I have a confession to make. A real, honest to goodness confession that may or may not have a direct impact on my lesbian street cred from here on out. Are you ready? OK. I haven’t watched much of the women in prison genre. Gosh, just admitting it makes me feel lighter. I’ve never seen “Chained Heat” or “Caged Fury” or “Girls in Prison” (even though the latter had both Ione Skye and Anne Heche). Nor did I watch “Bad Girls,” despite the repeated berating of my nearest and dearest friends whose pop culture taste I trust absolutely.
In fact I think the only women in prison-genre film I’ve seen is “Stranger Inside,” a 2001 HBO movie offering from out filmmaker Cheryl Dunye. And I watched that just for the lezzy scenes. As I recall, if I can recall a dozen years ago, it was good stuff. Gritty. Hot. Poignant. Hot. Wait, why haven’t I watched more of the women in prison genre?
But now, I have a chance to make up for it. There are not one, but two new series to enjoy with ladies behind bars. The first is “Orange is the New Black,” a new series debuting today on Netflix. From the creator of “Weeds,” the story follows a woman who ends up in prison 10 years after becoming a drug mule for her then girlfriend/international drug trafficker. It’s based on a true story and features bisexual, lesbian and trans women characters. It looks dark and funny and dark and funny some more.
I can’t wait to get home tonight and start watching.
But then there’s also “Wentworth.” The Australian drama and remake of the 80s Aussie soap “Prisoner.” It’s been compared to “Breaking Bad,” which I also don’t watch. But I know people love it. And there’s also lezzy stuff because women’s prison, yo.
Is it just me or does the older woman remind you of prison Martha Stewart. Wait, is that redundant?
I’m not sure my delicate, law-abiding sensibilities can watch two women in prison shows simultaneously. But I do know prison jumpsuits never looked so appealing.
The next Rizzoli & Isles episode, Killer in High Heels, will see Dr. Maura Isles in an orange jail jumpsuit, after she's arrested for murder.
One HUGE reason to get the DVD of "Bad Girls" from UK ... is Wing Govenor HELEN STEWART played by Scottish actress Simone Lahbib. She will rock ur world with that accent. You only need the first 3 seasons of the 8 season show. There more lesbians after season 3 but no more Helen. I bought the DVD's from UK and an international player just to watch it. It is such a good show. She is even more beautiful in season 2 and 3. And one great thing ... There is a happy ending to her story !!
Yeah, I saw that picture and went "Martha Stewart in jail" too
The only thing I've seen of women in prison was that one episode of Xena Warrior Princess and, if I remember correctly, wasn't good...
That streak will break Next week for Rzzles, though
"prison jumpsuits never looked so appealing", come on Dorothy - LOST GIRL!!! lol
I have season one of Bad Girls, if you're interested in borrowing it. I haven't watched it in ages, but I remember being quite fond of the series. :)
Wentworth is SO GOOD because Franky, Franky, Franky, Franky, Franky. And Bea's hair. And Franky. Seriously, though, I was hooked on the show five minutes in and it didn't disappoint. I can't wait for season 2.
You've heard it before but you really should watch Bad Girls - at least, as Anonymous wrote above, the Helen / Nikki seasons. And I agree about Lahbib's Scottish accent.
I haven't seen a lot of ladies in prison stuff, but I've read a pretty fantastic book. Redemption by Sue Beck. Oh my goodness.
Don't know if you know this yet or not, but the main character (Bea) of Wentworth was also the Amazon, Queen Ephiny from Xena...
Wentworth was awesome, I definitely recommend it. Kept me at the edge of my seat.
gotta watch "orange is the new black" because taylor schilling is just scrumptious. i've wanted her to play gay since i saw her in "mercy."
Wentworth looks like Bad Girls Down Under. Where can we see that here in the USA?
Just starting episode 13. Orange is the New Black is fantastic. Really happy it's been picked up for 2nd 'season,' or whatever Netflix calls this weird thing they're doing.
I predict many people will be spending their weekends goobling it up and they won't be disappointed. GREAT TV.
I could say more but that would be spoilery and there's no need for that.
Am I the only one who is SUPER excited to see Kate Mulgrew back in action? I may have had a pretty epic crush on Captain Janeway back before I realized I was gay. So happy to see her back on my tv in any capacity, and then the show is absolutely wonderful as well. I love watching it with my girl :)
I don't know if anyone else feels that way but Piper Chapman reminds me of Ally McBeal a little. The way she speaks and some traits of her personality. She says things and does things without thinking about the possible consequences. Also she gives great speeches when she's angry.
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