Idgie & Ruth, “Fried Green Tomatoes”
Sure, it’s just a chaste little peck on the cheek. But that split second is the beginning. From that moment on, Idgie would do anything to see Ruth’s smile. And we know it, too. And it’s glorious.
Willow & Tara, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (Entropy, S6E18)
[Starts at 13:28]
This wasn’t Willow and Tara’s first kiss. This wasn’t Willow & Tara’s last kiss. But it was the kiss that showed more than just the love between these two women, which we always knew was there, but the passion. This was that moment that nothing else mattered, and they just had to be kissing each other. Right now.
Alice & Dana, “The L Word” (Limb from Limb, S1E13)
Of course Dana can’t marry Tonya. Of course. Because of Alice. That’s why.
Bette & Tina, “The L Word” (Let’s Get This Party Started, S5E4)
Three words: Hunger. Anguish. Love.
Naomi & Emily, “Skins” (Katie & Emily, S3E9)
Three more words: Hot. Hot. Hot.
Camille & Petra, “When Night is Falling”
When trepidation mixes with wonder, when desire overtakes fear, you have a kiss that speaks volumes while saying absolutely nothing at all.
Sure, it’s just a chaste little peck on the cheek. But that split second is the beginning. From that moment on, Idgie would do anything to see Ruth’s smile. And we know it, too. And it’s glorious.
Willow & Tara, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (Entropy, S6E18)
[Starts at 13:28]
This wasn’t Willow and Tara’s first kiss. This wasn’t Willow & Tara’s last kiss. But it was the kiss that showed more than just the love between these two women, which we always knew was there, but the passion. This was that moment that nothing else mattered, and they just had to be kissing each other. Right now.
Alice & Dana, “The L Word” (Limb from Limb, S1E13)
Of course Dana can’t marry Tonya. Of course. Because of Alice. That’s why.
Bette & Tina, “The L Word” (Let’s Get This Party Started, S5E4)
Three words: Hunger. Anguish. Love.
Naomi & Emily, “Skins” (Katie & Emily, S3E9)
Three more words: Hot. Hot. Hot.
Camille & Petra, “When Night is Falling”
When trepidation mixes with wonder, when desire overtakes fear, you have a kiss that speaks volumes while saying absolutely nothing at all.
So, kittens, now it’s your turn. Show me your smooches.
How could you forget Rachel leaving the room, only to reappear, spinning Luce around both literally and figuratively. Falling onto the bed of roses and pinto each other.
::sigh::: Lena is the answer do many times.
Mwwaahhhh!! :) Thank you for this. It made me realise how much I miss Willow / Tara.
Another one for me.... Imagine Me & You.. http://bit.ly/wad4eR
Rachel & Luce.
You need to see this.
I agree with Lisa & Shade, a Rachel & Luce kiss is greatly missed here
Xena and Gabrielle, every single time!
I can't find a decent clip of the "water exchange", but that one. Yeah, it was a cheat, but I don't care.
I have no beef with your choices, but would have included a kiss between Chloe Sevigny and Michelle Williams from If These Walls Could Talk 2
Technically no kiss in this one but my favorite moments between these 2
Just ignore all the Curtis moments *face-palm*
Since the last one didn't technically, I would like to submit this one for contention
Ack. I probably shouldn't try to post from my Kindle. "Falling onto the bed of roses and INTO each other."
"Lena is the answer SO many times."
and I should add that the "almost kiss" after the soccer game was pretty damn hot too.
Where are all the Callie/Arizona moments?? The first kiss in the bathroom, the kiss after the shooting, the milliseconds of kissing in the shower?? I can't be the oinly one thinking this...
I like cry-baby Bette everytime. I'm sorry, I just can't quit her.
She's extreme, passionate, crazy, relentless and cuddly. She's a mess and I want her to come nestle at my breast and make it all better and tell her a cigar is just a cigar. :)
Callie & Arizona in the elevator!!!
And lately also this one: (from min 04:00)
And Tibette's always will be one of my favs!!
That WAS Willow and Tara's first ON SCREEN kiss...Just like the Brittana kiss, fans awaited eagerly to see this at the time.
Sigh, that Dana/Alice kiss. Damn you L Word for ruining everything that was ever good!
It's in the Water is cheesy and campy, but it's always at the top of my favorite lesbian movie list and this scene is partially why.
If you ignore the slightly cheesy music the kisses between Sue and Maude in Fingersmith are my all-time hottest. But it also has to do with context as well. That whole movie/book storyline is hot to me.
Ahem...aren't you missing THE lesbian TV kiss? Xena & Gabrielle
Gotta say, Jennifer Beals does THE BEST SGALGG liplocking.
NO contest, 3:12 seconds.
TIBETTE. 'Nuf said.
