amid so much continued misery. Coronavirus (which is real, even if you don’t believe in it) isn’t going anywhere and in fact getting worse across the country. Racism (which is real, even if you don’t believe in it) remains engrained across our society and its institutions. But you know what? Joy is also real, even if you don’t believe you know how to feel it anymore. And in these full-tilt bananas times when we are facing unprecedented and intertwined crises (including but not limited to an ongoing global pandemic, a subsequent economic recession, a historic movement against four centuries of racism, a unabashedly racist and corrupt government and a fucking Orange Stain in the White House), joy for marginalized groups remains an act of resistance. So joy it up, fellow queers. Let the LGBTQ rainbow wash some joy over you. Love yourself, you deserve it. Happy last Monday of Pride, kittens.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun! Thx Dorothy...