"And lesbian kissing is the awesomest", specially the doccubus one! Every Bo and Lauren kiss, from Lost Girl, is amazingly damn hot, too.
Jessie and Katie from "Once and Again". Their first kiss is awfully cute, but so is the simple peck in a later episode.
and this. I will never be able to forget this
oh...I couldn't find a good clip but the hottest one for me was in The Hunger with you know who...mmmm
Nobody kiss like Jennifer Beals....
Here are a couple more featuring the beautiful Lisa Ray and Sheetal Sheth...
...this one, at the end of the video: Terry Farrell & Susannah Thompson in Deep Space 9
I never get tired of this one. One of my all-time favorites.
Enjoyed watching everybody's favorites too. I miss Pepsi!
First of all, in case you won't be bothered to read all of this unbelievable rant that is about to happen..Thank you for this fantastic and entertaining blog, it is thoroughly enjoyable.
But come on Snarker...we know you don't want to, but give the PepSi saga a try already. You are obligated to know this story. If nothing else, for professional purposes :) Yes, I'm putting your professionalism to question here! (Obviously the begging, bribing or asking nicely with a Naya on top hasn't done the trick).
Many people (like me) started watching the story with indifference just to see what the fuss was about, but as you go along, you have a snowball's chance in hell - or Silvia's chance of remaining straight when the super(model) magic lesbian Pepa strode into town and set her sights on her - not to get hooked.
Before you know it, after a few looks, dance lessons a la PepSi, or by the time Pepa gives the "you don't have to imagine yourself with a woman, you just have to imagine yourself with me" -speech at the "magic hanger," Silvia, and we the audience, are grabbing on to Pepa's vest deciding we're ALL IN. There is just something about the chemistry and the way these two look at each other that is just....unique.
(and of course here comes the necessary Sia song video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrnHG1A1FLI)
But concerning the "best kiss," in all objectivity, it must be concluded TiBette/Sharmen etc (in technique and execution) had the best kisses of all time, though PepSi IMO were fantastic and might be the ultimate ship of all time. ( + Extra special points for Pepa -or LS- for the tongue action in the garage scene...ehh, that was...yeah. Where was I...)
I also dare you not to fall in love with Silvia (and Marian Aguilera's subtle beauty and performance -even through the occasional cheesiness and dramedy that was the show).
There is the obvious stunning supermodel version combination of Rizzoli/Shane - lothario - "I've been with 40 women"- leatherjacket - gun wielding - I make everyone fall in love with me, but only have eyes for a certain nerdy forensic expert- lesbian Pepa (props for Laura Sanchez who was really fearless and it was her first acting gig) BUT at some point along the way you just completely fall in love with Silvia who's truly the heart of the relationship. She (or Marian) kinda sneaks up on you...And as you approach the end, you really want to avoid that tragic heartbreak as you know its coming, but you will want to see it just because you want to see everything that is Marian Aguilera concerning acting...and every bit of the epic story.
If nothing else, you owe it to your Rizzoli&Isles subtext writing self to see this Spanish version and maintext deliciousness :) If you can't handle the language, put it to mute or whatever and just witness the magic. You won't be sorry!
Much Love Ms Snarker, your fantastic and entertaining blog is truly appreciated! Just watch the freaking PepSi already, as you have seemingly watched everything else out there :)
But beware; it might induce more tears than Shirley the elephant.
Xena and Gabrielle's 'sleeping beauty' kiss in the Ring Trilogy. Tame, but beautiful and meaningful nonetheless.
And Xena and Gabrielle ? They were the first on a TV show. We can thanks them for what we can see on TV now...
Groundbreaking and what we see on AMERICAN tv, you mean.
In (most of) Europe, the portrayal of same sex relationships has been not been such a tabu (even before Xena).
Just to name one example, there was a hugely popular lesbian couple on a (German) daytime show called Marienhof in the 90s and it was shown all over Europe. They were like any other couple on the show and intimacy shown in very different level- still not seen on American non cable shows, or even in cable shows now that I think about it.
from 7 mins onward (yes its corny as hell! its a soap haha) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFUTH7BL2zM&feature=fvwrel
Why aforementioned PepSi -not just for the entertainment value- is also so important is because Spain is a very catholic country and to have this female couple on hugely popular prime time show was a great thing for visibility.
Check out these great smooches and try to picture this on American prime time... http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=3FGQ9A1k1Wo
It is just mind boggling sometimes to listen/read the "this has never been done before" or this is groundbreaking" -comments coming from the States as people tend to think its the only media that exists.
The truth is out there! :D
Elöise and Asia under the rain...
(from the catalan movie Elöise). Ya, ya... despite the akward ending.
6'15 on...
Apparently not a popular choice, but the kiss between Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci in Monster....the roller rink scene...made me love that Journey song long before Glee took it.
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